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高考英语写作 终极冲刺

高考英语写作 终极冲刺. 特级教师 程中一. 第一 了解阅卷评分规定. 1. 情景作文评分标准设定思路 文件规定 :铅笔答题,超出答题区,答 题无效。 卷面整洁: 书写质量影响辨认,扣除 1 分。 字数: (北京)少于 60 ,从总分中减去 1 分;(各省规定可能不一样) 要点: 写出所有要点,缺要点按相关规 定扣分。. 1. 内容和语言要兼顾,更加强调语言质量,不是只言片语,句式和词汇丰富,连接成分有效。 一、二档 ;

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高考英语写作 终极冲刺

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  1. 高考英语写作终极冲刺 特级教师 程中一

  2. 第一 了解阅卷评分规定

  3. 1. 情景作文评分标准设定思路 文件规定:铅笔答题,超出答题区,答 题无效。 卷面整洁:书写质量影响辨认,扣除1 分。 字数:(北京)少于60,从总分中减去 1分;(各省规定可能不一样) 要点:写出所有要点,缺要点按相关规 定扣分。

  4. 1.内容和语言要兼顾,更加强调语言质量,不是只言片语,句式和词汇丰富,连接成分有效。 一、二档; 2. 要点齐全,只少一个细节 第二档;3. 少两个细节 第三档; 4. 内容齐全,语言质量差的降低给分, 下一档的下限; 5. 少一个内容要点 第四档; 6. 少两个内容要点 第五档。

  5. 第二 近几年书面表达成绩

  6. “书面表达”是考生丢分现象最严重的 一道题。 以北京为例(满分35分),平均分: 07年:11.56 08年:11.40 09年:11.81 10年:14.72 11年:14.13

  7. 高考英语书面表达平均分数如此低下,究其原因,考生作文主要存在以下问题: 1、用词不当,词义混淆,词语搭配有误,加上语法基础不够扎实,导致文章词不达意。或反复使用同一词语、同一句型,使得文章单调乏味,毫无吸引读者之处。

  8. 2、用中文构思,再逐字逐句翻译,不顾是否符合英语习惯表达方法,写出Chinglish。或者只会死板地翻译要点,如果题目要求发表自己的观点就束手无策,只能写几句空洞的诸如“I’m happy.” “It’s great.”之类的句子凑字数。

  9. 3、缺乏提取信息和处理信息的能力,遗漏要点或重点不突出,东拉西扯,文不对题。 4、逻辑思维能力差,文章条理不清。看完题目要求后,不经过深思熟虑拿笔就写,写到哪里是哪里,甚至最后写不下去只好草草收场。或者只是把句子堆砌在一起,不分层次,不讲逻辑,无先后顺序,意义也不连贯。

  10. 5、忽视体裁的写作特点,缺乏语篇的有效性和表达的得体性,写出的私人信件、应聘简历、个人简介等如出一辙。 6、作文只是老师布置的不得不完成的作业,每次应付性地匆匆忙忙写一篇交差。平时没有用英语写作的习惯,也不注意对自己写的作文进行修改,不关心老师的评注,因而也不能主动反思并改进自己的写作方法。

  11. 冲刺阶段如何培养和提高写作能力,考生怎样做书面表达题呢?冲刺阶段如何培养和提高写作能力,考生怎样做书面表达题呢? 注意审题,确定要点。 扩展要点,连句成篇。 全面检查,书写规范。

  12. 第三 怎样写好书面表达

  13. 注意以下几点: 1、标题Title 2、主题句Topic sentence 3、扩展句Develop sentences 4、总结句(作者态度)Conclusion sentence (writer’s attitude)

  14. 一、写书面表达的步骤 1. 仔细阅读写作要求及注意事项。 2. 确定格式、题材、人称、时态及基本要点。 3. 列出要点, 列出重要的词组和必要句型。 4. 丰富要点, 将句子补充完整, 打好草稿。 5. 检查草稿,认真写到试卷上(要“横三齐,竖平行”),并再复查一遍。

  15. 二、基本句子结构 1)主语 + 系词 + 表语 They are busy. 2)主语 + 动词 She is singing. 3)主语 + 动词 + 宾语 She studies English. 4)主语 + 动词 + 宾语 + 宾补 Weaskedhimto come back . 5)主语 + 动词 + 间宾 + 直宾 Mumboughtmea new dress.

  16. 巧记基本句子结构 主系表, 主谓(宾), 主语加谓语, 加上间直宾, 若有宾语补足语, 紧把宾语跟。 (间-间接宾语,直-直接宾语)

  17. 三、实战演练 李萍在上学路上拾到一个钱包。请根据以下六幅图写一篇短文,词数100左右。 参考词:名片 a calling card 回报 reward

  18. 1. see a wallet 2. find money and a calling card 3. call the owner 4. wait at the bus stop 5. owner came 6. reward, refuse 1. 注意审题 确定要点 题材:记叙文 人称:第三人称 时态:一般过去时

  19. 2、写前考虑该用的词汇和句型 Words and Expressions do a good deed 做好事 wallet n.钱包 owner n.主人 calling card 名片 address n. 地址 telephone number 电话号码 public adj.公共的 reward vt.回报 politely adj. 有礼貌的 refuse vt. 拒绝

  20. 3、扩展要点,丰富要点,将句子补充完整。 • (1)增加主语或谓语 • (2)增加地点状语 • (3)增加时间状语 • (4)增加其它修饰语 • (5)发散思维扩充内容

  21. 1. Li Ping saw a wallet.

  22. 1.Yesterday on her way to school, Li Ping saw a wallet on the ground near the bus stop.

  23. 2.She found a lot of money and a calling card in it.

  24. 2.She opened the wallet. She found a lot of money and a calling card in it. and

  25. 3. She called the owner.

  26. 3.From the calling card, she knew the owner’s name, address and telephone number. She thought the owner must be very worried. She went to a public telephone. She called the owner. So she and she

  27. 4. She waited at the bus-stop.

  28. 5. The owner came.

  29. 5. The owner came by taxi very soon. Li Ping gave the wallet to her.

  30. 6. The owner took out a 100-yuan note to reward her.

  31. 6. The owner was very thankful to her. The owner took outa 100-yuan note to reward her . Li Ping politely refused her. She went to school happily. so that she But and

  32. 4、连句成篇 把写好的句子连成短文,打好草稿。

  33. 正确使用下列连接词: 1.表示时间顺序:first/firstly, second/secondly, third/thirdly, then, after that, finally等。 2. 表示递进关系:besides, also, What’s more等。 3. 表示因果关系:because, so, therefore, as a result, thanks to 等。 4. 表示转折关系:but, yet, however, while等。 5. 表示条件关系:if, unless, as long as, so long as等。 6. 过渡性插入语:generally speaking, I think, in other words, in a word等。

  34. 5、全面检查 1)检查草稿; 2)修改拼写、标点符号错误; 3)修改人称、时态、语态错误; 4)修改句子结构和逻辑错误; 5)考虑语篇结构、考虑句式的变化和词汇的丰富。

  35. 请找出优点和错误 Li Ping did good deed yesterday. On her way to home, she saw a wallet lay on the ground near the bus stop. She opened the wallet and found lot of money and a calling card in it. From the calling card, she knew the owner’s name, address and telephone number.

  36. So she went to a public telephone and called on the owner. Then she waited at the bus stop. When the owner got to, Li Ping gave the wallet to her. The owner was very thankful to Li Ping that she took out a 100-yuan note to reward her. However, Li Ping politely refused her and went home happily. What a good girl she is !

  37. 请找出优点和错误 Li Ping did good deed yesterday. On her way to home, she saw a wallet lay on the ground near the bus stop. She opened the wallet and found lot of money and a calling card in it. From the calling card, she knew the owner’s name, address and telephone number. ① ② ③ ④

  38. ⑥ So she went to a public telephone and called on the owner. Then she waited at the bus stop. When the owner got to, Li Ping gave the wallet to her. The owner was very thankful to Li Ping that she took out a 100-yuan note to reward her. However, Li Ping politely refused her and went home happily. What a good girl she is ! ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩

  39. 点评: ①deed是可数名词,表达“做一件好事”,英语为do a good deed。 ②On her way to(删)home改为On her way to school与题目“在上学的路上”保持一致。 ③改lay为lying, 构成现在分词短语作宾语补足语。 ④a lot of = lots of 是一个固定词组,不可更改。 ⑤这里So用得好, 起承上启下的作用。

  40. ⑥call on sb. 拜访某人。“给某人打电话”可用call sb.。 ⑦get to 是有“到达”的意思,但当其后没有地点名词时不需要带介词to。这里got to可以改为arrived。 ⑧very改为so, 构成so…that; ⑨went home改为went to school与题目“在上学的路上”保持一致; 这里However用得很好。 ⑩结尾特别好,前后呼应,总结全文。

  41. 教师评语: 你通过第一句Li Ping did a good deed yesterday. 点明主题,叙述了李萍同学拾金不昧,不图回报,助人为乐的好人好事。用What a good girl she is! 作总结。语义表达十分清楚,且用了像so, then, however 等高级词汇,和状语从句、并列句等高级语法项目。尽管文中有几处错误,但总的说来,这是一篇很不错的书面表达。

  42. 6、书写规范 书写要“横三齐,竖平行”

  43. Li Ping did a good deed yesterday. On her way to school, she saw a wallet lying on the ground near the bus stop. She opened the wallet and found a lot of money and a calling card in it. From the calling card, she knew the owner’s name, address and telephone number.

  44. So she went to a public telephone and called the owner. Then she waited at the bus stop. When the owner arrived, Li Ping gave the wallet to her. The owner was so thankful to Li Ping that she took out a 100-yuan note to reward her. However, Li Ping politely refused her and went to school happily. What a good girl she is !

  45. 总 结 做英语书面表达题要做到以下几点: 注意审题,确定要点。 扩展要点,连句成篇。 全面检查,书写规范。

  46. 第四 怎样让书面表达的高分

  47. 现在不少学生写的英语作文仍停留在较低的水平,就像初中学生所为。这样的作文即使要点齐全,没有错误也很难得高分。所以,学会使用高级词语和高级句子就显得十分重要了。要想生动形象地表达句意,就得使句子丰满匀称。

  48. 1、使句子丰满匀称 一定要正确使用定语和状语等。 (1)They didn’t go out for a holiday, instead, they read books and looked up some useful information for their research work. (2)With the price going up sharply, they decided to cut down their living expenses.

  49. (3) Li Ming and I were wandering in the street when we saw a terrible accident, which made us very frightened. (4)There happened to be a supermarket around the street corner. (5)Having been taught how to cook, he was quite sure to serve us a big meal.

  50. 2、学会使用优化句式 要想书面表达的高分,就得学会使用 优化句式。 1. He couldn’t pronounce the word correctly. → He had great difficulty in pronouncing the word correctly. 2. His parents’ health is falling down day by day. He is worried about it very much. →What worries him most is that his parents’ health is falling down day by day.

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