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Chapter 14

Chapter 14. Energy Generation in Mitochondria and Chloroplasts. Protons In H 2 O. H + can move along the H-bonds in H 2 O Dissociating from one molecule to associate with the next one. Transfer of H + and e -.

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Chapter 14

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  1. Chapter 14 Energy Generation in Mitochondria and Chloroplasts

  2. Protons In H2O • H+ can move along the H-bonds in H2O • Dissociating from one molecule to associate with the next one

  3. Transfer of H+ and e- • The transfer of an e- sets up a negative charge which is rapidly neutralized by adding a H+, the molecule is reduced • Reverse is true when things are oxidized

  4. e-Transport Chain

  5. Redox Potential • Redox = oxidation-reduction reactions • Depends on the affinity for electrons of the molecules involved in each reaction • Redox pairs – two molecules such as NADH and NAD+ - NADH is a strong electron donor (reducing agent) while NAD+ is a weak electron acceptor (oxidizing agent) • Redox Potential – a measure of the tendency of a given system to donate or accept electrons

  6. Versatile Electron Carriers • The respiratory complexes are made up of a metal ion bound to a protein molecule • The metal ion is responsible for the movement of the e-, skipping from one ion to another • Ubiquinone, a hydrophobic molecule, that can move electrons without being bound to a protein

  7. Quinone Electron Carriers • Can carry either 1 or 2 e- and picks up 1 H+ for each e-

  8. Other e- Carriers • Dehydrogenation complex • Flavin group • Iron-sulfur centers – carry 1 e- at a time • Cytochrome b-c1 and cytochrome oxidase complexes • Proteins that contain a heme group that can accept an e- • Cytochromes are colored due to the Fe

  9. Chloroplasts and Photosynthesis • Photosynthesis is process using the energy in sunlight and CO2 to create the organic materials required of present day cells • The chloroplast is the special organelle in plants responsible for photosynthesis

  10. Chloroplasts • Similar to mitochondria • Uses a proton pump to create ATP • Stroma instead of matrix • Has own RNA, DNA and ribosomes • Difference is that the e- transport chain is in the thylakoid membrane – 3rd membrane that makes up the thylakoids, a sac-like structure, so have a thylakoid space • Granum – stack of thylakoids

  11. Chloroplasts vs Mitochondria

  12. Light and Dark Reactions • Light or photosynthetic e- transfer reactions • Sunlight energizes e- in chlorophyll which then moves down the e- transport chain in the thylakoid membrane • e- gotten from H2O to make O2 • Electrochemical gradient is made in the stroma across the thylakoid membrane making ATP • Generate NADPH from NADP+ • Dark or carbon-fixation reactions • ATP and NADPH produced in light reaction used as energy and reducing power to take CO2 and convert it to a carbohydrate – glucose

  13. Photosynthesis Reactions

  14. Chlorophyll • Sunlight is composed of many different wavelengths ranging from violet to red • Chlorophyll is green because it absorbs all the wavelengths but green • The e- in chlorophyll gain a higher energy level when a wavelength is absorbed and then bounce around the ring – porphyrin (blue)

  15. Photosystem • Chlorophylls are in a multiprotein complex called a photosystem • Antenna is many molecules of chlorophyll that capture the sunlight’s energy that ultimately goes to the reaction center

  16. Reaction Center • Set of proteins in the thylakoid membrane • Special chlorophyll molecule that is an irreversible trap for an excited e- • Transfers the e- to a more stable environment

  17. ATP and NADPH • The light reaction makes the ATP and NADPH to synthesize the sugar • ATP made with the first photon of light absorbed and NADPH is made from the second photon of light

  18. Summary of Light Reactions • Electron from chlorophyll in photosystem II is donated to NADPH • The replacement electron comes from the splitting of water • When 4 electrons are removed (4 photons hit chlorophyll) O2 is released

  19. Carbon FixationorDarkReaction

  20. Carbon-Fixation or Calvin Cycle • CO2 joins with a ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (5 C) by a carboxylase called rubisco • Rubisco is slow compared to other enzymes so therefore there is a large amount in the cell to compensate for this • 1 molecule of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (net product ) is generated and goes to make the sugar • A large amount of energy goes to regenerating the ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate • 3 ATP and 2 NADPH required for each CO2 molecule converted to carbohydrate

  21. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate • Converted into glucose • Can be shuttled into the glycolytic pathway in the mitochondria of plants to become pyruvate and eventually ATP • Excess is converted into starch in the stroma which can be used at night as an energy source

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