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Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases: STD 101 for Non-Clinicians

Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases: STD 101 for Non-Clinicians. Developed by The Training and Health Communications Branch, in partnership with the Program Development and Support Branch, Division of STD Prevention NCHSTP, CDC. Topics. Gonorrhea Chlamydia Syphilis Herpes

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Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases: STD 101 for Non-Clinicians

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  1. Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases: STD 101 for Non-Clinicians Developed by The Training and Health Communications Branch, in partnership with the Program Development and Support Branch, Division of STD Prevention NCHSTP, CDC

  2. Topics • Gonorrhea • Chlamydia • Syphilis • Herpes • HPV – genital warts

  3. Gonorrhea

  4. Gonorrhea Gonorrhea • Gonorrhea is sometimes called clap, drip, dose, strain, gleet or the whites • Gonorrhea is caused by a bacteria • Incubation Period: 1-30 days (average 2-5 days) • The person can pass it on

  5. Gonorrhea Gonorrhea Symptoms in Males • Discharge from the penis (may be thick, milky white, yellowish, or greenish) • Burning upon urination Source: CDC/NCHSTP/Division of STD Prevention, STD Clinical Slides

  6. Gonorrhea Complications in Males • Swollen or tender testicles (epididymitis) • Disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI)

  7. Gonorrhea Swollen or Tender Testicles (Epididymitis) Source: Health Awareness Connection, http://www.healthac.org/images.html

  8. Gonorrhea Gonorrhea Symptoms in Females • Painful urination • Abnormal uterine bleeding • Pain during sex • Most are asymptomatic Source: CDC/NCHSTP/Division of STD Prevention, STD Clinical Slides

  9. Gonorrhea Bartholin’s Abscess Source: CDC/NCHSTP/Division of STD Prevention, STD Clinical Slides

  10. Gonorrhea Complications in Females • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) • Disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI)

  11. Gonorrhea Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) Source: Cincinnati STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

  12. Gonorrhea Disseminated Gonococcal (Gonorrhea) Infection Source: CDC/NCHSTP/Division of STD Prevention, STD Clinical Slides

  13. Gonorrhea Testing & Treatment for Gonorrhea • Easily detected by a simple lab test; and • Easily cured with antibiotics; but • Any damage to the body cannot be repaired.

  14. Chlamydia

  15. Chlamydia Chlamydia • Chlamydia is caused by a bacteria • Incubation Period: 2-3 weeks • The person can pass it on • May be asymptomatic

  16. Symptoms in Females: Abnormal vaginal discharge Pain during sex Complications, if not treated: Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) Mucopurulent cervicitis (MPC) Symptoms in Males: Discharge from the penis (may be runny, whitish) Burning upon urination Complications, if not treated Swollen and tender testicles (epididymitis) Nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) Chlamydia Presentation of Chlamydia

  17. Chlamydia Testing & Treatment for Chlamydia • Easily detected by a urine test; and • Easily cured with antibiotics; but • Any damage to the body cannot be repaired

  18. Syphilis

  19. Syphilis Syphilis • Syphilis is sometimes called “bad blood ,” pox, lues, or a “zipper cut” • Syphilis is caused by a bacterium • Incubation Period: 10-90 days (average 21 days)

  20. Syphilis Common Symptoms of SyphilisPrimary Stage • Occurs in males and females • A painless sore called a chancre. The sore may be located on the genitals, lips, anus, or other area of direct contact • The chancre will last 1-5 weeks and heal without treatment • The person can pass it on

  21. Syphilis Primary Syphilis Chancre in a Male Source: CDC/ NCHSTP/ Division of STD Prevention, STD Clinical Slides

  22. Syphilis Primary Syphilis Chancre in a Female Source: CDC/ NCHSTP/ Division of STD Prevention, STD Clinical Slides

  23. Syphilis Oral Primary Syphilis Chancre Source: CDC/ NCHSTP/ Division of STD Prevention, STD Clinical Slides

  24. Syphilis Common Symptoms of SyphilisSecondary Stage • May include skin rashes, fever, swollen lymph glands, headache, hair loss, and muscle ache • The skin rash may be on the palms of hands, bottoms of the feet, or any part of the body • The rash may last 2-6 weeks (average of 4 weeks); it will heal without treatment • The person may be able to pass it on

  25. Syphilis Secondary Syphilis Body Rash Source: CDC/ NCHSTP/ Division of STD Prevention, STD Clinical Slides

  26. Syphilis Secondary Syphilis Rash Source: Cincinnati STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

  27. Syphilis Secondary Syphilis Palm Rash Source: CDC/ NCHSTP/ Division of STD Prevention, STD Clinical Slides

  28. Syphilis Common Symptoms of SyphilisLate Stage • Symptoms may include: paralysis, insanity, blindness, damage to knee joints, personality changes, impotency, aneurysm (ballooning of a blood vessel), or tumor on the skin or internal organs

  29. Syphilis Late Stage Syphilis Ulcerating Gumma Source: CDC/ NCHSTP/ Division of STD Prevention, STD Clinical Slides

  30. Syphilis Congenital Syphilis • A mother can pass syphilis on to her unborn child

  31. Syphilis Testing & Treatment for Syphilis • Easily detected by a blood test; and • Easily cured with antibiotics; • But any damage done to the body cannot be repaired.

  32. Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)

  33. Herpes Genital Herpes • There are two common kinds of Herpes and both are caused by a virus • Herpes I is also called a cold sore, or a fever blister • Herpes II is Genital Herpes • Incubation Period: 2-7 days

  34. Herpes Common Symptoms of Genital Herpes • Small red sores that can last up to 2-3 weeks, and may be on the: penis, vagina, anus, buttocks, thighs, mouth, or finger • Symptoms may include swollen lymph glands, muscle aches, headache, fever, and difficult urination • Symptoms may or may not recur. On average, symptoms can occur approximately 5 times a year

  35. Herpes Genital Herpes in a Male Source: CDC/NCHSTP/Division of STD, STD Clinical Slides

  36. Herpes Herpes in a Male Source: Cincinnati STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

  37. Herpes Herpes in a Female Source: CDC/NCHSTP/Division of STD, STD Clinical Slides Source: Cincinnati STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

  38. Herpes You can get herpes anywhere . . . Source: Cincinnati STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

  39. Herpes Herpes Complications • If not treated in adults Genital Herpes may cause stress and pain • Lethal to neonates

  40. Can be detected by culturing the lesion Symptoms can be treated with prescribed medications Herpes cannot be cured You can still spread Herpes even if you are taking medicine! Herpes Testing & Treatment for Genital Herpes

  41. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genital Warts

  42. HPV Human Papillomavirus(commonly called Genital Warts) • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is also known as “venereal warts” • Genital Warts are caused by a virus • Incubation Period: 3 weeks—9 months • HPV infection is causally associated with cervical cancer and probably other anal, penile, vulvar, vaginal cancers • Over 99% of cervical cancers have HPV DNA detected within the tumor

  43. HPV Common Symptoms of Genital Warts in Males & Females • The symptoms may include single or multiple fleshy growths around the penis, vagina, anus, urethra • They may also include: itching, bleeding, or burning, and pain • The symptoms may recur from time to time

  44. HPV Genital Warts in a Male Source: CDC/ NCHSTP/ Division of STD Prevention, STD Clinical Slides Source: Cincinnati STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

  45. HPV HPV Penile Warts Source: Cincinnati STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

  46. HPV Female Genital Warts Source: CDC/NCHSTP/Division of STD, STD Clinical Slides

  47. HPV Female Genital Warts - Cervix Source: Cincinnati STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

  48. HPV Oral Warts Source: Cincinnati STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

  49. HPV Perianal Wart Source: Cincinnati STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

  50. HPV Complications of Genital Warts(if untreated) • It may destroy body tissue around the genitals and anus • It may lead to cancer of the cervix in women

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