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Praising God - Change My Heart, O God

Join us in worship as we lift our voices in praise to the Lord God Almighty. Let His mighty works be declared and His kingdom established through our praises. May our hearts be changed to be like Him, and may we draw close to Him always. This service includes scripture readings, a sermon, musical offerings, and a special litany for our grandparents.

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Praising God - Change My Heart, O God

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome! September 7, 2014

  2. Blessed Be the Lord God Father in heaven how we love You. We lift Your name in all the earth. May Your kingdom be established in our praises. As Your people declare Your mighty works.

  3. Blessed be the Lord God Almighty. Who was, and is and is to come Blessed be the Lord God Almighty. Who reigns forever more.

  4. Change My Heart, O God Change my heart, O God, make it ever true. Change my heart, O God, may I be like You.

  5. You are the potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me, this is what I pray.Change my heart, O God, make it ever trueChange my heart, O God, may I be like You.

  6. Draw me close to You, never let me go. I lay it all down again, to hear You say that I’m Your friend. You are my desire, no one else will do. ‘Cause nothing else could take Your place to feel the warmth of Your embrace

  7. Help me find the way, bring me back to You. CHORUS: You’re all I want, You’re all I ever needed You’re all I want, help me know You are near

  8. Praise God! Sing to God a new song! Give thanks to our Maker. We rejoice in our sovereign God. Let us praise God with dancing and music. Let the faithful sing for joy as we praise God together!

  9. Please Bow Your Heads in Prayer

  10. Scripture Readings

  11. Sermon: Living in the Day

  12. Musical Offering from Aolanee Franklin and Joy Marfil (Please pass prayer slips to the front)

  13. Please Bow Heads in Prayer

  14. Here, O My Lord I See You Face to Face

  15. DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures here below,Praise God above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

  16. OFFERTORY PRAYER (Unison)We dedicate to you, generous God, our lives. Receive these offerings asa sign of our gratitude and commitment. Amen.

  17. LITANY FOR OUR GRANDPARENTSLeader: God, we celebrate our elders today. They’ve fought for usduring times of war and peace. Despite many hardships,they’ve managed to build and sustain family and communityunits that will live perpetually.Congregation: Thanks be to God for our elders.

  18. Leader: Creator God, our elders have loved and served you throughpassionate preaching, singing, teaching, believing, andliving.Congregation: Thanks be to God for the faith of our elders.

  19. Leader: Our elders have given us birth, loved and cared for us, and passed a cherished heritage on to us. We are the beneficiaries of quality education and persistence to do our best in all things. Congregation: Father, we thank you for the perseverance of our elders.

  20. Magnificent God, we lift our hearts in thanksgiving and celebration to you for the gift of our elders. We vow to bring your love and provisions into their lives.

  21. We will carry their legacies of mentorship, service, and gratitudeforward as we ultimately seek to do your will.

  22. This church will perpetually be a positive agent for seniors in this community as you continue to give us strength. So help us God.

  23. Closing Hymn “O God, Who Teaches Us How to Live”

  24. Closing

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