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Health, Happiness & Long Life

Perkumpulan Industri Kehutanan Indonesia Indonesian Forest Industry Club 283 Affiliated to Hoo Hoo International Jurisdiction IV. Health, Happiness & Long Life.

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Health, Happiness & Long Life

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  1. PerkumpulanIndustriKehutanan Indonesia Indonesian Forest Industry Club 283 Affiliated to HooHoo International Jurisdiction IV Health, Happiness & Long Life

  2. The CONCATENATED ORDER OF HOO-HOO was born January 21, 1892, in a parlour of the Old Hotel Hall, Gurdon, Arkansas, by five men connected with the lumber industry who were marooned at Gurdon by delayed trains. From that time it has grown into an international society comprising over 60 clubs in 8 countries. Hoo-Hoo is an international fraternal Order devoted exclusively for the interests of the forest Industry. Its objectives are to encourage friendly relations, confidence and co-operation among forestry professionals, and to foster all activities that benefit the Timber Industry and humanity. Its unusual name derives from Egyptian lore for titles, customs and ritualistic suggestions. The Egyptians worshipped the Black Cat, so a Black Cat with its tail curled as the figure 9 was selected as the emblem for the Order. The mythical nine lives of the cat were used as a basis for the organisation. A short history . . . Introduction to HooHoo International

  3. The International affairs are directed and supervised by the Supreme Nine, which includes the Snark of the Universe, Chairman; Supreme Hoo-Hoo, Senior Hoo-Hoo, Junior Hoo-Hoo, Bojum, Scrivenoter, Jabberwock, Custocatian, Arcanoper and Gurdon. Several of the titles were taken from Lewis Carroll’s “The Hunting of the Snark”. “Health, Happiness and Long Life” was chosen as the motto of the Order, whose principal purpose was declared to be the promotion of these benefits through a spirit of brotherhood and fraternal association. A short history . . . Introduction to HooHoo International

  4. Australia New Zealand Malaysia South Africa And now . . . . . Hoo Hoo Jurisdiction IV INDONESIA PerkumpulanIndustriKehutanan Indonesia Indonesian Forest Industry Club 283

  5. The first meeting of the Indonesian Forest Industry Club was convened aton 30 July 2010. The first official meeting as an affiliated chapter of Hoo Hoo International was on 29 October 2010. Inaugural Meeting PerkumpulanIndustriKehutanan Indonesia Indonesian Forest Industry Club 283

  6. Non-political, non-secular, equality of sex English / Bahasa Members must be in the forestry or timber industry Activity Focus Promote the forestry & wood products industry locally & globally Review how to improve the Indonesian Forest Industry reputation internationally Networking and business development within the group and our industry Support charitable activities- particulary within forest communities Industry tours . . . in Indonesia . . . outside of Indonesia Training courses and continuous professional development & training sponsorship of local forest industry individuals Core Principles PerkumpulanIndustriKehutanan Indonesia Indonesian Forest Industry Club 283

  7. PerkumpulanIndustriKehutanan Indonesia Indonesian Forest Industry Club 283 Affiliated to HooHoo International Jurisdiction IV HooHoo Club Indonesia “Through Hoo-Hoo a UnitedForest Products Industry”

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