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  1. The Galapagos Islands is in serious trouble and needs YOUR HELP! How can you possibly help this beautiful island? It’s Simple!  You will divide into teams of three and each have a separate role in your team. A Scientist, Tour Operator and Creature! Collaboratively you are to research the why of the position your team takes when presenting your solution to the BIG question. You will need to evaluate the quality of the sources you will be citing so that you have a solid, defensible position for your view of the islands' ecofuture. Introduction Process Evaluation Task Conclusion

  2. Task HELP! Your job is to answer the following question To what degree and how should the Galapagos be protected from further encroachment from man?  Or should there be any protection at all? Support your answer.

  3. Process BECOMING EXPERTS- Before assigning yourselves a specific role within your group you should all do a little research on the history of the Galapagos. You should become familiar with the unique ecosystem and answer who discovered the island, what it is, where it is located, when it was discovered and of course how! Use the following resources provided to help you in your exploration. Charles Darwin Research Center History of Galapagos Galapagos Video

  4. Process ROLES- after tackling the background information you should have a foundation of knowledge to split into separate roles but still focus on the main task. Scientist, Tour Operator, and Creatures. SCIENTIST- If there have been introduced species, when did they first appear and how?  Has there been continued introduction of such foreign species?Your job thinking as a scientist is to research the impact of humans on the islands' flora and fauna? Under ideal conditions what would you want to see as rules for human access to the fragile ecosystem?  How should research be carried out and who should control access? Under real world conditions, as of today, what would you propose as rules to minimize the impact of continued human intervention on the island. Galapagos Cartography Special Laws Galapagos Management Plan

  5. Process Tour Operator- Your role is the exact opposite of the Scientist! You want to bring tourists to see the beauty and diversity of the Galapagos! These ideas are not to be affected by concerns over what the scientists or animals might think -Are there a set of rules currently in place for visitation. -Are these rules sufficient to allow you to develop your business and at the same time protect the fragile ecosystem of the Galapagos? -What are travel considerations for tourists? What tours would impact the islands the least and still provide the tourist with a rich and rewarding experience? -Should souvenir hunting be permitted?  Why?  What would be the most appropriate souvenir to bring back? Touring Galapagos Park Rules

  6. Process Creatures- You have a rather different problem.  You know nothing of rules imposed by humans, simply of the rules of the natural world.  You have several questions to answer based on your understanding of how nature selected you to represent your species. Answer the following questions in full paragraph style, providing the necessary justification for your position.  These answers are not to be affected by concerns over what the tourists or scientists might think.  -What adaptations have you made while living on the islands?   Look at this question over tens of thousands of years not simply during your lifetime. -Has man's interest in the islands changed your way of life for the better, for the worse or it really doesn't seem to matter?   Why do you feel that way. -How have the introduced species affected your existence? -Identify 6 animals indigenous to the Galapagos and provide a short overview of their existence.  Include at least three endangered or threatened species. Marine Iguanas Species of Galapagos Interactive Galapagos

  7. Process- Put it all together The Scientist should have a plan for a total ban on further intrusion on the fragile ecosystem. The Tour Operator shall approach the bargaining table with a policy of removing any restrictions on increased tourism. The Creatures shall have a plan with the fear that any more introduced species or further encroachment by man would bring harm to the island. Propose a "Fair Use" policy that all countries are to sign and abide by when visiting. All 3 roles must compromise!

  8. Evaluation Individual Work- Full Reports Weak (1 point) Solid - (3 points) Exemplary - (5 points) Completeness Responses short and Good response length   Excellent responses with solid, well lacking in detail with some support researched support and justification Correctness Too many errors Skilled, but a few errors Spelling and sentences   throughout show lack of proofing   show skill and care Sophistication Responses really don't Good answers but lacking Clear, concise answers with answer the question asked in depth equally clear logic and rationale Team Work - Group Reports Completeness Simplistic answer Good answer, good logic but Excellent, complete answer; all   lacking in detail still needing additional  support points of view considered and represented Correctness Too many errors Skilled, but a few errors Spelling and sentences   throughout show lack of proofing   show skill and care Teamwork Plan ignores one or Plan addresses all party's Plan addresses all roles concern more of the interested concerns but tends to and presents a balanced, workable party's concerns place too much bias in solution one direction

  9. Conclusion Having done all the right research and effectively collaborated as a team you should be proud, YOU HAVE SAVED THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS! Thank you for saving me and my family!

  10. Teachers Page Grade Level: 12 Objective: To work as Standards: Identifyand apply the technological design process to solve problems. Examine the problem, rank all necessary information and all questions that must be answered. Propose and analyze a solution.

  11. Credits and References Thanks to F. Sean Gorman who designed the Galapagos Webquest http://fs_gorman.tripod.com/galapagos/index.htm

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