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Predicting Northern Lights

Lappeenranta University of Technology CS30A7400 Software and Application Innovation. Predicting Northern Lights. Team 4 Ricardo Acedo de Talavera Alberto López Castilla Santiago Márquez Vázquez (0415520). Need.

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Predicting Northern Lights

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  1. Lappeenranta University of Technology • CS30A7400 Software and Application Innovation PredictingNorthernLights Team 4 Ricardo Acedo de Talavera Alberto López Castilla Santiago Márquez Vázquez (0415520)

  2. Need • Lahti and Lappeenrantareceivearound 350 exchangestudentsfromallaroundtheworldeveryyear, plus foreignmaster’sstudents. • Most of themdon’twantto come back totheircountrieswithoutseingNorthernLights, and usuallythey are eagertoseesome of them. • Manystudentsfromthemeantcities are justfor a whilebecausethey are in exchangeprogrammes , so they do notownany TV or radio. Because of that, they are neveraware of whenNorthernLights are taking place. Theyneedtobeinformed.

  3. Approach • Make people know our product exists creating a Facebook page and a MobileApp. • Sending an alert everytime there is a probability of seeing the Northern Lights. The customer decides what kind of alert he wants to receive: sms, e-mail or notifications with the mobile apps. • To make advantage of our product is as simple as register in our webpage. • Create a new open data from the Finnish Meteorological Institute and combine it with other open data sets, like Digitraffic and Matka, to take the best way to see the Northern Lights. Our best feature: easy and free for the costumer.

  4. Cost • Technology costs:  Computer hardware, computer software (information in XML format), website development and maintenance, servers, security measures, IT consulting. • Administrative costs: No cost. For using the weather open data we only need free registration. • Service costs: client messages. • Wages:  workers compensation.

  5. Benefits • Economicbenefits: Makeprofitout of thesesms and e-mails includingadvertisement. Voluntarydonationfromtheusers. • Social benefits: Our goal is to help those foreign students, local people and tourists to not lose the opportunity of seeing the Northern Lights before leaving Finland, and our service will save their time looking for the weather forecast.

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