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Srovnávací ekologie

Srovnávací ekologie. Jaký je vztah mezi velikostí přívěsku semena a jeho schopností šíření? Mají stínomilné rostliny větší semena než světlomilné rostliny? Produkují neofyty na jedné rostlině více semen než druhy původní?

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Srovnávací ekologie

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  1. Srovnávací ekologie

  2. Jaký je vztah mezi velikostí přívěsku semena a jeho schopností šíření? • Mají stínomilné rostliny větší semena než světlomilné rostliny? • Produkují neofyty na jedné rostlině více semen než druhy původní? • Existuje příčinný vztah mezi počtem semen na jedné rostlině a invasivností druhu? • Jsou neofyta zastoupena mezi krátkověkými rostlinami regenerujícími z kořenů náhodně?

  3. NE ! NE ! NE ! NE ! znak B znak A

  4. proměnné na metrické škále

  5. druh 1 druh 2

  6. jedna z proměnných je dichotomická

  7. TIP PIC

  8. Vyskytují se krátkověké druhy odnožující z kořenů ve stejném počtu floristických oblastí jako druhy z kořenů neodnožující?

  9. Dipsacaceae Umbelliferae Compositae Campanulaceae Gentianaceae Boraginaceae Scrophulariaceae Labiatae Orobanchaceae Geraniaceae Onagraceae Cruciferae Leguminosae Caryophyllaceae

  10. závěr krátkověké druhy odnožující z kořenů se vyskytují ve větším počtu floristických oblastí než druhy z kořenů neodnožující

  11. Introduction and „classical papers“ Felsenstein, J. (1985) Phylogenies and the comparative method. American Naturalist, 125, 1-15. Grafen, A: (1989) The phylogenetic regression. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, SeriesB, 205, 581-598. Harvey P.H. & Pagel, M.D. (1991) The comparative method in evolutionary biology. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

  12. Articles on the theory and statistics Ackerly, D.D. (2000) Taxon sampling, correlated evolution, and independent contrasts. Evolution, 54, 1480-1492. Diaz-Uriarte, R. & Garland, T. (1998) Effects of branch length errors on the performance of phylogenetically independent contrasts. Systematic Biology, 47, 654-672. Diaz-Uriarte, R. & Garland, T. (1996) Testing hypotheses of correlated evolution using phylogenetically independent contrasts: Sensitivity to deviations from Brownian motion. Systematic Biology, 45, 27-47. Freckleton, R.P., Harvey, P.H. & Pagel, M. (2002) Phylogenetic analysis and comparative data: A test and review of evidence. American Naturalist, 160, 712-726. Garland, T., Harvey, P.H. & Ives, A.R. (1992) Procedures for the Analysis of Comparative Data Using Phylogenetically Independent Contrasts. Systematic Biology, 41, 18-32. Garland, T. & Diaz-Uriarte, R. (1999) Polytomies and phylogenetically independent contrasts: Examination of the bounded degrees of freedom approach. Systematic Biology, 48, 547-558. Nunn, C.L. & Barton, R.A. (2000) Allometric slopes and independent contrasts: A comparative test of Kleiber's law in primate ranging patterns. American Naturalist, 156, 519-533. Price, T. (1997) Correlated evolution and independent contrasts. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences, 352, 519-529. Purvis, A. & Rambaut, A. (1995) Comparative-Analysis by Independent Contrasts (Caic) - An Apple-Macintosh Application for Analyzing Comparative Data. Computer Applications in the Biosciences, 11, 247-251. Ricklefs R. E. 1996. Applications of phylogenetically independent contrasts: a mixed progress report. Oikos 77: 167-172. Symonds, M.R.E. (2002) The effects of topological inaccuracy in evolutionary trees on the phylogenetic comparative method of independent contrasts. Systematic Biology, 51, 541-553.

  13. Comparative analyses using phylogenetic „corrected“ data Ackerly, D.D. & Reich, P.B. (1999) Convergence and correlations among leaf size and function in seed plants: A comparative test using independent contrasts. American Journal of Botany, 86, 1272-1281. Armstrong, D.P. & Westoby, M. (1993) Seedlings from Large Seeds Tolerate Defoliation Better - A Test Using Phylogenetically Independent Contrasts. Ecology, 74, 1092-1100. Eriksson, O. & Jakobsson, A. (1998) Abundance, distribution and life histories of grassland plants: a comparative study of 81 species. Journal of Ecology, 86, 922-933. Herrera, C.M. & de Donana, E.B. (2002) Correlated evolution of fruit and leaf size in bird-dispersed plants: species-level variance in fruit traits explained a bit further?Oikos, 97, 426-432. Hodkinson, D.J., Askew, A.P., Thompson, K., Hodgson, J.G., Bakker, J.P. & Bekker, R.M. (1998) Ecological correlates of seed size in the British flora. Functional Ecology, 12, 762-766. Kidson, R. & Westoby, M. (2000) Seed mass and seedling dimensions in relation to seedling establishment. Oecologia, 125, 11-17. Nicotra, A.B., Babicka, N. & Westoby, M. (2002) Seedling root anatomy and morphology: an examination of ecological differentiation with rainfall using phylogenetically independent contrasts. Oecologia, 130, 136-145. Prinzing, A., Durka, W., Klotz, S. & Brandl, R. (2002) Geographic variability of ecological niches of plant species: are competition and stress relevant?Ecography, 25, 721-729. Saverimuttu, T. & Westoby, M. (1996) Components of variation in seedling potential relative growth rate: Phylogenetically independent contrasts. Oecologia, 105, 281-285. Schwilk, D.W. & Ackerly, D.D. (2001) Flammability and serotiny as strategies: correlated evolution in pines. Oikos, 94, 326-336. Swanborough, P. & Westoby, M. (1996) Seedling relative growth rate and its components in relation to seed size: Phylogenetically independent contrasts. Functional Ecology, 10, 176-184. Thompson, K., Gaston, K.J. & Band, S.R. (1999) Range size, dispersal and niche breadth in the herbaceous flora of central England. Journal of Ecology, 87, 150-155.

  14. metodologická diskuse v J. Ecol. (1995) • Harvey, P.H., Read, A.F. & Nee, S. (1995) Why Ecologists need to be phylogenetically challanged. Journal of Ecology, 83, 535-536. • Harvey, P.H., Read, A.F. & Nee, S. (1995) Further remarks on the role of phlogeny in comperative ecology. Journal of Ecology, 84, 733-734. • Westoby, M., Leishman, M.R. & Lord, J.M. (1995) On Misinterpreting the Phylogenetic Correction. Journal of Ecology, 83, 531-534. • Westoby, M., Leishman, M. & Lord, J. (1995) Further Remarks on Phylogenetic Correction. Journal of Ecology, 83, 727-729. • Westoby, M., Leishman, M. & Lord, J. (1995) Issues of Interpretation After Relating Comparative Datasets to Phylogeny . Journal of Ecology, 83, 891-893.

  15. software (zadarmo)

  16. http://www.r-project.org/ (R) http://users.ox.ac.uk/~grafen/phylo/ (GLIM) http://evolution.genetics.washington.edu/phylip/software.html

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