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C a n d l e L a n t e r n s

C a n d l e L a n t e r n s. C o l o n i a l T i m e s. W h a t a r e t h e y u s e d f o r ?. Seeing at night outside Seeing inside at night Seeing in dark places like barns Seeing in dark storms. W h o u s e d t h e m ?. Colonial people who needed to see something when it was dark.

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C a n d l e L a n t e r n s

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CandleLanterns ColonialTimes

  2. Whataretheyusedfor? • Seeingatnightoutside • Seeinginsideatnight • Seeingindarkplaceslikebarns • Seeingindarkstorms

  3. Whousedthem? • Colonialpeoplewhoneeded toseesomething whenitwasdark.

  4. 1500stothe2000s! • Wehavesomething likecandlelanterns today,wecallthem….Lamps!Weuselampstoday becausewelllampsareeasier to justfliptheswitch!

  5. Whatdoesthistell usaboutcolonialtimes? • Thatincolonialtimestherewasnoelectricity

  6. Whatwasitmade of? • Thecandleismadeof candlewax. • Theoutsideismadeofametal framewithglasstightenedinto theframe.

  7. SourcesthatIused! • Googleimages • Google

  8. By ………. KadyMaeGraves &KyraPalumbo

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