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fossils. By drew, zoe, Nate. How are fossils formed?. Fossils are formed by mud and clay and sediment that cover animal bones droppings flesh and skin. Fossils form when an animal dies. If you see some thing moldy and dirty it might be a fossils. Fossils are animal left overs.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. fossils By drew, zoe, Nate

  2. How are fossils formed? • Fossils are formed by mud and clay and sediment that cover animal bones droppings flesh and skin. Fossils form when an animal dies. If you see some thing moldy and dirty it might be a fossils. Fossils are animal left overs .

  3. What Types of Fossils Have been found? • Many fossils are from dinosaurs. There are fossils from fish dinosaurs to humans even turtles . Many famous fossils include Pectengibbus , Perisphinotos Tiziai ,Lophophoyilidun Proliforfum .

  4. What are the locations and dates of famous fossils discoveries? • The first T-Rex was found in Chilly on September 6th 1981. In Florida in a Sea Urchin called Eupatciges Untillarun. George Jones discovered the 1st fossil and Jon Drew discovered the 2nd fossil.

  5. How do fossils affect people on earth? • Fossils are used for many things such as fuel, jewelry, and other household items. Burning fossils affect the air known as carbon dioxide . Fossils are used to make wooden or glass items.

  6. Websites and books • www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/trex/dig/rock3.html • http://www.timeforkids.com/photos-video/video/discovering-dinosaurs-13156 • http://www.ask.com/web?qsrc=1&o=0&l=dir&q=+dino+fossils&qo=serpSearchTopBox • Fossils by Kris Hirschmann

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