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Neural circuits of emotions 1: Amygdala Anders Gade, Copenhagen University. Gade. Outline. Emotions : ’ prehistory ’ & history ’ Limbic system’ concept : Origins Amygdala : anatomy and presumed function Patient studies of fear and amygdala Neuroimaging studies

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  1. Neural circuits of emotions 1: Amygdala Anders Gade, Copenhagen University Gade

  2. Outline Emotions : ’prehistory’ & history ’Limbic system’ concept: Origins Amygdala: anatomy and presumedfunction Patient studies of fear and amygdala Neuroimagingstudies Subliminal activation and emotionalblindsight (Amygdalaenhancesattention and memory) Gade

  3. Charles Darwin, 1872 The expression of the emotions in man and animals Gade

  4. Sixbasic emotions - Ekman faces anger disgust fear happiness sadness surprise William James, 1890: ”Courser emotions” (grief, fear, rage, love) vs. ”subtler emotions”

  5. James-Lange theory The expressionprecedes the feeling: ”wefeel sad becausewecry” William James Carl Lange Gade

  6. 1937 Papez’ circuit(associatedwithhypothalamus (CM)) Klüver-Bucysyndrome Bilateral removal of medial temporal lobes in monkey: * loss of fear * uninhibitedsexuality * hyperorality * ”psychicblindness” ACC a Hippoc. MacLean: The triune brain / Limbic system Gade

  7. Paul D. MacLean - Limbic system … an affectivesense of conviction of what is real, true, and important.. MacLean, 1970, p. 346 #632 Gade

  8. Weiskrantz, 1956: amygdala Bilateral amygdala-lesion: Loss of fear(a: grape fruit; b: rubber snake) Amaral et al., Neuropsychologia 2003, 41: 235-240 Gade

  9. Amygdala: input Freese & Amaral (2009). Neuroanatomy of the primateamygdalach. 1 in Whalen & Phelps (eds.) The human amygdala, Guilford Gade

  10. Amygdala output Hypothalamus - autonomicarousal Brain stemPAG – freezing SN etc - Thalamus Basal forebrain- attention Ventralstriatum - Valueassignment Cortex Gade

  11. Amygdala - 3 mainsubnuclei Gade

  12. Fearconditioning John B. Watson Watson & Rayner (1920). Conditionedemotionalreactions. J.Exp.Psychol., 3, 1-14 Gade

  13. Gade

  14. LeDoux, 1996 Gade

  15. Mats Fredrikson

  16. Temporal lobeepilepsy - Amygdala and fear 20% experiencefear as a seizure; some as the only symptom. Stimulation of amygdalaprovokesfear ”Wow! Den var god. Prøv den, Rasmussen - pirk ved den vinding, hvor jeg holder fingeren” Gade Videoklip 12A

  17. Videoklip 12A Gade

  18. Amygdalectomy Young et al., 1995, Brain, 118: 15-24 #2650d Gade

  19. Fear and amygdala - Pt. SM - bilateral amygdala-lesion (Urbach-Wiethedisease) • Amygdala • calcified and thereforeimagedlike bone on CT Gade

  20. Amygdala in neuroimaging: from localization to Mechanisms: PET & fMRI studies from 1996 1. Amygdala is activatedmainly by negativeemotional stimuli * Irwin et al., 1996 (fMRI; IAPS-pictures) * Zald & Pardo, 1997 (PET; foulsmell) * Lane et al., 1997 (PET; IAPS-pictures) 2. Parametric relation * Morris et al., 1996 (PET; fearfulfaces 0-125%) 3. Fast habituation * Breiter et al., 1996 (fMRI; happy and fearfulfaces) Gade

  21. Amygdala in neuroimaging: from localization to Mechanisms: PET & fMRI studies from 1996 4. Amygdala is activated by conditionedfear* Furmark et al., 1997 (PET; snake video / shock) * La Bar et al., 1998 (fMRI; innocentvisual stimuli / shock) * Morris et al., 1998,1999 (PET; maskedangryfaces / noise) 5. Thisactivationcorrelateswithautonomicmeasures * Furmark et al., 1997 (PET; fearconditioning; electrodermal) * La Bar et al., 1998 (fMRI; fearconditioning; SCR) * Morris et al., 1998 (PET; maskedfaces; SCR) 6. Masked (preconscious) fear og fearconditioning * Whalen et al., 1998 (fMRI; maskedfearfulfaces) * Morris et al., 1998, 1999 (PET; inc. covariation) Gade

  22. ”quick and dirty” route (thalamic) Amygdala: input Gade

  23. Maskedfearfulfaces: Preconsciousemotional stimuli activate the amygdala Whalen et al., 1998, J.Neurosci. 18: 411-8 AG# a694d Gade

  24. Maskedfaces: Preconsciousemotional stimuli activateamygdala fMRI: alternating 28 sec. epochs of maskedfearfulfaces, maskedhappyfaces, og fixation. Eachepoch 56 stimuli. 8 of 10 subjects did not ”see” emotionalfacialexpressions. Whalen et al., 1998, J.Neurosci. 18: 411-8 AG# a694d Gade

  25. Maskedfaces: Preconsciousemotional stimuli activateamygdala fMRI m. 28 sek. epoker med skiftevis maskeret frygt, maskeret glæde, og fiksation. Hver epoke 56 stimuli . 8 af 10 fpp. ”så” ikke emotionelle ansigtsudtryk. Gade Whalen et al., 1998

  26. Maskedfaces: Preconsciousemotional stimuli activateamygdala Contrast: Fear - happiness Gade Whalen et al., 1998 #a694D

  27. Maskedfaces: Preconsciousemotional stimuli activateamygdala Contrast: Happiness - fixation Gade Whalen et al., 1998

  28. Maskedfaces: Preconsciousemotional stimuli activateamygdala Areablown up: Contrasts: Fear / happy vs. fixation Happy: ↑ CBF in SI – ↓ in amygdala Fear: Both segments ↑ CBF Gade Whalen et al., 1998

  29. Preconsciousfearlearning What is the route to right amygdala for masked stimuli? Fourareaswith positive covariation: Pulvinar (thalamus) + superiorcolliculus + lefthippocampus and right inferioroccipital Gyrus (modulation?) Morris, Öhman & Dolan, 1999 Gade

  30. Pegna et al., 2005: ”Emotionalblindsight” 52 yearoldphysician. Infarcts inin both V1 and cortikalblindness Recognitionof emotionalfacialexpressions(and nootherstimuli) betterthanchance fMRI Gade # a694h

  31. ”Emotionalblindsight” Amygdala-activation and itsroute. Patient G.Y. Significantcovariance in superiorcolliculus and pulvinar Pulvinar Amygdala Superiorcolliculus … the alternative, unconsciousvisualpathway – especially for danger signals Morris et al. (2001). Brain, 124: 1241-52# a695c Gade

  32. Is the preconsciousrouteimportant? Does it influenceconsciousprocesses ? Gade

  33. A well-describedmonosynapticconnection to visualareas.Basis for emotional bias of visual attention Vuilleumier et al. (2004) Nat. Neurosci., 7, 1271-8 #2653a Vuilleumier, 2009; ch. 10 in Whalen & Phelps, ”The human amygdala” Gade

  34. Cahill et al., 1996. 2 x 12 videoklip i 2 FDG-PET-sessioner (12 emotionelle; 12 neutrale) Områder med signifikant korrelation mellem rGMR og huskede film Antal huskede film efter 3 uger Korrelation mellem glukoseomsætning i hø. amygdala og antal huskede film Gade. AG# A652F/691B

  35. Gade

  36. Gade

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