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2 013 CODE OF POINTS In More detail

November 2012. 2 013 CODE OF POINTS In More detail. Hélène Laliberté Kathy Stoesz. Sections of the Code of Points. Similar information with new presentation. 1.Purpose 2.Regulations for gymnasts 3.Regulations for coaches 4. Regulations for technical committee

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2 013 CODE OF POINTS In More detail

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  1. November 2012 2013 CODE OF POINTS In More detail Hélène Laliberté Kathy Stoesz

  2. Sections of the Code of Points Similar information with new presentation • 1.Purpose • 2.Regulations for gymnasts • 3.Regulations for coaches • 4. Regulations for technicalcommittee • 5. Regulations & Structure of Apparatusjuries • 6. Determination of Score • 7. D-Score • 8. E Score, Table of generalfaults • 9. Technical Directives • 10-13 Apparatus • 10 Vault, 11 Bars, 12 Beam, 13 Floor

  3. Section 2 Regulations for Gymnasts • Warm-up • In C-I, II and IV gymnast entitled to touch warm-up on the podium immediately prior to competition • 30 sec on all apparatus Vault, Beam, Floor • UB - each 50 seconds (including preparation of bars) • In C-I and IV the warm up time belongs to the team. • In mixed groups the warm-up time belongs personally to the gymnast. • Apparatus may be prepared but not used, following the warm-up period before the “competition pause”

  4. Non transparent, no further than half of sternum or half of shoulder blade • leotard • unitard(one piece leotard with full length legs-hip to ankle) leotard: Leg cut not extend beyond hop bone, 2cm below base of buttocks Unitard: Cover to ankle If sleeveless: strap minimum 2cm Bandages must bebeige-colored.(when available from the manufacturer) Must have: national identification or emblem Must wear: start number Maywear: only small stud type pierced earrings • Attire (penalties 0.3)

  5. Behavior (penalties 0.3) Failure to start within 30 sec. after green light 0.30 from Final score Exceedingwarm up time 0.30 from Final score Remounting podium after the exercise 0.30 from Final score Performing without signal or on red light Final Score = 0.00 points Speaking to active judges during competition 0.30 from Final score Other undisciplined or abusive behavior 0.30 from Final score

  6. Non-permitted presence of spotter 0.50 from the Final Score Incorrect use of magnesium and/or damagingapparatus0.50 from the Final Score (note: magnesia on bars and small marks on beam not mentioned floor) Re-arrangement or removal of springs 0.50 from the Final Score Failure to use supplementary landing mat or moving to unpermitted end of the BB 0.50 from the Final Score Use of unpermitted supplementary mats 0.50 from the Final Score Placement of springboard on unpermitted Surface 0.50 from the Final Score moving suppl. mat during the exercise0.50 from the Final ScoreRaising apparatus without permission 0.50 from the Final Score Failure to use safety collar for round-off entry vaultsFinal Score = 0 points • Apparatus related (penalties 0.5)

  7. Section 3 of the code • C-I & IV • Complete Teams • 1 Female &/or 1 Male or 2 Females • Nations with 1-3 gymnasts • 1 Female or 1 Male • C-II: each gymnast – 1 (F or M) • C-III: each gymnast – 1 (F or M) • Section 3.Regulations for coaches : similar to 2009 May be on the podium to place equipment: board, apparatus May be on the podium during the entire bar exercise May have a second person on podium to remove the board at bars who must leave immediately after removing the board

  8. 2013 Code of Points in detail Section 4.Regulations TechnicalCommittee: similar to 2009 Section 5.Regulations & Structure for ApparatusJuries: similar to 2009 WC & OG Panels 2 D-Panel Judges 5 E- Panel Judges 2 R- Panel Judges (reference) Modifications to judges panels are possible for international events All Judgesmust attend podium training

  9. Judges are Responsible to: Section 5.Regulations & Structure for ApparatusJuries: similar to 2009 • Be in possession of the international Brevet • Have knowledge of FIG CoP, Technical regulations, Judges’rules • Attend Judges’ Review Session • Wear the FIG prescribe uniform (dark blue suit, white blouse) • Be at the Competition site & briefings per scheduled time • Use the symbol notation sheets and maintain record of personal scores • Remain in assigned seat until end of competition • Exhibit professional, non partisan, ethical behavior

  10. Apparatus Jury Appreciation of the athlete’s performances Primary Responsibility • D- Judging Panel • content value • Neutral deductions • E- Judging Panel • execution • artistry & Choreography

  11. D- Panel Functions • D- Panel judges • record exercise in symbol notation • Jointly determine D- score (discussion allowed) • Difficulty Values • Connection Values • Composition Requirements

  12. D- Panel Functions Ensure the following deductions are applied • if gymnast failed to present before and after the exercise. • if gymnast performed an invalid “0” vault • Spotting assistance deducts from final score • report unsportsmanlike conduct of coach to Apparatus Supervisor. Ensureneutraldeductions are applied Ensure correct procedure for short exercice isapplied

  13. E- Panel functions • Observe exercises attentively and evaluate faults without bias • General Faults • Specific Apparatus Deductions • Artistry & choreography Faults (BB & FX) • Complete score slip quickly and clearly and enter into score pad separately • sum of deductions for execution faults • sum of deductions for artistry & choreography faults • Provide a written record of the evaluation

  14. Sections of the Code of Points Section 6. Determination of Score D- Score + E Score = Final • D-Score • Difficulty Value (A- through H-) • Composition Requirements • Connection Value • E- Score E-Score calculate by averaging 3 middle of 5 scores • Execution • Artistry & Choreography

  15. Art 6. Determinaton of Score Short Exercise maximum E- Score of: 10.00 P. If 7 or more elements are performed 6.00 P. if 5 - 6 elements are performed 4.00 P. if 3 - 4 elements are performed 2.00 P. if 1 - 2 elements are performed 0.00 P. if no elements are performed • The D- Panel will inform the Apparatus Secretary of the maximum E- Score.

  16. Regulations governing the D-Score • D- Score (content) • Difficulty Value (A- through H-) • Composition Requirements • Connection Value • E- Score • Execution • Artistry & Choreography DV CR CV

  17. A- 0.10 B- 0.20 C- 0.30 D- 0.40 E- 0.50 F- 0.60 G- 0.70 H- 0.80 Count the Maximum 8 highest DV including the dismount Award DV unless there is a failure to meet the technical requirement of the element. DIFFICULTY VALUE – D-Panel DV

  18. Recognition of DV elementsSame & Different DV DV • The same element is recognized only one time as a DV • If performed the 2nd time DV is not considered

  19. Different Elements DV • Elements are considered different with • Different numbers Example: • BB – 2.403 and 2.304

  20. Same Elements if listed under same numberand following criteria DV UB elements: – are performed with or without a hop grip change – giants fwd & bwd performed with legs straddled or together, with hip bent or stretched

  21. Same Elements if listed under same numberand following criteria DV • Dance elements: when performed in Side or Cross position (BB) Jumps with 1/1 turn or more performed in side position will be awarded 1 DV higher than in cross position. Jumps that start from side position and finish in cross position, or vice versa – consider as elements performed in cross position with take off from one or two feet with the same leg position land on one or both feet (BB) land on one or both feet or in prone position (FX) turns in the forward and backward direction

  22. 5.3.2 Recognition of DV of elements (Help desk 2011) DV

  23. Same # – Different elements DV • there are different body positions (tuck, pike or stretched) in saltos, • – the description for body position of dance elements is different • – the legs are together or straddled in saltos (UB) • – the legs are in cross or side split in dance elements • – there are different degrees of turns • ½ , 1/1, 1½ (180°, 360°, 540°), etc. • See Section 9 for specific apparatus requirements • – the support is performed on one or both arms or free • – the acrobatic elements take-off from one or both legs

  24. Dance Same # = Same DV DV • With take off from 1 or 2 feet with the same leg and body position • Land on 1 or 2 feet or in prone position (FX)

  25. Same # = Same DV (BB) DV • Land on 1 or 2 feet • Performed in cross or side position • If the same dance element is performed in cross & side position • DV awarded 1 time only • in chronological order

  26. Same # = Same DV DV • Jumps/ Leaps with ¼ (90˚) • ½ (180˚) and ¾ (270˚) • 1/1 (360˚) and 1¼ (450˚) and etc.

  27. Jumps with 1/1 or more turn DV • Jumps with 1/1 turn or more performed in side position award • 1 DV higher than in cross position Example: = C= D (reward DV in chronological order) • Exception:

  28. Jumps with 1¼ (450˚) DV • start from side position and finish in cross position (vice versa) • Consider same as element performed in cross position No higher value will be awarded • DV awarded one time only • In chronological order

  29. ACROSame # = Same DV DV • Acro elements land on 1 or 2 feet Examples BB # 5.410 FX: # 4.101, 4.202 • DV awarded one time only • In chronological order

  30. Recognition of elements occurs in chronological order • 3 principles to follow for recognition of elements: • 1. An element devalued due to technical failure (credited one DV lower) that does not exist in the Table of elements is performed again in the exercise it will then be considered as a repetition and no DV will be awarded. (Help desk 2011)

  31. Recognition of element When an element devalued due to technical B C D C (Didnot finish in handstand)

  32. Recognition of elements • 2. When an elementisrecognized as anotherelementfrom the Table of elements due to • technicalfailure. • In this case, if the elementisperformedlater in the exercisewith correct technique, bothelementswillreceive DV. Theywillbeconsidered as 2 differentelements in the Table. (Help desk 2011)

  33. A C D E (do not hold free legat (do not completehorizontal exactly 3/1 turns) to the end) Recognition of elementsWhen an element is recognized as another

  34. Recognize as different DV from Table DV Free leg swing below 45° reward If Performed 2nd time with correct technique reward

  35. Recognition of element • Whenno DV wascrediteddue to technicalfailure. • In this case, if the elementisperformedlater in the exercisewith correct technique, itwillreceive DV. Is not consideredrepetitionsince first time no DV wasgiven. (Help desk 2011)

  36. -- D --- D (without landing feet first) no grasp on first attempt Recognition of elementsWhen no DV was credited due to technical failure.

  37. Criteria for Turns on one leg DV • 1st – Degree of turn on support leg • 2nd – Free leg turn completion • 3rd – Free leg position

  38. Criteria 1: Degree of turn on Support leg DV • Increments of ½ turn on BB • Increments of 1/1 turn on FX

  39. Criteria 2: Free leg turn CompletionBB & FX DV • BB & FX Free leg drops too early • Becomes an A-element • Performed 2nd time correctly – credit DV • Turns performed in different directions (in and out) are the same elements.

  40. CR CR Composition Requirements 2.50 D- Panel

  41. Composition Requirements CR • 1 element may fulfill more than 1 CR • Only element in table may fulfill CR • An element may not be performed again to fulfill another CR • Dismount Principle • No DMT, A- or B- award 0.00 • C- award 0.30 • D- or higher award 0.50

  42. No Dismount CR • If the salto for the dismount has not begun • no initiation of rotation or • No attempt to dismount at all • jump off *DMT is always 1 of the counting DV

  43. D- Panel No DMT CR NO DV – count 7 elements only E- Panel 0.50 No attempt to dismount Landing deductions Example 1 BB - No DMT credit CR — Round off miss foot and not initiate rotation for salto or — Round off, jump off BB *DMT is always 1 of the counting DV

  44. No DMT - Calculation of DV CR UB – BB- FX DMT - fails to land feet first • 9 elements with DV performed • D- Panel • count highest 7 elements • 7 elements with DV performed • D- Panel • Count 7 elements

  45. Connection Value 0.10, 0.20 (possible 0.3) CV • Devalued elements may be used for CV • No CV can be awarded with a fall • Elements used for CV do not have to be among the 8 counting DV

  46. CV Connection Value a) Only elements from the Table of elements may fulfill CR. b) One element may fulfill more than one CR; however, an element may not be repeated to fulfill another CR. c)Same elements on UB, acrobatic elements on BB and FX may be performed 2 times within one connection

  47. CV Connection Value Same flight elements on UB, acrobatic elements on BB and FX may be performed 2 times within one connection and still receive CV UB D + D + X + D 0.10 + 0.20 + 0.10 FX C + X+ C 0.10 + 0.10

  48. CV Connection Value All acro flight elements (FX without hand support) & dance elements may be used for CV The order of succession of elements within a connection can be freely chosen (unless there is a special requirement for connection recognition) D- salto + A- jump

  49. Connection Value CV • Elements may not be repeated in another CV • In connections recognition occurs in chronological order • Example BB But can be seen 2x in one Connection

  50. Direct & Indirect CV • UB & BB • All connections must be direct • FX • Connections may be • Direct • Indirect* *Directly connected acro elements with flight phase and hand support are performed between saltos

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