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What Is The Traditional Surrogacy Process?

Two types of surrogacy can make parenting dreams possible. These are gestational and traditional surrogacy. Although not as common, traditional surrogacy is an option for both prospective surrogates and intended parents. @ https://www.riteoptions.com/surrogacy-process/

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What Is The Traditional Surrogacy Process?

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  1. What Is The Traditional Surrogacy Process? By – Rite Options

  2. types of surrogacy • Two types of surrogacy can make parenting dreams possible. These are gestational and traditional surrogacy. Although not as common, traditional surrogacy is an option for both prospective surrogates and intended parents.

  3. THE TRADITIONAL SURROGACY PROCESS • This process begins when the surrogate provides her eggs or is artificially inseminated with sperm from either a donor or the intended father. The surrogate will carry and deliver the baby. • However, even though she is biologically related to the child, she must nevertheless relinquish all parental rights to the intended parents. • Due to the emotional and legal complexities that are often involved in traditional surrogacy, it much less pursued by intended parents. However, it continues to be a viable option for many individuals who want to start a family.

  4. DEFINITION OF TRADITIONAL SURROGACY • Traditional surrogacy is sometimes also called genetic or partial surrogacy because of the biological link shared between the mother and the child she is carrying. Even though this shared relationship has the potential of complicating the legal and emotional aspects of traditional surrogacy, the following people will still consider this route: • Same-Sex Male Couples • Intended Mother who are unable to produce viable eggs • Single Men

  5. Women in heterosexual relationships who are capable of producing healthy eggs but are unable to carry a baby to term safely are most likely to pursue gestational surrogacy. With this option, the intended parents will still share a biological link with their child. • Same-sex male couples, single men and women are unable to produce healthy eggs and will, therefore, consider traditional surrogacy. In this case, the surrogate will double as the egg donor and carrier. • Since the surrogate is the biological mother of the child, most traditional surrogates are relatives or close friends with the intended parents.


  7. 1. The intended parents don’t have to search for an egg donor because the surrogate will also provide her eggs. They only need to find a woman who is willing to participate in traditional surrogacy

  8. 2. Once a traditional surrogate is found, legal counsel must be sought. It is essential that both parties work with a lawyer who is experienced in matters of traditional surrogacy. Since this type of surrogacy is legally more complex, the rights of both parties must be represented in the legal contract. • To ensure that the intended parents retain their parental rights on the child, the non-biological parents will have to complete a step-parent adoption process after the child’s birth. Once the contracts are signed, the pregnancy may commence.

  9. 3. In traditional surrogacy, intrauterine insemination or IUI is used to artificially inseminate the surrogate with sperm from either a donor or the intended father. IUI is more affordable and less complicated, with fewer medical procedures compared to in vitro fertilization (IVF). This process may be repeated several times until a pregnancy occurs.

  10. 4. The surrogate will carry the baby to a term like a normal pregnancy. After the child’s birth, the surrogate will have parental rights. Legal procedures will be required to terminate these parental rights and ensure the legal adoption of the child.

  11. Thank You • Due to the emotional and legal complications involved in the traditional surrogacy process, most intended parents and professionals prefer to pursue gestational surrogacy. • To learn more about gestational surrogacy, get in touch with Rite Options. Visit - https://www.riteoptions.com/ • Garden City, NY • ph:1(516)512-8888 • fax:1(516)512-8892 • Philadelphia, PA • ph/fax:1(888)512-3220 • ph/fax:1(484)22-2526

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