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NISDN (Narrow Band ISDN)

ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network Sentral Digital, Transmisi Digital, akses masih analog NISDN: Digitalisasi akses menjadi 64 kbps. NISDN (Narrow Band ISDN). Bandwidth

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NISDN (Narrow Band ISDN)

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  1. ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network Sentral Digital, Transmisi Digital, akses masih analog NISDN: Digitalisasi akses menjadi 64 kbps NISDN (Narrow Band ISDN)

  2. Bandwidth Bandwidth didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan kanal yang dapat melalukan data dengan kecepatan tertentu.Dalam sirkit dijital besarannya diukur dalam Bit Per Second (Bp/s) yang biasa disebut denga kecepatan transmisi. Untuk sistem analog diukur dengan Hertz (Cycle per second) Broadband services Broadband services didefinisikan sebagai “layanan telekomunikasi yang membutuhkan kanal transmisi lebih besar dari 2 Mbps (E1)” Atau: Jaringan digital yang dapat melayani apa saja: jasa data kecepatan tinggi, videophone, videoconference, transmisi grafis resolusi tinggi, CATV, termasuk juga jasa sebelumnya seperti telepon, data, telemetri dan faksimile Narrowband Services Narrowband services didefinisikan sebagai layanan telekomunikasi yangmembutuhkan kanal transmisi yang relatif senpit bandwidthnya atau lebih kecil dar 2 MB/s.

  3. Bandwidth for different services Telephony Voice Braodcast Videoconference TV and HDTV Video Video Inter-LAN / PBX communication Data FAX CAD Graphic 100 KB/s 1 MB/s 10 MB/s 100 MB/s 10 KB/s

  4. Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) C P E Digital Switch 64 Kb/s NT 144 Kbit/s 2B + D ISDN IU Twisted Copper Pair Access Network ISDN TLP 64 Kb/s 2 Mb/s C P E Digital Switch 64 Kb/s NT 144 Kbit/s 2B + D ISDN IU Twisted Copper Pair Access Network ISDN TLP

  5. ISDN digunakan karena pada switching digital umumnya terjadi pergerakan signal 64 Kb/s dari satu lintasan signal 2Mb/s ke lintasan lain, selain dari pada itu content yang terdapat pada 64 Kb/s dapat berupa speech, data atau video. Dengan sistem ISDN memungkinkan Customer melalui kabel tembaga mengirim berbagai signal pada jaringan switching telephone pada rate 64 Kb/s. Jadi dengan cara itu ISDN dapat memberikan pertukaran informasi dari Customer Premises yang satu kepada Customer Premises lainnya dengan sistem switching 64 Kb/s.

  6. Terdapat 2 jenis access layanan ISDN • Basic Rate Interface (BRI) atau Basic Rate Access (BRA) dikenal dengan 2B+D • Sistem ini terdiri dari 2 bearer 64 Kb/s untuk transmisi informasi dan 1 kanal signaling 16 Kb/s, digunakan unutk hubungan yang sederhana. • 2. Primary Rate Interface (PRI) atau Primary Rate Access (PRA) dikenal dengan 30B+D yaitu terdiri dari 30 bearer channels pada rate 64 Kb/s dan 1 signalling cahnnel 16 Kb/s, umumnya digunakan untuk sistem yang lebih kompleks misalnya beberapa PABX dan hubungan komputer dengan kapasitas besar.

  7. ( 2B + D ) LE NT Basic Rate Access NT ISDN TLP ( 30B + D ) Primary Rate Access 30B + D PABX ISDN TLP

  8. Telecommunication Service Barrier Service TeleService Basic Barrier Service + Supplementary Services Basic TeleService Basic TeleService + Supplementary Services Basic Barrier Service

  9. Basic ISDN Concepts BRA PRA FAX 2B+D 30B+D N-ISDN PBX NT Passive bus PSPDN PSTN TA

  10. IN Reference model and Interface TE 1 ISDN TERMINAL S T U V NT2 NT1 LT ET R TA Basic Rate 192 KBps Primary Rate 2048 Kbps TE 2 NON-ISDN TERMINAL Non ISDN Standard

  11. Three types ISDN standard bearer services : • 3.1 KHz audio, used in modemtrafficand in intercommunication with non-ISDN services. • 64 Kbpsunrestricted, providing a transparant 64 Kbps connection (no echo suppresor & bit manipulation). • Speech, 64 Kbps voice connection, tranparancy is not guarranted. • The examples of teleservice : • Telephony 3.1 KHz and Telephony 7 KHz • Telefax group2/3 and telefax group 4 • Video Text • Video telephony

  12. Switcging and switch Control PSTN and ISDN are ussualy combinedto form dual in which theu usethe same resources. Since both digitised are 64 Kbps circuit switching, the two netwqork can share subscriber switches as well as group switch equipment. ISDN PSTN SS-7 Application local local STP Transit Transit Common Functions : processors, group switches,etc Platform Figure of Outline PSTN and ISDN exchange

  13. Local Exchange in PSTN/ISDN (8) Group Switch ETC To other network or exchange Switching Part (9) Subscriber stage (10) Access server To local Internet router (2) Signalling Equipment (1) Control systems Signalling (3) O & M Switch Control (4) (6) Charging Supllementary Services (5) (7) Subscribers Data

  14. Legend : (1). The access circuit (2). Digital line board for connection of digital access (3). The analysis of signalling (4). The switch control will be much more complex, (5). Others supplementary services (6). Charging function is more complicated. (7). Subscribers data for different types of terminal. (8). Capable for interworking witch other ISDN Exchange (9). Some are equiped with X.25 traffic or B or D channels. (10). Access for internet

  15. INTELLIGENT NETWORK • An Intelligent Network consist of a number of basic elements, the switching and transmission facility to carry the call traffic. The additional part of IN are : • Additional processing associated with the basic switch. • Information resourcesthat are necessary for the provision of special features. • Service contreol facility that control the provision ofspecial features and services- the basic network and the information resources are used to provide these services.

  16. Simple diagram of Intelligent Network TERMINAL Interface A Interface B Manage services: billing, authorization, and monitoring Service Management System Data Base Service Control Point Recorded announcement facility Handle data base interrogation and contol routing Intelligent Perpheral Interface C SWITCH SWITCH

  17. INTELLIGENT NETWORK SERVICES • The main focus of standardisation is definition of SIB ( Service Independent Building Blocks) as a functionality provided by Data Base, for examples : • Announcement • Notification announcement complete • Collect user information • Charging information • Traffic measurement • Insert data, modify data • Time dependent/independent decision • Screening

  18. Example of Intelligent Network Services : • Free call (advance free phone call) • Credit call (Credit card calling) • Universal acess number (Unicall) • Televoting (Vote call) • VPN (Virtual Private Network) • Premium rate • UPT (universal Personal Telecommunication) • Three way services • Emergency Services • Intelligent Access and Routing.

  19. ISDN Standard : • ITU-T • ETSI ( European Telecommunication Standardization Institute) • IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force ) • IN Standard : • Prepare by : • ITU-T (CCITT) and • ETSI( European Telecommunication Standardization Institute)

  20. Terima kasih dan Selamat Belajar

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