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Growing Our PLC Ben Franklin Team Glen Ellyn, IL

“ Growing Our PLC ” Ben Franklin School Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Growing Our PLC Ben Franklin Team Glen Ellyn, IL. Where are We?. We are in our second year of working toward a successful PLC. Teachers have time collaborate as grade-level teams on a weekly basis.

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Growing Our PLC Ben Franklin Team Glen Ellyn, IL

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  1. “Growing Our PLC” Ben Franklin School Glen Ellyn, Illinois Growing Our PLCBen Franklin TeamGlen Ellyn, IL

  2. Where are We? • We are in our second year of working toward a successful PLC. • Teachers have time collaborate as grade-level teams on a weekly basis. • Collaboration has been beneficial to our classroom teachers and students, but has not solved all of our problems. • We currently lack time for specialists and non-certified staff to communicate with teachers. • We also lack time for cross-grade level articulation.

  3. What can we do to improve? • As a team we came to the consensus that although we have improved in our communication between grade-level teams, better staff communication as a whole is necessary. • We decided to survey the staff to see if using a social networking tool would be an appropriate solution to our problem…

  4. Survey Results • Which social networking tools/sites have you used? • Which of these do you use regularly?

  5. Survey Results • How comfortable are you with investigating and learning new technologies independently? • How likely would you be to use a social networking tool as a means of extending/improving the Franklin School PLC process?

  6. Survey Results • Please rate the items below in terms of barriers to your using a social networking tool to connect with our Franklin PLC. Time (This was the only factor that was a major barrier for many people, others included were lack of training, know-how and interest.)

  7. Moving Forward… • Our goal is still to improve professional learning and collaboration among the entire staff, and to incorporate technology. • Continue discussion on whether the staff is ready to move forward using a social network, such as a NING. • Looking at data on comfort level with social networking, discuss what type of PD will we need to provide.

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