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Assessment for Learning

Assessment for Learning. Inger Langseth Program for Lærerutdanning. Purpose of Workshop. The big picture Introducing Assessment for learning Discussing approaches to developing teacher and student understanding of assessment standards

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Assessment for Learning

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  1. Assessment for Learning Inger Langseth Program for Lærerutdanning

  2. Purposeof Workshop • The big picture • Introducing Assessment for learning • Discussing approaches to developing teacher and student understanding of assessment standards • Engaging students with assessment criteria and feedback – model • Ideas for practice • Discussion ( throughout)

  3. Politics UK, US, Canada, Australia: Teaching to the test Accountability Employability Yearofproduction – value US: No childleftbehindstandards&tests Norway: Natonational tests Research UK: Assessment Reform Group Black&Wiliam US: Assessment for LearningStiggins Australia: Self-assessmentSadler Norway: Kari Smith, E. L. Dale. R. Engh, S. Dobson, K. Klette osv.

  4. NorwayEurope Knowledge Promotion National tests Language Portfolio European Framework Qualifications Assessment NEW Kunnskapsdepartementet Utdanningsdirektoratet Opplæringsloven Forskrift til opplæringsloven 01.08.2010 Rundskriv Læreplaner Informasjon Resources NDLA European Council Framework CEFR 2001 Language Educational Policy Profile of Norway 2004 OECD Report 2009 new EQF Portfolioassessmen Alternative exam forms

  5. THE BIG question Why do weneed to rethinkourviewonassessment? • The present testing practice is unfair • Assessment is verymuch a tacitknowledge in Norway • Feedback is not workingproperly • Formative assessmentworksbetter

  6. The nature of the problem: unfair testing practices Exit level ✓ ☐ ✓ ✓ ✓ Entrylevel Royce Sadler,cummulative assessment Learningpaths and grading

  7. The nature of the problem: understanding criteria and level The text reflects a high level of understanding of the topic and clearly/effectively fulfils the purpose of the task. The text clearly expresses what is understood and known about the topic and includes a personal response or opinion. Excellent use of details, examples and information from outside sources. The presentation has a clear introduction and a strong sense of conclusion, while notes and ICT are used sparingly to convey information in an organized fashion. There is an effective use of connectors and transitions to signal the organisation. There is a high level of mastery of pronunciation and intonation and a wide range of vocabulary and sentence structures which aid the flow of communication. The language precisely expresses the ideas of the speaker; mistakes or breakdowns in communication are rare and often corrected, and the language is appropriate to the defined audience. The learner is able to effectively discuss the topic of the presentation spontaneously, using information, details and examples.HOLISTIC description 10 klasse Taxonomy in assessment criteria

  8. The nature of the problem: Feedback problems- students aren’t engaging • Students don’t read their feedback- put it in the bin (Gibbs and Simpson 2002) • or at least • Students don’t understand their feedback (Lea and Street 1998; Gibbs and Simpson 2002; McCune 2002) • Students don’t use their feedback (Gibbs and Simpson) • teachers work hard correcting papers, but • students aren’t engaging!

  9. Formative assessmentworksbetter • Assessmentthatseeks to improvelearningratherthanmeaurelearningworksbetter.

  10. The nature of change: Visible Teaching – Visible Learning John Hattie 2009 When students SEE themselves as their own teachers When teachers SEE learning through the eyes of the student and

  11. Are you an experiencedteacher or an expertteacher? John Hattie 2009 The expertteacher: • Students assess their own work • Teacher gives feed-back and feed forward • Micro-teaching • Student teaching • Higher order thinking – i depth • Takes control over the learning process (intrusive) • Knows the level of all her students • Communicates with the students • Controls the classroom • Gives clear instructions

  12. Metacognition – self-assessment At the end of the day, all that matters educationally is self-assessment. (…) In terms of a specific agenda for assessment and learning, nothing has a higher place than ensuring the development of students' abilities to self assess. (David Boud 1998)

  13. The roleoftheteacher5 deceivingly simple clues

  14. The roleoftheteacher5 deceivingly simple clues • Know wherethelearner is • Questioning, dialogue, classroom taks • Givefeed-back • Feed-back • Feed forward • Explainsuccesscriteria • Aims • Objectives • Peer assessment • Selfassessment

  15. Assessment for learning Where to start? • Understanding the nature of your own practice • Developing a precise vocabulary about assessment • Understanding how to motivate, not discourage students through formative assessment

  16. Active student engagement 3. The Social Constructivist Model Actively engaging students in formal processes to communicate tacit knowledge of standards • 4. The ‘Cultivated’ Community of Practice Model • Tacit standards communicated through participation in informal knowledge exchange networks ‘seeded’ by specific activities. The Future Formal activities and inputs Informal activities and inputs The Past 1. The Traditional Model – Tacit standards absorbed over relatively longer times informally and serendipitously 2. The ‘Dominant Logic’ Explicit Model Standardsexplicitlyarticulated (with limitations) and passively presented to students Passive student engagement O’Donovan, Price & Rust 2008

  17. TRANSPARENCY – school – teachers - parents - students Who are plans made for? ACourseplan – KnowledgePromotion 2006 + GCSE B Term plans – Local plans ★★★★★ Mentor basedguidance– administration C Classroom plans – local plan ✔ Kollegabasert veiledning - colleagues

  18. Concepts Summative assessment: grading Formative assessment: feedback/forward and grading Assessment for teaching Assessment as learning Assessmentoflearning - feedback Assessment for learning – feed forward Assessmentsituations Evaluation

  19. Motivationa priceyoupay? ”Teachers who invite students into an interesting and challenging process, have got a better chance of creating inner motivation ( in-depth learning) Assessment forms which focus on future learning are motivating.” All students must experience: • Real goals • Mastery • Success • Improvement • To be challenged • To be believed in “Jo mer attraktivt målet er, jo høyere pris er vi villige til å betale” Kari Smith; Norsk Pedagogisk Tidskrift 2007 nr2

  20. Motivation - affective filters Mastery +6 5 -4 - -3 - - -2 - - - -1 6++++++ 5+++++ 4++++ 3+++ 2++ 1+ 100 år Grades and commentsalike!

  21. Motivation–languageproduction Errorsmight be a sign of progress OR A SYSTEMATIC MISTAKE Mistakesare not SYSTEMATIC På et visst språklig nivå vil språkproduksjonen preges av språklig eksperimentering og dermed oppstår feil som må betraktes som tegn på fremgang. (Europarådet: Brian North 2007) B1 – student

  22. Motivation–effort Effort Is not part ofthe grade. Weonlyassesstheresultofeffort. Competence I cando-aims Accountability-national tests, etc. Employability -labour market PISA 40 år Howmuchwork do you do? - Whatcompetence have youobtained?

  23. Motivation - responsibility Personalisedlearning Making plans transparent Develop aims and objectives in cooperation with the students Make students responsible Assessementpractices check learning day by day, month by month, term, course Setlearningobjectives - know how to reachthem - assessyourownlearning

  24. Effectivemethods • MORTEN ( assessmentcriteria) • How to develop a plan withyour students • Writingframes • Effectivequestioning • Assessment for learning – vurderingssamtalen Live! • Hot tips

  25. Assessemntcriteria 1 Checklist 2 Rubrics content – language - structure 26

  26. RoleplayMorten

  27. Training! Student text Exercise is somethingthatpeople all over the world aredoing, and latelythere has beenverypopular to start at a gym. Someonetrain to looseweight, others just train to keep in shapeothers to huildmuscles. Exercise is goodthing, youwiII be in bettershape. and youwiIlgetbetterselfesteam. Someone makes money from training, for example as bodybuilders and weightlifters.Weight lifters is an Olympic sport. Personal trainersalso makes monev from training, theyhelpotherpeople to get in shape, manypeopletake steroids as a shortcut to getbiggermuscles. Butwithto much steroids youwillgetsome bad side effects, like bad heart,kidney and liver fail.AlsoalotofAthletics in the Olympics games uses drugs so theygetbetter, butthis is cheating. And ifthey test you and the test is positiv theywiIl bann you.

  28. I can do– student

  29. My name is Tommy, I'm 16 years old, I am studying to be a carpenter. My hobby is boxing. I train every day almost. Some other tings I like is to sleep and be with my girlfrend. I'm boxing because it is the sport for me. I can't see myself playing football. I thinks it is boring. I'm boxing in Saupstad The training starts at 6 pm, and it is 4 times a week, when I'm not training boxing, I train at a gym. When I sleep: the reason why I sleep is becaus I'm geting so tired after school. Then it is good to sleep after school. Rigth now the most important thing is to be god at school and be presis to the class, so I can get a god jobb. In the future iwoud like to be a carpenter because I can't se myself siting in an office. My mesage to te world is to pay atention to the school. Writingframe Othprosjektet Therearedifferingexplanations as to why (how, what, when etc.)……. One explanation is that…… The evidence for thisis…… An alternative explanationis….. This explanation is basedon….. Of the alternative explanations I thinkthe most likelyis….

  30. Whatkindof questions do you ask? • Effectiveteschersuse:(higher orderthinking skills) • More openthanclosedquestions • More complexthan simple questions • Research from England shows: • 70-80% simple closedfactualquestions • 20-30%arequestionsthatneedexplanations, clarifications, extensions, or generalisations(Dptofeducation and skills, England) • It takesabout0.9 seconds from theteacher asks a question till theanswer is given–3s. – minutes is recommended • more: effctive questioning slideshare

  31. Responses – follow up questions Extension Require students to elaborate on the response given to an earlier question. Such questions indicate to the learner that the original response was in the right direction but was not adequate. Clarification Useful when the student’s response is unclear or incomplete. Justification Require the learner to provide rationale for the previously-given response. Useful in providing insights into thinking and reasoning processes of students and revealing errors in these processes. Prompting (hint) Useful when students do not respond to the original question Redirection Used to elicit a variety of opinions during problem-solving sessions or discussions. Planning Use questions to identify learning objectives for follow-up self-study. Pose questions

  32. Day to dayassessment • Effective questioning • Wait time (3 seconds - 3 min) • Check with your partner time • Answer time: No hands policy • Answer time: All hands policy • Effective checking/ reporting/ • Show me when you have learned this • Explain this to Peter, he needs your expertise • Check yourself: blank paper. • Miniboards • Cups – red, white • Log – end of lesson

  33. FOCUSED LISTING Write down as many words as you can related to “assessment for learning.”

  34. CLASSROOM OPINION POLL Do you believe that you will change your assessment practice? Yes or No

  35. TWO MINUTE PAPER Summarize the most important points of today’s lecture. Hand your paper in before you leave the room.

  36. MUDDIEST POINT What is the muddiest point in today’s material? Hand your paper in before you leave the room http://www1.umn.edu/ohr/teachlearn/tutorials/powerpoint/assessment.html

  37. Takk for meg

  38. Delmål relatert til læringsteori /IKT Dysthe: elevene er eiere av sin egen læring! Gruppearbeid - Teamarbeid - Samproduksjon – hvordan vurderes det?

  39. An example from England • http://norwenglish.com/kurs/vurdering/les_metiers.ppt Transparent aims and objectives • http://norwenglish08.wikispaces.com My wikispace – a process

  40. Vurderingsveiledning L06

  41. Academic writing frames Rapportskriving Preliminaries • Title page • Abstract • Contents Main text • Introduction • Methodology • Findings/Results • Discussion • Conclusion End matter • References • Appendices University of Hartfordshire. http://www.uefap.com/writing/intro/intfram.htm University of Manchester http://www.phrasebank.manchester.ac.uk/ Slideshare.com

  42. CouncilofEurope

  43. Progressiv pedagogikk En progressiv pedagogikk krever frigjøring fra lærebøkene, kreativitet fra lærerens side, tilpasning til elevenes interesser og behov og tilrettelegging av elevaktive arbeidsformer. (Imsen, 2003: 65)

  44. Active engagement with feedback Active engagement with criteria Completion and submission of work Actively engaging students with assessment and feedback Explicit Criteria Students The Social Constructivist Process Model, Rust et al, 2005

  45. Objectivescompetencedefined as domenes European Council–Framework: Domenes: personal, public, occupational, educational Domener: location, Institutions, Persons, Objects, Events, Operations, texts

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