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January 21, 2009 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

SFBA APIC Chapter Presents A Practical Approach to Compliance with SBs 158/1058 Moderators: Amy Nichols, RN, MBA, CIC Sue Barnes, RN, CIC. January 21, 2009 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Presentation Objectives. Present several best practice approaches to compliance with Senate Bills 158 and 1058

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January 21, 2009 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SFBA APIC Chapter PresentsA Practical Approach to Compliance with SBs 158/1058Moderators:Amy Nichols, RN, MBA, CICSue Barnes, RN, CIC January 21, 2009 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

  2. Presentation Objectives • Present several best practice approaches to compliance with Senate Bills 158 and 1058 • Provide an opportunity for dialogue to optimize best practice sharing • Provide resources and links to assist implementation at the facility level

  3. AGENDA:

  4. Senate Bill 158 *Patient safety language applies to: GAC (general acute care hospitals), acute psych, SNF, specialty hospitals

  5. Senate Bill 158: GAC only

  6. Senate Bill 158: GAC only


  8. Senate Bill 1058

  9. Senate Bill 1058

  10. Senate Bill 1058

  11. Senate Bill 1058

  12. Senate Bill 1058


  14. Senate Bills 158 and 1058Tools/Handouts • Implementation Tools • HCW/MD Educational Tools • Patient/Family Educational Tools • Regulatory Tools • From audience: please email your “best practice” tools and written permission to post to Sue Barnes at sue.barnes@kp.orgfor review by APIC-SFBA Board and possible posting on the APIC-SFBA website at:http://www.aboutinfectioncontrol.com/SubWebs/APIC/Index.htm

  15. CLOSING COMMENTS AND NEXT STEPS • Your immediate evaluation of this webinar is helpful to determine if there is a need for additional webinars (Survey monkey evaluation coming to registered participants.). • Do you need more support? Schedule multidisciplinary efforts with your senior leaders, ID MDs, Quality, Risk, Lab, IT, Nursing and others. Network with your local APIC chapter members. Check out the APIC-SFBA website for additional tools (especially if you submit yours!) at: http://www.aboutinfectioncontrol.com/subwebs/apic/Index.htm • Remember: this legislation is providing the visibility and recognition the Infection Control community has sought for over 30 years! Use this as a starting point. Respond actively to evolving legislation!

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