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Unit 8

Unit 8. Neurology, Psychology, Anesthesiology, and Vascular Terminology. Neurology. Study of anatomy, physiology, and pathology of nervous system Components of nervous system: Brain Spinal cord Cranial nerves Spinal nerves. Neur/o. neur/o = combining form Examples:

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Unit 8

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  1. Unit 8 Neurology, Psychology, Anesthesiology, and Vascular Terminology

  2. Neurology • Study of anatomy, physiology, and pathology of nervous system • Components of nervous system: • Brain • Spinal cord • Cranial nerves • Spinal nerves

  3. Neur/o • neur/o = combining form • Examples: • neur/on = nerve cell • neur/o/blast = embryonic nerve cell • motorneur/on = nerves that control muscle movement • neur/o/logist = specialist who studies nervous system disorders

  4. Central Nervous System Pathways • Afferent nerves • Carry nerve impulses from receptors in body toward central nervous system (CNS) • Efferent nerves • Carry nerve impulses away from CNS to effectors in body • E.g., muscles, nerves

  5. Easily Confused Terms

  6. Easily Confused Terms

  7. Terms with neur/o • neur/o/surgeon = physician trained to perform surgery on structures of nervous system • neur/o/pathy = generalized disease condition of nerves • neur/algia = pain along course of nerve

  8. Terms with neur/o • neur/itis = inflammation of nerve • neur/oma = nerve tumor • neuro/o/myel/itis = inflammation of nerves and spinal cord

  9. Nervous System Procedures • neur/o/lysis = destruction of nerve tissue • neur/o/plasty = surgical repair of nerves • neur/o/tripsy = surgical crushing of nerve

  10. Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) • Functional organization of nervous system that responds to stress • sym/path/etic nerves = send signals to prepare body for fight or flight in response to danger • para/sym/path/etic nerves = return body to normal resting state

  11. Terms with myel/o • myel/o = combining form for spinal cord and bone marrow • Examples: • myel/o/blast = bone marrow germ cell • myel/o/cyte = immature bone marrow cell • myel/o/cyt/ic = pertaining to myelocytes • myel/o/cele = herniation of spinal cord

  12. Suffix: -plasia • -plasia = condition of growth or development • Indicates change in form of structure or abnormal number of cells • Examples: • a/plasia = lack of development • dys/plasia = poor or defective development

  13. Suffix: -plasia • Examples: • myel/o/dys/plasia = defective formation of spinal cord • chondr/o/dys/plasia = defective formation of cartilage • oste/o/chondr/o/dys/plasia = defective formation of bone and cartilage • hyper/plasia = overgrowth or too much development • hypo/plasia = underdevelopment

  14. Psychology • psych/o/logy = study of mind, mental processes, and human behavior • psych/o = combining form • Example: • psych/o/logist = scientist or therapist who works in field of psychology

  15. Psychiatry • psych/iatry = field of medicine that studies and deals with mental and neurotic disorders • psych/iatrist = specialist physician who treats mental disorders

  16. Psychological Disorders • neuro/sis = condition in which patient knows real from unreal but exaggerates reality • Also known as psych/o/neur/osis • Phobia • Neurosis characterized by extreme or irrational fear of something

  17. Psychological Disorders • Obsessive compulsive disorder • Neurosis that can result in: • Repeated distressing, anxiety-producing thoughts • Uncontrollable, repeated actions • Fear of illness and need to wash hands, clean house, and wear mask against germs

  18. Psychological Disorders • Conversion reaction • Neurosis characterized by bodily symptoms accounted for by psychological conflict • Rather than physical causes • psych/osis = severe mental condition marked by loss of contact with reality and having delusions or hallucinations

  19. Psychological Disorders • psych/o/sexual = mental disorder related to sexual function • psych/o/somatic = disorder having physical symptoms but originating from mental or emotional causes

  20. Psychological Treatments • psych/o/therapy = process of healing mental disorders using words, art, drama, or movement to express feelings • psych/o/trop/icmedication = used to alter emotions or behavior to lower anxiety

  21. Pharmacology • pharmac/o = drugs or medicine • pharmac/ist = person licensed to dispense prescription and nonprescription medications from pharmacy

  22. Pharmacology • neur/o/pharmac/o/logy = study of drugs that affect nervous system • psych/o/pharmac/o/logy = study of drugs that act on mind and nervous system

  23. Narcotics • Can cause addition • Only prescribed by physicians with narcotic license • narc/o = combining form for sleep • narc/o/tics = substances that produce sleep, pain relief, and near-unconsciousness • E.g., opium, codeine, morphine

  24. Terms with narc/o • narc/osis = condition induced by narcotics • narc/o/lepsy = disorder characterized by seizures or attacks of sleep • Causes: • Cerebroma, cerebral arteriosclerosis, paresis, and brain disease • -lepsy = seizure

  25. Epilepsy • Seizure disorder in which brain suddenly and briefly changes how it works • Previously classified by types of seizures • Petit mal and grand mal • Now described by part of brain involved • Partial and general • Treatment: • Medication and surgery

  26. Arteries • Blood vessels that carry blood away from heart • arteri/o = combining form • Examples: • arteri/o/scler/osis = hardening of arteries • arteri/o/malcia = softening of arteries • arteri/o/fibr/osis = fibrous condition of arteries • arteri/ectasia = arterial dilation

  27. Terms with ather/o • ather/o = combining form meaning fatty or porridge-like • Examples: • ather/oma = fatty plaque that accumulates on inside wall of artery • ather/ectomy or end/arter/ectomy = excision of atheroma • Most commonly performed on carotid artery

  28. Atherosclerosis • ather/o/scler/osis = condition of hardening of arteries due to atheroma • Can lead to heart attacks and strokes • Most common cause of angina pectoris • Chest pain

  29. Atherosclerosis • Symptoms: • Fatty streaks in carotid arteries • Prevention: • Normal cholesterol levels, increase in high density lipoprotein (HDL), decrease in low density lipoprotein (LDL), smoking cessation, and increase in physical activity

  30. Hematology • hem/o and hemat/o = combining terms for blood • Examples: • hemat/o/logy = study of blood • hemat/o/logist = person who specializes in science of blood • hem/angi/o/blast = embryonic blood vessel cell

  31. Hematology • Examples: • hem/angi/oma = benign tumor of blood vessel • hem/arthr/osis = blood in joint • hemat/o/phobia = abnormal fear of blood • hemato/o/lysis = destruction of blood cells

  32. Hemangioma

  33. Blood Tests • hem/o/globin = protein pigment in RBCs that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide • hem/o/globin blood test (HGB) = measurement to detect anemia • Normal average for women: • 12 to 14 grams

  34. Blood Tests • hemat/o/crit = measures percent of formed elements compared to total volume of blood • Formed elements • Blood cells • Normal average range: • 36 to 45 percent

  35. Terms with thromb/o • thromb/o = combining form for blood clot • thrombus = medical term for blood clot • thrombi = plural form

  36. Terms with thromb/o • Examples: • thromb/o/cyte = cell that aids clotting • thromb/o/cyt/o/penia = lack of cells that aid clotting • thromb/osis = condition of forming thrombus • thromb/o/genic = pertaining to formation of a thrombus • thromb/oid = resembling thrombus

  37. Thrombi Procedures • thromb/ectomy = excision of thrombus • thromb/o/lysis = destruction of thrombus

  38. Effects of Thrombi • Thrombus may occlude (block) vessel • Results in: • Stoppage of blood supply and infarct of tissue • Infarct = necrosis = death • my/o/cardi/al in/farct/ion = death of heart muscle • cerebr/al in/farct/ion = occlusion of artery that supplies blood to brain

  39. Embolus • Thrombus or piece of thrombus traveling through blood vessels to other parts of body • Can cause block in vessel

  40. Veins • Vessels that carry blood to heart • phleb/o, ven/o, and ven/i = combining forms • Example: • ven/ous = pertaining to veins

  41. Veinal Procedures • phleb/ectomy = excision of vein • phleb/o/pexy = surgical fixation of vein • phleb/ectasia = venous dilation • phleb/o/plasty = surgical repair of vein

  42. Veinal Procedures • phleb/o/tomy = incision into vein • ven/i/puncture = incision into vein to obtain blood sample • phleb/o/graphy = process of obtaining x-ray of vein

  43. Vessels • angi/o = combining form • Examples: • angi/o/blast = germ cell from which vessels develop • angi/o/graphy = process of obtaining x-ray of vessel • angi/o/gram = image of vessel

  44. Vessel Procedures • angi/o/scopy = process of using looking device to examine vessel • angi/ectasia = dilation of vessel • angi/o/lysis = destruction or breaking down of vessels • angi/o/plasty = repair of vessel

  45. Anesthesiology • esthesia = feeling or sensation • Examples: • an/esthesi/a = without or lack of sensation • an/esthesi/o/logy = branch of medicine concerned with anesthesia • an/esthesi/o/logist = physician specialist in anesthesia

  46. Anesthesiology • Examples: • an/esthet/ist = person who administers anesthetic agents • Novocaine • Local anesthetic agent that removes sensation in specific area • dys/esthesi/a = impairment of sensation • hypo/esthesi/a = impaired sensation • hyper/esthesi/a = oversensitivity to pain

  47. Pain • alges = combining form • Examples: • alges/ia = extreme oversensitivity to pain • Synonym for hyperesthesia • alges/ic = pertaining to pain • alges/i/meter = instrument used to measure pain

  48. Pain Conditions • an/alges/ia = condition without pain • par/alges/ia = abnormal pain • par/alg/ia = abnormal pain

  49. Muscles • my/o = combining form • Origin • Greek • myon = muscle

  50. Types of Muscles • Striated • Skeletal • Voluntary • Location: • Covers skeleton • Function: • Skeletal movement

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