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*!CHECKMATE!*. Group Members: Ankit Patel Liyoung Hsieh Scott Weaver. This is a basic chess board. It is an 8 x 8 board which totals to 64 squares. Each square on the board has a Cartesian style coordinate mapping system, as displayed on the left and bottom side of the chess board.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. *!CHECKMATE!* Group Members: Ankit Patel Liyoung Hsieh Scott Weaver

  2. This is a basic chess board. It is an 8 x 8 board which totals to 64 squares. Each square on the board has a Cartesian style coordinate mapping system, as displayed on the left and bottom side of the chess board.

  3. A complete chess game consists of two players (black and white), each with a king, queen, two bishops, two knights, two rooks, and eight pawns. In this presentation, we will be dealing only with kings and queens. Black King White King Black Queen

  4. The most important piece on the board is the King. Even though the king does not do much capturing, the fate of the game lies with the king. Even though the king does not do much capturing, the king decides the fate of the game. The king can move one square in any direction.

  5. The king can also capture an opponent's piece, assuming of course that the opponent is not defending this piece! The king can NEVER move on to a Square that the opponent controls. Doing so would move the king into check.

  6. The queen combines the powers of both the rook and the bishop. As such, it can move horizontally, vertically, or on the diagonal. In a sense, it's like the king in that it can move in any direction. Unlike the king, however, it can move far in one direction so long as there are no pieces in its path. Queen = Very Powerful WATCH OUT!

  7. The queen cannot jump over pieces. For example, if the king was blocking a path of the queen, that would be the end of queen’s path. The checks below are all the spots where the queen can move.

  8. Now, lets get to the fun part! In this presentation, black is going to checkmate white. Checkmate is when the king has no where to go and no other moves left. Here is an example…. White cannot take the black queen because it is guarded by the black king.

  9. Here is another version of checkmate. Notice that the white king has nowhere to go, because all of his able spots have been dominated by black. CHECKMATE!

  10. Be careful of stalemate (draw). This occurs when white has no where to move or no other pieces to move, but the king is NOT in check! In this situation, if it was black’s turn, he would be one move from checkmate. But if its white’s turn, its stalemate!

  11. What is the most efficient way to get white into checkmate? What is the best approach? How do we come across doing it? Is it stalemate proof?

  12. First, let’s analyze different situations the king can be in…. There are 3 basic situations, but which one is the best? Which would be the easiest to checkmate? Which is dangerous for stalemate? This is a good situation, but it will be easier for stalemate. This would be the ideal situation for checkmate. The king only has 5 spots to move and it can be stalemate proof! Here the king has 8 spots to move to. This situation would be hard for black to checkmate.

  13. The queen adds a great benefit to checkmating and also preventing stalemate. Since the king is more vulnerable to checkmate when it is against an edge, lets see how the black queen can put the white king in this situation. Notice here at the king is restrained to go right!

  14. Basically, the queen has the ability to force the king into just one side of the board. The queen only has to move in when the king has no where else to go. Notice here that the king is restrained in a box from the queen. Currently, the king is on the E column, but when he moves to the F column, the queen can move also.

  15. This process would repeat if until the king is on one side. If the king moves only up and down the column (not right), the queen can move vertical also forcing the king to eventually move right. Also, if the king is all the way vertical (top or bottom row), then he is already in the situation we want him to be (one side).

  16. Now, lets say that we move into the situation which we want the king. The king is only able to move along the edge until it gets close to the queen. In this case, it only has two other spots it can move. Now, How do we get checkmate? This is where the king comes in!

  17. In our algorithm, we will force the white king to be on the same row as the black king, and then move the queen on the same column as the white king. This will result in checkmate with no chance of stalemate!

  18. CHECKMATE! This algorithm is not the FASTEST way to get checkmate, but the most efficient way while eliminating the chance of stalemate!

  19. DEMO


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