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The role of historical corpora in the reconstruction of proto-syntax

The role of historical corpora in the reconstruction of proto-syntax. Katalin É. Kiss Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy , and Pázmány Péter Catholic University. Can proto-syntax be reconstructed ?. Lightfoot (2002): No, because

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The role of historical corpora in the reconstruction of proto-syntax

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  1. The role of historicalcorporainthereconstruction of proto-syntax Katalin É. Kiss Research Institute forLinguistics of theHungarianAcademy, and Pázmány Péter Catholic University

  2. Canproto-syntax be reconstructed? Lightfoot (2002): No, because • there is no theory of linguisticchange, aslinguisticchange is chaotic; • thecomparativemethod is onlyapplicableinthereconstruction of proto-lexemes.

  3. Campbell and Harris (2002), Pires and Thomason (2008), A. Harris (2008), etc.: yes, onthebasis of regularsyntacticcorrespondences of cognatesinrelatedlanguages, + directionalitygeneralizations. Von Mengden: Yes, onthebasis of implicationaluniversals, and byundoinggrammaticalization.

  4. Howtoidentifysyntacticcognates? Roberts & Roussou (2003), Longobardi (2003): Syntacticcognates: theparametricvalues of UniversalGrammar. Alice Harris (2008): Onthebasis of functional, distributional and phonologicalcorrespondence.

  5. A problemforestablishingUralicsyntacticcorrespondencesets: Hungarian and itsclosestsisters (theOb-Ugriclanguages ) parted 3000-4000 yearsago; theyaretoo far. Hungariandocumentsonlysince 1192-95. Proposal: obtainingcognatesforcomparison byextendingbackwardsthe ʃ curves of linguisticchangesattestedinthedocumentedhistory of Hungarian.

  6. The ʃ curve of linguisticchanges: The progress of a linguisticinnovation over timeformsan ʃ-curve (Osgood & Sebeok 1954, Weinrech, Labov & Herzog 1965, etc.) The disappearingvariant (ʅ) representstheprevalentvariant of the previous, undocumented phase of the language.

  7. ObtainingevidenceaboutProto-Ugric and earlyProto-Hungariansyntax : ReconstructinglateProto-Hungarianstructuresbythebackwardextension of ʃ-curves of linguisticchangesattestedinthedocumentedhistory of Hungarian; findingcognatesinreconstructedlateProto-Hungarian and inpresent-dayOb-Ugric (Vogul and Ostyak). .

  8. A casestudy: Reconstructingthewordorder of Proto-Hungarian Hungarian has been Top Foc V X* throughoutitsdocumentedhistory (since 1192-95). E.g. [TopPozgimilsneki[FPvvlkeseruvk[VPuola[ti vize] tk]]] thefruit-datsobitterwasjuice-3sg ’ofthefruit, sobitterwasthejuice’   (FuneralSermon 1192-95)

  9. ArgumentsthatProto-HungarianwasSOV:DecliningOVpatterns, spreadingVOpatternsinthehistorical corpus DecliningS-curves: • DisappearingSOVclausetypes • Decreasingpreheadparticipialrelatives • Decreasingparticipialadverbialclauses • Decreasinginfinitivalcomplementclauses • Disappearingclause-finalcomplementizer • DisappearingV-adjoinednegativeparticle • DisappearingV-Auxiliaryorder

  10. The decliningstructures must haveprevailedinProto-Hungarian. Theyconvergewithcorrespondingstructures of Vogul and Ostyak -> They must representUgricheritage.

  11. 1. DisappearingSOVclausetypes Ostyak and more distantsisterlanguages: StrictlySOVorder; object is unmarked, e.g.: (1) Juwanjik-ə-lpilnaxo:p we:r-s-ə-ŋən. Ivan son-3sgwithboatmake-past-ep-3d ‛Ivan made a boatwithhisson.’ (2)(luw) juwanre:sk-ə-s he Ivan hit-ep-past.3sg ’He hit Ivan.’ (Nikolaeva 1999)

  12. SOVnon-finiteclauseswith an unmarkedobjectin Old Hungarian: Infinitivalclauses: (3) ne fordo’l’lon mˉg ǫ kǫntosǫfeluènninotturn-SUBJ-3SGback he gown-3SG-øput.on-INF ‘he shouldnotturn back toputonhisgown’(Munich C. a.1416) Presentparticipialclauses: (4) Kirallèuèliirokat kingletters-3SG-øwriting-PL-ACC ‘thosewritingtheking’sletters’ (Vienna C. a.1416)

  13. SOVnon-finiteclauseswith an unmarkedobjectin Old Hungarian: Perfectparticipialclauses (5) Agyad meg ymmarbewnezantnak give-IMP back nowsin-3SG-ørepented-DAT ‘giveit back nowtothatrepentedhis sin’ (Jókai C. a.1370) Predicativeparticipialclauses (6) ky zent fferenczetlewlteualaegyhazfeprette whoStFrancis-ACCfoundchurch-NOMsweeping ‘whofoundSt Francis sweepingthechurch’ (Jókai C. a.1370)

  14. SOVnon-finiteclauseswith an unmarkedobjectin Old Hungarian: Adverbialparticipialclauses (7) kyhaluanlegottan el mene what-øhearingimmediatelyawaywent ‘whichhavingheard, he immediatelywent away’ (Jókai C. a. 1370)

  15. WhywasSOVwith an unmarkedobjectpreservedinnon-finiteclauses? • BecauseUgriclanguages displayed/display differentialobject marking, withonlytopicalobjectsmarked -> topic marking onlyin main clauses • Lightfoot (1991)’s degree-0learnability: childrenidentify/reanalyzethegrammar of theirmothertongueonthebasis of rootclauses -> embeddedclausesare more conservative

  16. The fastdecline of unmarkedobjects: Codexes: tokensunmarkedOstoken/unm.O Jókai C. a1370: 22 733 42 540 MunichC. a1416: 69 589 78 892 Apor C. a1416: 22 118 18 1382 ViennaC. a1416: 54 423 24 2268 JordánszkyC. a. 1516: 200 185 16 12 511

  17. The decreasingproportion of unmarkedobjects

  18. Accusative marking  VOorder: (8) Munich C. (a.1416) Matthew 4,20: Azoc [legottanhaloiocmeghaguā] kǫuetecǫtet theyimmediatelynet-3PL-øleavingfollowedhim ‘Leavingtheir net immediately, theyfollowedhim’ (9) Jordánszky C. (a.1516): Azok kedyg [legottanel hagywanhaloyokat] theyhoweverimmediatelyoffleavingnet-3PL-ACC es hayoyokat] kóweteekhewtet and boat-3PL-ACCfollowedhim

  19. FossilizedOVstructureswithunmarked O in Modern Hungarian: (10) a. szava tartó ember word-3SG-økeeping man ‘a man keepinghisword’ Mi tévő legyek? what-ødoingbe-1SG ‘Whatshall I be doing?’ b. esze vesztett ember, mind-3SG-ølost ‘ man ‘a man havinglosthis mind’ c. kalap levéve hat-øoff-taking ‘takingoffthe hat’

  20. 2. Decreasingparticipialrelatives WALS: SOV -> preheadrelatives; gaprelativization Ostyak: non-finitepreheadrelatives (11) [(mä) tini-m-äm] loγ I sell-PastPart-1SGhorse ‘thehorsewhich I sold’ (12) [Naŋmo:sməlt-əm] o:xa:r-e:n jel an man-l youwound-PastPartfox-2SG far notgo-Pr.3SG ’Thefoxwhichyouwoundeddoesnot go far.’

  21. Old Hungarianparticipialrelatives (13) Es ueǵed az neko̗d zo̗rzo̗ttemCoronat and taketheyou-DATobtain-PP-1SGcrown-ACC ‘and takethecrownwhich I obtainedforyou’ (Kazinczy C. 1526)

  22. Decreasing of gaprelativization;increasingnumber of relativepronouns Number of therelativepronounswho, what, whichin St. Matthew’sGospel: Munich C. (a. 1416): 225 Jordánszky C. (a. 1516): 314 Károli Bible (1590): 330

  23. Semi-productivegaprelativizationin Modern Hungarian: (14)a. az[anyám sütötte] kenyér themother-1SGbaked-PastPart-3SGbread ‘thebreadwhichmymotherbaked’ b. egy [tanárok vezette] vetélkedő a teachersadminister-PastPart-3SGquiz ‘a quizwhichteachersadministered’ Onlylexicalsubject, and 3SGagreement.

  24. 3. Decreasingnon-finiteadverbialclauses WALS: SOV -> nonfiniteadverbialclauses Ostyak: onlynon-finitesubordination (15) [Kase:-m man-ti jupina] li-tipit-l-əm pain-1SGgo-PARTaftereat-INFstart-PRES-1SG ‘I start eatingaftermypainstops.’

  25. Hawkins’s (2001) performance theory of wordorder The ConstituentRecognition Domain for a phrasalmothernodeconsists of theset of nodesthatareminimallyneededtorecognizeitscategory, and itsmajor constituents. OptimallinearordersminimizetheConstituentRecognition Domain. The shortestrecognitiondomainfora matrix VP with a clausalcomplementcontainsthematrixverb and thesubordinator. Inan SOVsentence, thisdomain is shortestifthesubordinator is a participialsuffixontheembeddedverb, left-adjacenttothematrixverb.

  26. Old Hungarian: (16) [Nap kedigfelkèluē] meg hèuọlėnc suncoordrisingPrtburned-past-3sg ’Thesunhavingrisen, theyburned.’ (Munich C. a. 1416) MiddleHungarian: (17) Mykoron az nap fel tamadotwolna, whenthesunuprise-perf-3sgbe-past meg swteewket prtburn-past.3sgthem ’Whenthesun had risen, itburnedthem.’ (Gábor Pesthi, Novum Testamentum 1536)

  27. Decreasingnumber of non-finiteadverbialclauses Number of -ván/vén clausesinStMatthew: • Munich C. a. 1416: 486 • Jordánszky C. a. 1516: 322 • Károli Bible 1590: 286

  28. 4. Decreasinginfinitivalclauses Ostyak: finitecomplementclausesonlyintheRussifiedspeech of theyoung. (18) [porniŋimijuw-əm] wa:n-mantaj-l-əlli Por womancome-PastPsee-PARThave-Pr-3SG ‘Shesawthat a Por womancame.’ Infinitiveswith PRO subject: (19) luw-e:l [ø man-ti] mo:sl he-ACCleave-INFneed-Pr3SG ‘He has toleave.’

  29. Old H: a muchlargerset of Vstaking an infinitiveclausethaninMiddle/Mod.H CompareMatthew 14,19: (20) És mikor parancsolt volna az gyölekezetnek and whenorderedAUXthecrowd-DAT ‘And when he orderedthecrowd’ a. leülni az szénán (Munich C. a1416) down-sit-INFthegrass-on b. hogy le ülnénec az füuen(Károli Bible 1590) that down sit-SUBJ-3PLthegrass-on

  30. 5. Disappearingclause-finalinterrogativeparticle SOV Vogul and Ostyak: clause-finalinterrogativeparticle (21)a. titχujew-ä here sleep.1pl-q ’Dowesleep here?’ (Vogul) b. nèηemtǒttεù.tot-á wife-1sgtherewas-q ’Wasmywifethere?’ (Ostyak)

  31. -e: a cognateinterrogativeparticlein Old/Modern Hungarian Old Hungarian: clause-finalorV-adjoined-e: (22) Nemdèkètvèrèbecadatnaceģfelpenzenė? nottwosparrowsgive-pass-3plhalfcoin-onq ’Arenottwosparrowssoldfor a farthing?’ (Munich C., Matthew 10,29) (23) Il’l’esvag ėtè? Elias areqyou ’Areyou Elias?’ (Munich C., John 1,21)

  32. Middle/Mod. Hungarian: -eadjoinedtothe V (orto a preverbalelement) Jordánszky C. (a 1516) (24) Nem de ket verebek adatnak ee nottwosparrowsgive-pass-3plq eǵffelpenzen? halfcoin-on (25) yllyesvagy eethe? Elias areq you

  33. 6. DisappearingV-adjoinednegativeparticle Ostyak: pre-Vnegativeparticle (26) Taminaŋke:se:-nant u:-l thisyouknife-2SGNEGbe-Pr.3SG ‘This is notyourknife.’ (27) Niŋ ne:ŋxiantaj-əl woman man NEGhave-Pr.3SG

  34. Old Hungarian: twonegativeconstructions • PRTNEG V – withNEGleft-adjoinedto V: (28) Rázódott nádat meg nem szeg (Munich C.) bruisedreed-ACCPRTnotbreaks ‘A bruised reed shall he not break’ (ii) NEG V … PRT– with V raisedtoNEG: (29) És nem esmeré meg őtet(Munich C.) and notknewPRTher ‘And knewhernot’

  35. Evidence of V-to-NEGmovementintheinnovativepattern: (30) [NegPnem fyzetteli[VP telyesseguel[VP megti]]] notpaidcompletelyup ’…youhavenotpaidupcompletely’ (Jókai C.)

  36. The increasingproportion of Neg V …PRTinthe Modern Hungarianperiod(Gugán 2007)

  37. 7. DisappearingV-Auxiliaryorder Old Hungariancomplextenseswith a temporalaux. arecognatewith Udmurt complextenses (Udmurt: a sisterlanguage. Hungarians and Udmurtsshared a habitatin 600-700 AD) Hun.men-niUd.mini-ni ‘go-INF’ megy-ekmini-sko ‘go-Pr.1SG’ megy-ekvalamini-skoval ‘go-PastCont.1SG’ ment-emmin-em ‘go-PrPerf.1SG’ men-t-emvalamin-emval ‘go-PastPerf.1SG’

  38. Old Hungarian: complextenses, strictV-Auxorder (31) És imé az czillag, mellyetláttacvala and lothestarwhich-ACCsee-PERF.3PLbe-PAST nap keleten, elöttöcmégyenvala east-inbefore.themgo-3SGbe-PAST ‘And, lo, the star, which they had seen in the east, wasgoing before them’

  39. Disappearingtemporalauxiliary; presentperfectreinterpretedaspast (32) És íme, a csillag, amelyet napkeleten and lothestarwhich-ACCeast-in láttak, előttük haladt, see-PAST.3PLbefore.themprocede-PAST-3SG (Neovulgata 1969)

  40. Survivingauxiliaries: Aux-Vorderintheunmarkedcase (33) hogy ehsegtewl sok emberekfognak meg halny thathunger-frommanypeplewill-3plprt die ’thatmanypeoplewill die fromhunger’ (Jókai C. a. 1370)

  41. Summary Ostyak and Hungarianaretoofaretocontaincognatesto be compared. The backwardextension of ʃ-curvescreatedonthebasis of historicalcorporamakesitpossibletoreconstructlateProto-Hungariansyntax. LateProto-Hungarian and present-dayOstyakarecloseenoughtoreconstructsyntacticproperties of theirsharedancester.

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