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Primary Production

Primary Production. Production: Formation of Organic Matter. Autotrophic Organisms (Plants, algae and some bacteria) Photosynthesis Chemosynthesis CO 2 + Electron Donor + energy  CH 2 O + other Heterotrophic Organisms (most bacteria and animals)

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Primary Production

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Primary Production

  2. Production: Formation of Organic Matter • Autotrophic Organisms (Plants, algae and some bacteria) • Photosynthesis • Chemosynthesis CO2 + Electron Donor + energy CH2O + other • Heterotrophic Organisms (most bacteria and animals) RESPIRATION(Autotrophs & Heterotrophs) CH2O + O2 CO2 + H2O + Energy (ATP)

  3. Primary Production

  4. Photosynthesis 6CO2 + 6H2O +light  C6H12O6 + O2 Need: Co2, H2O, Light and….. N  DNA, RNA, Proteins P  Energy Transport, DNA, RNA Fe  Photosynthetic electron chain ….

  5. Nutrients • Macronutrients: N, P, Si, S, Mg, K… • Micronutrients: Cu, Fe, Se… Redfield Ratios: P N C SW 1 15 1000 Phytopl. 1 16 106

  6. SW and FW Phytoplankton macronutrient limitation

  7. Oceanic Productivity Limiting Factors • Light • Nutrients

  8. Bristlecone Pine: 4.723 years old!

  9. Kelp Forest Macroalgae: 3% Ocean Photosynthesis www.underwaterplanet.com

  10. Phytoplankton Phytoplankton: 97% Ocean Photosynthesis

  11. Phytoplankton Dominance • Phytoplankton • Optimize surface area/volume (4/3Пr2) / (4/3Пr3) • Smaller size  larger surf. area/volume • 5μm = 1/5 • 10μm = 1/10 • Small Particles sink slower • Larger surf. area/volume  Slower sinking

  12. Phytoplankton spines: increase in surface for higher floatability

  13. Energy – Mass models

  14. Measuring Productivity

  15. Measuring Productivity • Plant Biomass • How much phytoplankton is there (mg Chl/m3) or (μg Chl/liter) • Productivity • A rate of how much carbon is produced per time • g Carbon / m3 / day • GROSS Productivity = Carbon fixed through Photosynthesis per time • NET Productivity = Gross Prod - Respiration

  16. Standing Crop: Plant Biomass

  17. Grass clippings after 1 week: Productivity

  18. What do Chl maps really measure? Biomass!

  19. Measurement of Productivity:C14 incorporation experiments

  20. Phytoplankton consumption: grazing

  21. So Chl concentration is reasonable estimation of primary productivity in surface waters

  22. Ecosystem Productivity(Annual net productivity)

  23. Ocean primary productivity

  24. Productivity and depth

  25. Open water(low productivity)

  26. Coastal and Estuarine waters (high productivity)

  27. Productivity measurements with DEPTH

  28. Photic Zone and Compensation Depth

  29. Upper Pelagic Habitats- Photic Zone

  30. Vertical distribution of Primary production • Surface photoinhibition (UV light?) • Photosynthetic Maximum • Compensation depth • Critical Depth • Refers to the whole population • Photosynthesistotal= Respirationtotal

  31. Productivity and depth

  32. Critical Depth • CRITICAL DEPTH: Depth at which total primary productivity = Total respiration • MIXING DEPTH – Depth above which all water is throughly mixed (WIND) THE PUNCHLINE: • MIXING DEPTH > CRITICAL DEPTH: Then Phytopl. are partially swept down and a bloom cannot not occur • MIXING DEPTH < CRITICAL DEPTH: then a Phytopl. Bloom can occur


  34. Nitrogen Cycle

  35. Phosphorous Cycle

  36. Figure 13.8

  37. Vertical distribution of Nutrients

  38. Atlantic & Pacific nutrient distribution

  39. Atlantic & Pacific oxygen distribution

  40. Nutrients & distance to shore

  41. Phytoplankton and distance to coast

  42. Nutrient upwelling

  43. July Chlorophyll

  44. January Chlorophyll

  45. Latitudinal effects on Primary productivity

  46. Seasonal stratification

  47. Seasonal effects on Primary Productivity

  48. Consumers or Grazers

  49. Temperate Ocean Spring Bloom

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