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The TXL Programming Language (4)

The TXL Programming Language (4). Mariano Ceccato FBK - Fondazione Bruno Kessler ceccato@fbk.eu. Announcement. No class: on March 26 th and 27 th Room change (107) on April 2 nd and 3 rd March 12 th and 13 th. Working with Global Variables.

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The TXL Programming Language (4)

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  1. The TXL Programming Language (4) Mariano Ceccato FBK - Fondazione Bruno Kessler ceccato@fbk.eu

  2. Announcement • No class: on March 26th and 27th • Room change (107) on • April 2nd and 3rd • March 12th and 13th

  3. Working with Global Variables • Global variables are a rich and powerful feature that can be used for many distinct purposes, including: - global tables. - multiple results from a rule. - “deep” parameters. - “message-passing” communication between rules in a rule set (e.g, avoiding interference).

  4. Setting Global Table • Global tables can be set up using an export clause before the replace clause in the main rule of a program. Example: function main export Table [repeat table_entry] “Veggie” -> “Cabbage” “Fruit” -> “Apple” “Fruit” -> “Orange” replace [program] P [program] by P [R1] end function define table_entry [stringlit] -> [stringlit] end define

  5. Adding Table Entry • Global tables can be modified by exporting a new binding for the table based on the imported original binding. Example: function addTableEntry import Table [repeat table_entry] … construct newEntry [table_entry] “Veggie” -> “XXX” export Table Table [. newEntry] … end function

  6. Searching in a Table • Global tables can be easily queried using searching deconstructors. deconstruct * [table_entry] Table Kind [stringlit] -> “Orange” Example: • The binding for “Kind” will be the [stringlit] “Fruit”. If no match were to be found, then the deconstructor would fail.

  7. Avoiding interference between rules function shiftByOne export Flag [id] ‘not_found replace [number] N [number] by N [replaceOneByTwo] [replaceTwoByThree] end function function replaceOneByTwo replace [number] 1 export Flag ‘found by 2 end function We want: 1 ---> 2 ---> 3 2 ---> 3 function replaceTwoByThree import Flag [id] deconstruct Flag ‘not_found replace [number] 2 by 3 end function

  8. Remarks • Transformation of a list of contiguos if-statements in a case-statement. 1) The rule “transformTwoCases” is necessary. 2) It is not possible create a sequence [repeat T] in this way: - L elem with L [repeat T] and elem [T] - L L’ with L [repeat T] and L’ [repeat T] The Built-in function L [. elem] (or L [. L’]) can be used. If x>1 then … If x<1 then … case … endCase case … endCase case … endCase case … endCase

  9. Exercises • Adding to the Expr-language the construct ‘let’. • Extending the Calculator.txl at the ‘Let-Expr-language’. • - without global-variables (similar to pag. 19 slides 2) • - using global-variables let begin x = 1; y = 2; end x+y+1. [number] The output of Calculator.txl on the example will be 4.

  10. Homework • Extending the right part of the ‘let-declarations’ ([expression] • instead of [number]). • Extending the Calculator.txl at the ‘New-Let-Expr-language’. • - without global-variables • - using global-variables let begin x = 2; y = 1+x; x = 3 end x+y. The output of Calculator.txl on the example will be 6.

  11. Counting items in TXL • TXL can be used for counting items (i.e. LOCs, number of cycles, etc.). For example: given a tag-language counting the number of tags and end-tags. <a> uno <b> due </b> tags: 2 end Tags: 1

  12. % Tags grammar define program [repeat element] end define define element [Tag] | [endTag] | [id] end define define Tag < [id] > end define define endTag </ [id] > end define % Count number of tag and end-tag function main replace [program] P [program] construct ListTags [repeat Tag] _ [^ P] construct NumberTags [number] _ [countTag each ListTags] [printf] by end function R1 [^ X1] Replace R1 of type [repeat T] with a sequence consisting of every subtree of type [T] contained in X1.

  13. function countTag A [Tag] replace [number] N [number] by N [+ 1] end function function printf match [number] N [number] construct PrintObj [number] N [print] end function print is a built-in function!

  14. Using attributes TXL allows a grammar definition to have attributes associated with it: • Attributes act like optional non-terminals, but normally do not appear in the output (txl –attr force the print of all attributes). • Attributes may be added to the parse tree during transformations. • Attributes are denotated in the grammar by the nonterminal modifier attr.

  15. define type ‘int | ‘string end define define typed_id [id] [attr type] end define function InferType expr [expression] replace [typed_id] Id [id] deconstruct expr f [number] op [operator] s [number] by Id ‘int end function The attribute ‘type’ is Optional.

  16. Remark • Several functions (or rules) may be applied to a scope • in succession. For example: X [f][g][h] (the meaning is: h(g(f(X))) )

  17. Exercises (1) • Adding to the commands-language the statements: • - ‘goto’ • - ‘while’ • and the ‘labels’ (in optional way). f := 0; A_0: if x>n goto B_3; x := x –1; f := f * x; goto A_0; B_3: print f f := 0; while x <=n do x := x –1; f := f * x; endwhile print f

  18. Exercises (2) • Count the number of line of code in the input program. • Implement the ‘goto elimination’ transformation (before, think of ‘goto patterns’ that can be transformed in ‘while patterns’). f := 0; A_0: if x>n goto B_3; x := x –1; f := f * x; goto A_0; B_3: print f f := 0; while x <=n do x := x –1; f := f * x; endwhile print f goto elimination ‘1’

  19. Homework • Counting the number of line of code that contains the • ‘goto’ statement. • 2. Inferring the type of a variable from expressions • (using attributes). Example: - y: = 4; --> y: int - x := 5 +y; --> x: int

  20. All the exercises: • Ambiguous expr-language (+, *, -, /) • simplyfing rules (eg, remove-pus-zero) • Non-ambiguous expr-language • Adapt the simplifying rules • Implementing the Calculator.txl. • Add exponential Exp(x, n). to expr-grammar • Solve in syntax way: Exp(2, 3) --> 2*2*2 • Solve in semantic way: recursive function that substitute at Exp(x, n) the correct value. • “Commands-language” where commands can be: • assignments [id] := [expr]; • declarations const [id] = [number]; • Implement “resolveConstants” • Add to the “commands language”: • If [cond] then [repeat statement] endIf • Case [repeat caseEntry] endCase • [cond] -> [statement] • Transform a list of contiguos “if-statements” in a case-statement • Transform a case-statement in a list of contiguos “if-statements”. • Add the construct ‘let’. to the Expr-language • Extend the Calculator.txl at the ‘Let-Expr-language’. • without global-variables (similar to pag. 19 slides 2) • using global-variables • Extend ‘let-declarations’ • right part ([expression] instead of [number]). • Calculator for New-Let-Expr-language • without global-variables • using global-variables • Add “goto” , “while” and “labels” to command-language • Count statements • Implement goto-elimination • Conuntgoto statements • Type inferences

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