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Philippe R. Richard Université de Montréal • Canad á Josep M. Fortuny

Desarrollo de recubrimientos curriculares y gestión de itinerarios adaptados al aprendizaje instrumentado con el geogebraTUTOR. Philippe R. Richard Université de Montréal • Canad á Josep M. Fortuny Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona • España Pedro Cobo IES Font i Quer • España.

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Philippe R. Richard Université de Montréal • Canad á Josep M. Fortuny

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Desarrollo de recubrimientos curriculares y gestión de itinerarios adaptados al aprendizaje instrumentado con el geogebraTUTOR Philippe R. Richard Université de Montréal • Canadá Josep M. Fortuny Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona • España Pedro Cobo IES Font i Quer • España

  2. What geogebraTUTOR does? Interface and system

  3. Interface of the student Tutor agent helps student to solve the problem

  4. Interface of the teacher Setting up local and global solving process Problems’ files Strategies’ files Messages’ files

  5. What geogebraTUTOR hides? Spaces, tags, trees and forests

  6. Contains all cognitive and heuristic states Basic space of the problem

  7. Discursive messages Messages are based on a set of possible inferences

  8. The system retains tags from the solving process Tags and «ID card» Characterization of each problem uses a set of tags

  9. Trees and forests Each sub-problem is a cognitive message

  10. Set of root problems – itinerary of learning 1 (...) System generates trees using tags of «ID cards» 2 Restructuring trees using retained tags in solving 3 Forests fit to the learning process of each student 4 Trees and forests

  11. Theory and research Foundations of geogebraTUTOR

  12. Context • New curriculum paradigm in mathematics learning (from objectives to competencies). • Importance of social debate in the building of mathematical knowledge. • Pedagogical agents with an artificial tutorial system can convey argumentative strategies to improve mathematical competencies and knowledge.

  13. Hyperspace of four reference axis Theoretical background

  14. Four objectives in research projects (due very soon) Future of geogebraTUTOR in research

  15. Any questions? To have inside information outside

  16. To know more about evolution • Richard & Fortuny (2007). Amélioration des compétences argumentatives à l’aide d’un système tutoriel en classe de mathématique au secondaire. Annales de didactique et de sciences cognitives, 12, 83-116. Strasbourg: Université Louis Pasteur. • Cobo, Fortuny, Puertas & Richard (2007). AgentGeom: a multiagent system for pedagogical support in a geometric proof problem. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning, 12, 57-79. Springer Science+Business Media. • Proceedings of World Conference E-Learn 2004, 2005, 2007, ED-Media 2005, 2006 and SITE 2007.

  17. ¡Gracias! philippe.r.richard@umontreal.ca JosepMaria.Fortuny@uab.cat pcobo@xtec.cat

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