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ALC 50 Hoy es miéroles el primero de febrero 2012.

ALC 50 Hoy es miéroles el primero de febrero 2012. Identify in Spanish the action that is taking place in each picture. There are 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 cantar. 2 dibujar. 3 escribir. 4 hablar por teléfono. 5 jugar videojuegos. 6 usar la computadora.

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ALC 50 Hoy es miéroles el primero de febrero 2012.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ALC 50 Hoy esmiéroles el primero de febrero 2012. • Identify in Spanish the action that is taking place in each picture. There are 10.

  2. 1

  3. 2

  4. 3

  5. 4

  6. 5

  7. 6

  8. 7

  9. 8

  10. 9

  11. 10

  12. 1 cantar

  13. 2 dibujar

  14. 3 escribir

  15. 4 hablarporteléfono

  16. 5 jugarvideojuegos

  17. 6 usar la computadora

  18. 7 escucharmúsica

  19. 8 estudiar

  20. 9 correr

  21. 10 nadar

  22. Bienvenida • Hoy esmiéroles el primero de febrero 2012. You have 2 ½ minutes to • Greet and welcome the students • Call on the students by name • Answer all of the questions so that all can hear.

  23. Asignación • Número (escribegrande en el rincón a la derecha) • Nombre; primero y apellido (en la primeralínea.) • Clase (segundalínea) • Período (terceralínea) • Fecha (cuartalínea) • Título–Misactividades(centro– primeralínea)

  24. objetivo • I can use the word “¿Quién…? (who) correctly in a question and respond to the answer. • I can also work on my listening skills as I learn the song El amores un bichito.

  25. Dobla el papel a la mitad.

  26. Asignación • You have a lot of pictures of you doing things on your cell phone. You have printed the pictures into a collage. • On one half of the paper you will have 7 minutes to draw at least 10 pictures. Use the verbs from the next slide to draw the collage your photos.

  27. Translations • Bailar-to dance • Cantar-to sing • Correr-to run • Dibujar-to draw • Enseñar –to teach • Escribir-to write • Escuchar-to listen • Esquiar-to ski • Estudiar –to study • Hablar –to talk • Jugar –to play • Leer- to read • Montar-to ride • Nadar-to swim • Pasar-to pass • Patinar-to skate • Practicar-to practice • Tocar-to play/touch • Trabajar-to work • Usar to use

  28. Now write what you do in the picture using five or more words in the sentence. • Yonado en el agua.

  29. ¿Quiéncanta? • When a question asks who, the verb is conjugated in the third person. • ar verbs will end with a. • ar/ir verbs will end with e.

  30. Write a question for each of your response. • Make sure to do the following • Use punctuation ¿ ? • Capitalize only the first word. • Learn that quién in a question will have an accent. ¿Quién? • Learn that quiénmeans who and quiénesmeans whose.

  31. Partner share. • Give your paper to your partner. • Partner will point to a picture. • Partner will ask who does …? • You respond Yo… • Do five and reverse rolls.

  32. Get a new partner.

  33. Partner share. • Give your paper to your partner. • Partner will point to a picture. • Partner will ask who does …? • You respond Yo… • Do five and reverse rolls.

  34. Add a friend to each picture. • You must have 3 friends drawn as the opposite sex.

  35. Juana y Marco y yocantamos

  36. Fill in the blanks of the song. El ____ es un bichito El ______ es un bichito (chiquitito, chiquitito) Que se mete de a poquito (de a poquito, de a poquito ) Dentro del corazoncito (suavecito, despacito) Y lo llena de ________ (Mucha ______) Que ____ essentirteasí Amado y ________ La vidaesmás _____ Porqueestás________ Quelindoquees el ____ Porquete cambia la _____ Y todotienesabor Darisas y ________

  37. Prewrite Make four columns for the following. • Your classes. • Verbs (things you do in class) • Difficult or easy • Like or dislike the class. • List under each one a quick response in Spanish.

  38. Rough draft • Use your ideas and write sentences in paragraphs about your daily routine.

  39. Peer revue • Pass the paper to your partner and let them review it for Spelling, punctuation, insert words, etc.

  40. Final draft • Rewrite the daily routine neatly with all of the errors corrected. Include punctuation, capital letters, paragraphs, complete sentences. • Use a lot of words.

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