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Physics with a Neutrino Factory Complex

Physics with a Neutrino Factory Complex. -- Principles -- performance -- other physics and muon collider -- R&D in Europe and elsewhere. This summarizes the work of several 100 authors who recently published 'ECFA/CERN studies of a European Neutrino Factory Complex' CERN 2004-002

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Physics with a Neutrino Factory Complex

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  1. Physics with a Neutrino Factory Complex -- Principles -- performance -- other physics and muon collider -- R&D in Europe and elsewhere This summarizes the work of several 100 authors who recently published 'ECFA/CERN studies of a European Neutrino Factory Complex' CERN 2004-002 ECFA/04/230 and of the US-based Muon Collaboration (S. Geer & R. Palmer et al)

  2. Where are we? • We know that there are three families of active, light neutrinos (LEP) • Solar neutrino oscillations are established(Homestake+Gallium+Kam+SK+SNO+KamLAND) • Atmospheric (nm -> ) oscillations are established (IMB+Kam+SK+Macro+Sudan+K2K) • At that frequency, electron neutrino oscillations are small (CHOOZ) • This allows a consistent picture with 3-family oscillations • q12~300Dm122~7 10-5eV2 q23~450Dm232~ 2.5 10-3eV2q13 <~ 100 • with several unknown parameters q13, d, mass hierarchy leptonic CP & T violations => an exciting experimental program for at least 25 years *) Where do we go? *)to set the scale: CP violation in quarks was discovered in 1964 and there is still an important program (K0pi0, B-factories, Neutron EDM, LHCb, BTeV….) to go on for >>10 years…i.e. a total of >50 yrs. and we have not discovered leptonic CP yet! 5. LSND ? ( miniBooNe) This result is not consistent with three families of neutrinos oscillating, and is not supported (nor is it completely contradicted) by other experiments. If confirmed, this would be even more exciting See Barger et al PRD 63 033002

  3. -- Neutrino Factory --CERN layout 1016p/s 1.2 1014 m/s =1.2 1021 m/yr _ 0.9 1021 m/yr m+ e+ne nm 3 1020 ne/yr 3 1020 nm/yr oscillates ne nm interacts givingm- WRONG SIGN MUON interacts giving m+


  5. Iron calorimeter Magnetized Charge discrimination B = 1 T R = 10 m, L = 20 m Fiducial mass = 40 kT Detector Also: L Arg detector: magnetized ICARUS Wrong sign muons, electrons, taus and NC evts *-> Events for 1 year nmsignal (sin2q13=0.01) nm CC ne CC Baseline 732 Km 1.1 x 105 CF ne signal at J-PARC =40 3.5 x 107 5.9 x 107 1.0 x 105 3500 Km 2.4 x 106 1.2 x 106

  6. right-sign muons • wrong-sign muons • electrons/positrons • positive t-leptons • negative t -leptons • no leptons 6 Oscillation parameters can be extracted using energy distributions Simulated distributions for a 10kt LAr detectorat L = 7400 km from a 30 GeV nu-factory with1021m+decays. Events Bueno, Campanelli, Rubbia; hep-ph/00050007 X2 (m+ stored and m- stored) Note: nent is specially important (Ambiguity resolution & Unitarity test): Gomez-Cadenas et al. EVIS (GeV)

  7. Linder et al. Above plot obtained with Golden channel, one sign only and one distance. Emphasizes very low systematics, and degeneracies

  8. Neutrino fluxesm+ -> e+nenm nm/n e ratio reversed by switching m+/ m- ne nm spectra are different No high energy tail. Very well known flux (aim is 10-3) - absolute flux measured from muon current or by nm e--> m-ne in near expt. -- in triangle ring, muon polarization precesses and averages out (preferred, -> calib of energy, energy spread) -- E&sE calibration from muon spin precession -- angular divergence: small effect if q < 0.2/g, can be monitored -- in Bow-tie ring, muon polarization stays constant, no precession 20% easy -> 40% hard Must be measured!!!! (precision?) Physics gain not large m polarization controls ne flux: m+ -X> nein forward direction

  9. CP asymmetries compare ne to ne probabilities m is prop. to matter density, positive for neutrinos, negative for antineutrinos HUGE effect for distance around 6000 km!! Resonance around 12 GeV when Dm223 cos2q13  m = 0

  10. 5-10 GeV 10-20 GeV 20-30 GeV 30-40 GeV 40-50 GeV CP violation (ctd) • Matter effect must be subtracted. One believes this can be done with uncertainty • Of order 2%. Also spectrum of matter effect and CP violation is different • It is important to subtract in bins of measured energy. • knowledge of spectrum is essential here! 40 kton L M D 50 GeV nufact 5 yrs 1021m /yr In fact, 20-30 GeV Is enough! Best distance is 2500-3500 km e.g. Fermilab or BNL -> west coast or …

  11. Bueno, Campanelli, Rubbia hep-ph/0005-007

  12. Silver A. Donini et al channel at neutrino factory High energy neutrinos at NuFact allow observation of net (wrong sign muons with missing energy and P). UNIQUE Liquid Argon or OPERA-like detector at 732 or 3000 km. Since the sind dependence has opposite sign with the wrong sign muons, this solves ambiguities that will invariably appear if only wrong sign muons are used. d q13 associating taus to muons (no efficencies, but only OPERA mass) studies on-going equal event number curves muon vstaus ambiguities with only wrong sign muons (3500 km)

  13. e.g. Rigolin, Donini, Meloni

  14. Wrong sign muons alone Wrong sign muons and taus Wrong sign muons and taus + previous exp.

  15. red vs blue = different baselines red vs blue = muons and taus dashed vs line = different energy bin (most powerful is around matter resonance @ ~12 GeV)

  16. Conclusion: Neutrino Factory has many handles on the problem (muon sign + Gold + Silver + different baselines + binning in energy ) thanks to high energy! "It could in principle solve many of the clones for q13down to 10 The most difficult one is the octant clone which will require a dedicated analysis" (Rigolin)

  17. Where will this get us… X 5 0.10 130 2.50 50 10 Mezzetto comparison of reach in the oscillations; right to left: present limit from the CHOOZ experiment, expected sensitivity from the MINOS experiment,CNGS (OPERA+ICARUS) 0.75 MW JHF to super Kamiokande with an off-axis narrow-band beam, Superbeam: 4 MW CERN-SPL to a 400 kt water Cerenkov@ Fréjus (J-PARC phase II similar) Neutrino Factory with 40 kton large magnetic detector.

  18. 3 sigma sensitivity of various options Superbeam only Beta-beam only Betabeam + superbeam NUFACT

  19. ! asymmetry is a few % and requires excellent flux normalization (neutrino fact., beta beam or off axis beam with not-too-near near detector) T asymmetry for sin  = 1 neutrino factory JHFII-HK JHFI-SK stat.error NOTE: This is at first maximum! Sensitivity at low values of q13 is better for short baselines, sensitivity at large values of q13 may be better for longer baselines (2d max or 3d max.) This would desserve a more systematic analysis! 10 30 0.10 0.30 90

  20. Other physics opportunities at a n-factory complex Related to high intensity Could begin as soon as SPL/accumulator is build: -High intensity low energy muon experiments -- rare muon decays and muon conversion (lepton Flavor violation) -- GF, g-2, edm, muonic atoms, e+m- <-> e-m+ --> design of target stations and beamlines needed. - 2d generation ISOLDE (Radioactive nuclei) -- extend understanding of nuclei outside valley of stability -- muonic atoms with rare nuclei(?) if a sufficient fraction of the protons can be accelerated to E>15 GeV: -High intensity hadron experiments -- rare K decays (e.g.K-> p0 n n) In parallel to long baseline neutrino experiments: -short baseline neutrino experiments (standard fluxes X104) -- DIS on various materials and targets, charm production -- NC/CC -> mw (10-20 MeV) nme nme & nee nee -> sin2qweff (2.10-4) --> design of beamline + detectors needed

  21. -- Neutrino Factory --Short baseline Physics 1016p/s 1.2 1014 m/s =1.2 1021 m/yr Vey near detector station _ 0.9 1021 m/yr m+ e+ne nm 3 1020 ne/yr 3 1020 nm/yr

  22. At the end of the straight sections, the fluxes are gigantic, in a very small area:

  23. preset best:

  24. 1 mZ4 1 mW4

  25. other combinations? (probably better to keep separately NC, Cce CCm and fit)

  26. Another example: the extraction of Ds(x) and Ddv(x) Sudoh and Morii suggested to extract it from the Lc polarization (imagine placing a typical hadronic charm experiment with a polarized H2 proton target in a 20 cm diameter neutrino beam)

  27. sensitive to polarized s quark distribution and valence d-quark distribution

  28. From neutrino factory to Higgs collider More cooling + sE/E reduction Separate m+ & m- , add transfer lines Upgrade to 57.5 GeV m+m-h (115) Muon collider: a small…. but dfficult ring

  29. Higgs factory m+ m- h(115) - S-channel production of Higgs is unique feature of Muon collider - no beamstrahlung or Synch. Rad., g-2 precession => outstanding energy calibration (OK) and resolutionR=DE/E (needs ideas and R&D, however!) Dmh=0.1 MeV DGh=0.3 MeV D sh->bb / sh = 1% very stringent constraints on Higgs couplings (m,t,b)

  30. Higgs Factory #2: m+ m- H, A SUSY and 2DHM predict two neutral heavy Higgs with masses close to each other and to the charged Higgs, with different CP number, and decay modes. Cross-sections are large. Determine masses & widths to high precision. Telling H from A: bb and tt cross-sections (also: hh, WW, ZZ…..) investigate CP violating H/A interference.

  31. Neutrino Factory studies and R&D USA, Europe, Japan have each their scheme. Only one has been costed, US study II: + detector: MINOS * 10 = about 300 M€ or M$ Neutrino Factory CAN be done…..but it is too expensive as is. Aim: ascertain challenges can be met + cut cost in half.

  32. Neutrino Factory Concept - 1 38 Example: US Design Study 2 • Make as many charged pions as possible INTENSE PROTON SOURCE • (In practice this seems to mean one with a beam power of 4 MW) • Capture as many charged pions as possible Low energy pionsGood pion capture scheme • 3. Capture as many daughter muons as possible within an acceleratorReduce phase-space occupied by the s Muon cooling • 4. Accelerate FAST! NB. Energy of proton source not so relevant 2-50 GeV considered

  33. Neutrino Factory Concept - 2 39 UK Design Fast cycling synchrotron Japanese Design J-PARC based

  34. We are working towards a “World Design Study” with an emphasis on cost reduction. 40 S. Geer: Why we are optimistic/enthusiastic – US perspective: Note: In the Study 2 design roughly ¾ of the cost came from these 3 roughly equally expensive sub-systems.New design has similar performance to Study 2 performance but keeps both m+ and m- ! Good hope for improvement in performance ad reduction of cost!

  35. ECFA recommendations (September 2001:) MUTAC ( 14-15 jan 2003)(US) The committee remains convinced that this experiment, which is absolutely required to validate the concept of ionization cooling, and the R&D leading to it should be the highest priority of the muon collaboration. Planning and design for the experiment have advanced dramatically(…) EMCOG: (6 feb 2003) (Europe) (…)EMCOG was impressed by the quality of the experiment, which has been well studied, is well organized and well structured. The issue of ionization cooling is critical and this justifies the important effort that the experiment represents. EMCOG recommends very strongly a timely realization of MICE. MUTAC: Muon Technical Advisory Committee (Helen Edwards, et al) (US) EMCOG: European Muon Coordination and Oversight Group (C. Wyss et al)

  36. The four priorities set up by EMCOG (European Muon Coordination and Oversight Group) -- High intensity proton driver (SPL; etc..) -- High power target -- high rep rate collection system (horns, solenoid) -- Ionization coolng demonstration These will correspond to the workpackages of the ECFA/ESGARD superbeam/neutrino factory feasibility study

  37. Conclusions 1. the Neutrino Factory remains the most powerful tool imagined so far to study neutrino oscillations High energy ne and net transitions 2. The complex offers many other possibilities 3. It is a step towards muon colliders 4. There are good hopes to reduce the cost significantly 5. Regional and International R&D o components and R&D experiments are being performed by an enthusiastic and motivated community 6. Opportunities exist in Europe: HI proton driver, Target experiment @ CERN Collector development @LAL-CERN MICE @ RAL

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