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LFI DPC Overview and Status of previous recommendations

LFI DPC Overview and Status of previous recommendations. Andrea Zacchei - DPCM On behalf of LFI DPC development Team DPCs SGS-IR 24-26 January 2007. Overview. Overview of presentations DPC basic concept What happened since 2004 ? Funding Staffing Schedule Infrastructure

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LFI DPC Overview and Status of previous recommendations

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  1. LFI DPC Overview and Status of previous recommendations Andrea Zacchei - DPCM On behalf of LFI DPC development Team DPCs SGS-IR 24-26 January 2007

  2. Overview • Overview of presentations • DPC basic concept • What happened since 2004 ? • Funding • Staffing • Schedule • Infrastructure • PA/QA activity • Status of SGS-DR recommendations • Main Risks and Open Areas

  3. Overview

  4. LFI DPC Basic concept • Distributed development, centralized operations. • Various pipeline models of increasing complexity (BreadBoard, Demonstration, Operations-0, Operations-1). • Smooth transition between models. • BBM, DM and OM software provided by: • Italy (Trieste, Milano, Padova, Bologna, Roma) • Switzerland (Geneva), Spain (IAC, Santander), Finland (Helsinki, Metsahovi), US Team, Canada, … + Level S • DPC Integration Team operate at OAT (LFI DPC site). • DPC Tests performed at OAT.

  5. Updates since SGS-DR Funding • ASI funding for DPC activities is received through instrument prime contractor (LABEN) and PI institute; • This mechanism (originally planned to end at the end 2006) was extended until end of 2007; • New contract is in definition (following the ASI bureaucracy …) to cover costs until the end of CPV phase (about 2009);

  6. Updates since SGS-DR Staffing Change on the top DPC Management: • F. Pasian resigned from DPCM (2005) and moved to DPC PA/QA manager; • A. Zacchei was nominated DPCM (2005); Moderate increasing in staffing was possible during 2004-2006, in particular, the OAT/SISSA DPC team change as follow: • During the 2004 the DPC integration team was composed by 5.5 FTE (OAT); • Between 2004 to 2006 the DPC integration team grows to 7.5 FTE (OAT)+ 3 FTE dedicated to SGS2 OM test provided by SISSA; • Six months before operations we plan to reach the 12 FTE at OAT.

  7. Updates since SGS-DR Schedule • Following the shift of launch, milestones on the schedule shifted as a consequence, but less than the launch itself; • This allow us to have more margin in the SGS1 OM and SGS2 OM delivery; • Schedule upgrade (SGS1 and SGS2) and status of SGS1 is bimonthly reported to the project, status of SGS2 is reported at the science Team; • Detailed schedule was provided in the data pack (LFI DPC schedule  PL-LFI-OAT-RP-003).

  8. Update since SGS-DR (schedule) SGS1 Schedule

  9. Update since SGS-DR (schedule) SGS2 Schedule

  10. Update since SGS-DR Infrastructure • SGS1 hardware is in place. Storage will be upgraded in April 2007 (from 2 TB to 6 TB); • At the moment only 44 CPUs and 2 TB storage are available for SGS2 OM-0 phase 1 testing; • Full mission simulation, analysis on non rebinned data and tests on the ROMA mapmaking were performed at the CINECA super computing centre as the 44 CPU were not enough; • In April 2007 we will install 128 double CPUs machine that will satisfy all the LFI SGS2 requirements; • The SISSA cluster, connected with a 2.5 Gbps network to the DPC cluster, will be used during operations to support scientific work; • See PL-LFI-OAT-SP-005 (Planck LFI Hardware Design). SGS2 Test SGS2 system Storage System Ctrl System SGS1 system

  11. LFI DPC PA/QA (1/3) • Since SGS-DR, the organisation of LFI DPC PA/QA has undergone a major rearrangement: • Single PA/QA Team, located at the DPC site (OATs) • PA/QA manager familiar with the LFI DPC project and its standards and guidelines, and able to apply them • 5 members of the DPC Integration Team (SGS-1, SGS-2, hw/sw standards, instrument i/f, documentation library) exert their PA/QA functions while integrating (usually together with code developers) the software within the DPC • 6 persons, 0.2 FTE each = 1.2 FTE total • support from, and bi-monthly reporting to, ESA PA/QA staff

  12. LFI DPC PA/QA (2/3) • Main activities: • maintaining LFI DPC documentation library (configured documents on LiveLink) • reviewing Plan documents and checking DDL consistency • maintaining the Risk Register up-to-date • maintaining a ticketing system • checking consistency of requirements vs. tests • assessment activities (plans, configuration management, sw repository, sw delivery, storage, COTS, requirements, design, implementation + integration, testing) performed routinely • Audits may be called when felt relevant

  13. LFI DPC PA/QA (3/3) • During development: • keep up-to-date developers on coding, documentation and testing standards • During integration: • test compliance to std’s and performance wrt requirements • document module integration • During verification & validation: • test scientific and system performance wrt requirements • document pipeline integration • During maintenance: • implement and support ticketing • handle change requests, and document

  14. Status of SGS-DR recommendations • 71 total, 17 n/a, 38 closed, 16 ongoing, I will report ONLY the ongoing recommendations, please have a look on the short summary for the n/a and closed recommendations.

  15. Status of SGS-DR recommendations

  16. Status of SGS-DR recommendations

  17. Status of SGS-DR recommendations

  18. Status of SGS-DR recommendations

  19. Main Risks Main Risks Obviously main risks are concerned with software and interfaces not under our strict control: • MOC Interface (DDS – IW@MOC): • All the software (as DDS interface and IW@MOC interface) was develop based on the ICDs. No test was possible NOT example were received  SGS1 OM was released without any test respect this interfaces. • Mitigation action: MOC provide ASAP DDS example telemetry file, allow DDS query from DPCs and IW@MOC connection. • SCOS2k version: • SCOS2k version to be used during operations is not yet fixed, this can have an impact on MIBs tables definition and IW@MOC interface. • Mitigation action: fix version to be used or fix interface to the DPCs.

  20. Main Risks Main Risks • ProC • This component is essential for the SGS2 pipeline integration. Some features are in late or do not work correctly (loop, scheduler). • Mitigation action: New release was delivered the 16 of Jan (in test), weekly telecon to follow SPR (ongoing) • FL • We start integrating the FL in our OM-0 (test-ongoing), it will be the authentication system used to retrieve user permissions to run the pipeline. It needs network connection with RSSD, if the network is down no user will be allowed to run the pipeline. • Mitigation action: discussion ongoing with the possibility to have a local mirror of FL database. • Documentation/Meetings • As we are more near to the launch meeting and required documentation is growing with an exponential law. • Mitigation action: Try to be more efficient on meetings and use more telecon system. Having additional documentation to write implies distracting staff from operational activities.

  21. Open Areas Open Areas • S/C cross correlation: • We are analyzing the full set of docs describing the S/C telemetry to identify which telemetry is important from the LFI point of view. Documents are complex and meetings are required (first meeting already scheduled). TBV during integration tests. • Unified set of Planck final products: • definition of procedures to build a joint set of LFI-HFI final mission products still needs to be finalized.

  22. LFI DPC Overall Scheme

  23. Beowulf cluster Hardware Upgrade 1 new contract Contracts renevals 2 new contracts Update since SGS-DR 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Post Launch

  24. Updates since SGS-DR Staffing at DPC Operations site: • F. Pasian resigned from DPCM (2005) and moved to DPC PA/QA manager position; • A. Zacchei was nominated DPCM (2005); Contractors at DPC Operations site: • S. Fogliani and X. Dupac left the LFI DPC (2005-2006); • G. Maggio got the position of System Manager and LFI DPC Librarian (2004); • M. Frailis got the position of SGS1 Manager (2005); • F. Perrotta got the position of SGS2 End-to-End responsible (2006); • S. Galeotta got the position of LIFE and DMC expert/developer (2006); • Support from SISSA increased to about 3 FTE.

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