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Implementing the Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: View from the ANA

Implementing the Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: View from the ANA. __________________________________ Lisa Summers, CNM, DrPH Senior Policy Fellow, Department of Nursing Practice & Policy February 9, 2011 APRN Summit Providence, Rhode Island. 3 questions.

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Implementing the Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: View from the ANA

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  1. Implementing the Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: View from the ANA

  2. __________________________________ Lisa Summers, CNM, DrPH Senior Policy Fellow, Department of Nursing Practice & Policy February 9, 2011 APRN Summit Providence, Rhode Island

  3. 3 questions What is the history of ANA’s involvement in the development of the Consensus Model? Why has ANA endorsed the model? What is the role of ANA moving forward as the model is implemented?

  4. National Nurse Stakeholder Meeting on Advanced Practice December, 2004 Dr. Margretta Styles Keynote: “Charge was to provide insight and a framework for discussion of a coordinated model for the regulation of APRNs.”

  5. Key messages The problems need a major shift in thinking, not just a band-aid approach to the current jumbled system. The process must be inclusive, not exclusive. To created a future-oriented model that will serve the profession, “Everybody is going to have to give up something, or do something a little differently.”

  6. ANA’s endorsement The ANA Board of Directors endorsed the document in June, 2008. “The model answers the call of the visionary leader Gretta Styles who challenged us to have a united vision that would guarantee a strong profession through advanced practice.” “…crucial to ensuring patients’ access to quality, cost-effective care in all settings…”

  7. Moving forward Each of the 4 roles faces unique problems and opportunities, as does each of the 4 LACE entities. ANA seeks to represent the interests of the entire nursing profession, including the each of the 4 APRN roles.

  8. Moving forward Effective state-level coalition building will be crucial for success. The time is now to leverage the IOM Future of Nursing report.

  9. Building partnerships beyond nursing • The Coalition for Patient’s Rights – formed to counter the AMA Scope of Practice Partnership • www.patientsrightscoalition.org • AARP – 2010 policy statement • http://championnursing.org/resources/aarp-2010-policy-supplement-scope-practice-advanced-practice-registered-nurses • Citizen Advocacy Center – Reforming Scope of Practice Toolkit • www.cacenter.org/cac/SOP

  10. __________________________________ Lisa Summers, CNM, DrPH Senior Policy Fellow, Department of Nursing Practice & Policy Lisa.Summers@ana.org 301-628-5058

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