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Let’s get to the point seven percent that was promised.

Let’s get to the point seven percent that was promised. One billion people are living in extreme poverty on less than $1 a day. It doesn’t have to be this way. In 2000 world leaders adopted the Millennium Development Goals and promised to end extreme poverty by 2015. 8 goals were set:.

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Let’s get to the point seven percent that was promised.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Let’s get to the point seven percent that was promised.

  2. One billion people are living in extreme poverty on less than $1 a day.

  3. It doesn’t have to be this way.

  4. In 2000 world leaders adopted the Millennium Development Goals andpromised to end extreme poverty by 2015. 8 goals were set:

  5. Progress is being made on the MDGs: Child malnutrition rates are declining.

  6. AIDS deaths have begun to fall.

  7. Debt cancellation has helped.

  8. 1.6 billion people have gained access to safe drinking water since 1990. 1 billion still lack safe sources of water.

  9. Climate change, the food crisis and the global economic crisis threaten to reverse progress on the MDGs.

  10. Rich countries have not kept their promises.

  11. Canada is only 16th out of 22 donor countries in aid as % of national income. In 2007 we were only giving 0.28%

  12. Canada, with a population of 33 million,gives $ 3.9 billion a year. Netherlands, with a population of 16 million, gives $6.2 billion a year.

  13. Lester B. Pearson proposed the 0.7% aid target in 1969.

  14. The United Nations set the 0.7% of national income aid target in 1970. Canada promised to meet this goal by 1975.

  15. But Canada has never delivered. The closest Canada has come was in 1987 when we gave 0.5%. We now give about 0.3% or less than half the 0.7% target.

  16. In September 2010 world leaders will gather at the UN for a MDG Summit to decide how to get progress back on track to achieve the 8 goals by the 2015 target date.

  17. September 17, 18 and 19, 2010

  18. Sign-on to the campaign at www.makepovertyhistory.ca and help make a difference.

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