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Vocabulary Units 7 & 8

Vocabulary Units 7 & 8. Abeyance. Noun A state of being temporarily inactive, suspended, or set aside Synonym: suspension. Ambivalent. Adjective Having opposite and conflicting feelings about someone or something Unsure Synonym: Equivocal Antonym: Unequivocal. Beleaguer. Verb

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Vocabulary Units 7 & 8

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  1. Vocabulary Units 7 & 8

  2. Abeyance Noun A state of being temporarily inactive, suspended, or set aside Synonym: suspension

  3. Ambivalent Adjective Having opposite and conflicting feelings about someone or something Unsure Synonym: Equivocal Antonym: Unequivocal

  4. Beleaguer Verb To set upon from all sides; to surround with an army; to trouble, harass Synonym: Pester

  5. Carte Blanche Noun Full freedom or authority to act at one’s own discretion Synonym: blank check

  6. Cataclysm Noun A sudden, violent, or devastating upheaval; a surging flood, deluge Synonym: Disaster

  7. Debauch Verb To corrupt morally, seduce; to indulge in dissipation Synonym: Carouse Antonym: Inspire

  8. Éclat Noun Dazzling or conspicuous success or acclaim; great brilliance (of performance or achievement) Synonym: Celebrity Antonym: Dullness

  9. Fastidious Adjective Overly demanding or hard to please; excessively careful in regard to details; easily disgusted Synonym: Finicky Antonym: Slovenly

  10. Gambol Verb To jump or skip about playfully Synonym: Frolic

  11. Imbue Verb To soak or stain thoroughly; to fill the mind Synonym: Infuse Antonym: Erase

  12. Inchoate Adjective Just beginning; not fully shaped or formed Synonym: Embryonic Antonym: Developed

  13. Lampoon Noun A malicious satire Synonym: Parody Antonym: Flattery

  14. Malleable Adjective Capable of being formed into different shapes; capable of being altered, adapted, or influenced Synonym: impressionable Antonym: inflexible

  15. Nemesis Noun An agent or force inflicting vengeance or punishment; retribution itself; an unbeatable rival Synonym: Comeuppance Antonym: ally

  16. Opt Verb To make a choice or decision Synonyms: choose, select, decide **OPTION**

  17. Philistine Adjective Lacking in, hostile to, or smugly indifferent to cultural and artistic values or refinements Noun Such a person Synonym: Boorish Antonym: Refined

  18. Picaresque Adjective Involving or characteristic of clever rogues or adventurers Synonym: Roguish

  19. Queasy Adjective Nauseated or uneasy; causing nausea or uneasiness, troubled Synonym: Unsettled Antonym: Calm

  20. Refractory Adjective Stubborn; hard or difficult to manage; not responsive to treatment or cure Synonym: Unruly Antonym: Docile

  21. Savoir-faire Noun The ability to say and do the right thing in any situation; social competence Synonym: Sophistication Antonym: Tactlessness

  22. Aberration Noun A departure from what is proper, right, expected, or normal; a lapse from a sound mental state Synonym: Deviation

  23. Ad hoc Adjective For this specific purpose; improvised Synonym: makeshift Antonym: long-standing

  24. Bane Noun The source or cause of fatal injury, death, destruction, or ruin; death or ruin itself; poison Synonym: Spoiler Antonym: Solace

  25. Bathos Noun The intrusion of commonplace or trite material into a context whose tone is lofty or elevated; grossly insincere or exaggerated sentimentality; the lowest phase, nadir; an anticlimax, comedown Synonym: mush

  26. Cantankerous Adjective Ill-tempered, quarrelsome; difficult to get along or deal with Synonym: Irascible Antonym: Good-natured

  27. Casuistry Noun The determination of right and wrong in questions of conduct or conscience by the application of general ethical principles; specious argument Synonym: Sophistry

  28. De Facto Adjective Actually existing or in effect, although not legally required or sanctioned Synonym: In actuality Antonym: De jure

  29. Depredation Noun The act of preying upon or plundering Synonym: Looting

  30. Empathy Noun A sympathetic understanding of or identification with feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of someone or something else Synonyms: Sympathy, compassion Antonym: Insensitivity

  31. Harbinger Noun A forerunner, herald Synonym: Precursor Antonym: Sequel

  32. Hedonism Noun The belief that the attainment of pleasure is life’s chief aim; devotion to or pursuit of pleasure Synonym: Pleasure seeking Antonym: self-denial

  33. Lackluster Adjective Lacking brilliance or vitality; dull Synonym: Flat Antonym: Dazzling

  34. Malcontent Adjective Discontented with or in open defiance of prevailing conditions Synonym: Dissatisfied Antonym: Satisfied

  35. Mellifluous Adjective Flowing sweetly or smoothly, honeyed Synonym: Musical

  36. Nepotism Noun Undue favoritism to or excessive patronage of one’s relatives

  37. Pander Verb To cater to or provide satisfaction for the low tastes or vices of others Synonym: Indulge

  38. Peccadillo Noun A minor sin or offense; a trifling fault or shortcoming Synonym: Indiscretion Antonym: Felony

  39. Pièce de résistance Noun The principal dish of a meal; the principal event, incident, or item; an outstanding accomplishment Synonym: Centerpiece Antonym: Hors D’ouvre

  40. Remand Verb To send or order back; in law, to send back to jail or to a lower court Synonym: return Antonym: release

  41. Syndrome Noun A group of symptoms or signs that collectively characterize or indicate a disease, disorder, abnormality, etc. Synonym: pattern

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