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Khludov Psalter

Khludov Psalter. This file contains a number of images from the Khludov psalter. You need to look at the images and see how they relate to the text that they accompany. You will need to consult the book of psalms, for example at an online bible. Numbering of the psalms

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Khludov Psalter

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  1. Khludov Psalter This file contains a number of images from the Khludov psalter. You need to look at the images and see how they relate to the text that they accompany. You will need to consult the book of psalms, for example at an online bible. Numbering of the psalms The Greek numbering of the psalms (the Septuagint) differs from that in English translations of the bible as follows: psalms 1 From 1 to 8, the numbers are identical. psalm 9 in Greek is divided into psalms 9-10 in English. For psalms 10 to 113 add one to find the English version. psalms 113 is split into 114 and 115 in English psalms 114-115 are combined as 116 in English 117-146: add one to find the English version 146 and 147 are combined as psalm 147 in English From 148 to 150, the numbers are identical.

  2. fol 1v & 2r: psalm 1.1-2 David as Author of the Psalms the ungodly the blessed

  3. fol 23v: psalm 25.5 & 24r Nikephoros the patriarch blood

  4. fol 34v & 35r: psalm 36.26 : holy and good charity teaches and manifests her own glory; and happy is he who will do and will teach the charitable

  5. fol 35v: psalm 36.35 & 36r money-loving demon

  6. fol 51v: psalm 51:9 Peter does away with Simon Magus on account of his love of money Patrirarch Nikephoros pointing out Iannes, the second Simon and Iconoclast fol 52r

  7. fol 63v &64r: psalm 67.16-17 Daniel prophesies concerning the great mountain

  8. fol 65v & 66r: psalm 68.10

  9. IT Services: fol 66v & 67r: psalm 68:22 They gave me also gall for my food, and made me drink vinegar for my thirst they mixed water and lime on his face

  10. fol 67v: psalm 68.28 & 68r and giving money, they deceived, adding iniquity to iniquity Simoniacs… and those who dishonoured the icon of Christ earn an addition to their iniquity money-loving demon

  11. fol 70v:psalm 72.4, 9 & 71r

  12. fol 72v: psalm 73.12-13 & 73r

  13. fol 95v & 96r: psalm 95

  14. fol 108v: psalm 105.16-19 & 109r

  15. fol 109v: psalm 105: 28-37 & 110r: psalm 105.40-41

  16. fol 116v & 117r: psalm 113: 7-8, 12

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