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Electronic Document Access (EDA)

Electronic Document Access (EDA). User Administration Roles & Responsibilities “Fly-in” Action ( Continue to Arrow Down/Click on each page…). EDA User Authorization. EDA & User Authorization….

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Electronic Document Access (EDA)

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  1. Electronic Document Access (EDA) User Administration Roles & Responsibilities “Fly-in” Action ( Continue to Arrow Down/Click on each page…)

  2. EDA User Authorization EDA & User Authorization… EDA offers a distributed User Authorization function that delegates authority for EDA access approval to the appropriate level within the EDA user communities for accurate, efficient and timely authorizations. An Executive, within each Command, Service, or Agency (C/S/A), has the capability to define a User Authorization structure that specifically matches their organizational needs. Electronic Business Point of Contacts (EB POCs) are associated/assigned to Activities/Organizations within a C/S/A user authorization structure.

  3. EDA User Administrative Roles User Administrator Roles in EDA… There are three (3) User Administrator roles available within EDA • ADMIN – Access to Entire EDA Universe • Restricted to the EDA Help Desk & Program Office personnel • Responsible for assisting the EDA Community • EDA Executive – Access restricted to a specific Command, Service, or Agency (C/S/A) • Reserved for the individual responsible for the C/S/A within EDA. The EDA Program Office appoints the Executive role; usually a EDA Working Group member. • EB POC – Access restricted to specific C/S/A activity/organization • Reserved for individuals assigned by their organization to service User’s system access authorization activities in their specific community.

  4. EDA Help Desk – ADMIN Role GENERAL EDA Support and Account Administration Activities… • EDA Help Desk E-mail - cscassig@ogden.disa.mil • Telephone – (866) 618-5988, (801) 605-7095 or DSN: 388-7095 The EDA Help Desk is available Contact for Assistance or Notification of a Problem

  5. EDA Executive Role EDA Executive Role… An EDA Executive is an individual representing a Command, Service, Agency (C/S/A) (usually a EDA Working Group Member). The EDA Program Office identifies Executives. EDA Executives must register in EDA and submit a signed System Access Authorization Request (DD 2875) to the EDA Help Desk before the role is granted.

  6. EDA Executive Responsibilities EDA Executive Responsibilities… • Determine and submit their User Authorization Structure • for their particular C/S/A to the EDA Program Office. • Maintain User Authorization Structure • (add, change, remove, consolidate) - as Required. • Submit changes to the EDA Program Office. • Determine/Appoint EB POCs to specific communities within the C/S/A. • Liaison between C/S/A organizations and the EB POC. • Monitor EB POC Account Administration Activity.

  7. Executive Responsibilities – Cont. EDA Executive Responsibilities Continued… • Direct/Assist EB POCs in registering in EDA. Approve Registrations. • Assist as required (Registration, forms, process) • Distribute EB POC training material • Assign EB POCs to User Authorization Structure. • Process User Account Administration Activities • (Registrations, Password Resets and Access Requests) • Point of Contact for the EDA Program Office and the EDA Help Desk. Attend EDA Working Group Meetings (monthly) • Inform User and EB POC Communities of • EDA Activities and scheduled releases.

  8. EB POC Role EB POC Role… Electronic Business Point of Contact (EB POC) • Individual Responsible for System Access Authorization Activities for a Command, Service or Agency (C/S/A’s) Activity, System or Organization • Responsible for Authorizing User Access into EDA • Is Accountable for Retaining User Access Documentation required for Audits

  9. EB POC & Executive Role • EB POC and Executives • must adhere to: • To DoD Security Policies • EDA Business Rules & • EDA User Administration Processes • EDA System Access Requirements • EB POCs MAY be: • Financial Managers, Contract Officers, TASO/ISSO, Major Command Officers, Project Managers, Company Reps, etc.

  10. EB POC & Executive Role Statement of Accountability EB POCs are Accountable to and Responsible for the Community of Users they authorize for EDA access.

  11. EB POC Responsibilities Identity Check & Need to Know?? • Point of Contact • Various communities • Authorize Users • Perform User Account Administration • Process Registrations • Password Resets • Account maintenance activities • List/Query • Retain User Access Documentation • DD Form 2875 • Audit Requests • Community Management

  12. EB POC Assignment EB POC Assignment… EDA Executives can assign specific individuals to perform system access authorization for a given activity/organization within a C/S/A. Assigned EB POCs are responsible for servicing EDA User Account Administration activities. BEFORE “ASSIGNMENT” is capable… The EB POC must register in EDA and submit required forms to the EDA Help Desk at Ogden. Once the role is granted by the EDA Help Desk, the EB POC may be assigned within EDA.

  13. STEP-by-STEP Instructions (for all Users) Entire section dedicated to the EDA Executive and the EB POC and their tasks/activities Training Modules EDA User’s Guide Support with Account Administration Activities… Referto the EDA Users Guide The End

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