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Bell-work 9/17/14

Bell-work 9/17/14.

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Bell-work 9/17/14

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  1. Bell-work 9/17/14 [October 31, 1753]Sir,The lands upon the River Ohio, in the western parts of the Colony of Virginia, are so notoriously known to be the property of the Crown of Great Britain that it is a matter of equal concern and surprise to me, to hear that a body of French forces are erecting fortresses and making settlements upon that river, within his Majesty's dominions. The many and repeated complaints I have received of these acts of hostility lay me under the necessity of sending, in the name of the King, my master, the bearer hereof, George Washington, Esq., one of the Adjutants-General of the forces of this dominion, to complain to you of the encroachments thus made, and of the injuries done to the subjects of Great Britain, in violation of the law of nations, and the treaties now subsisting between the two Crowns. -Robert Dinwiddie Virginia Governor Read and evaluate the primary source, what is Robert Dinwiddie saying in this letter to the French? EQ: What were the causes and effects of the French and Indian War? TWBAT evaluate the causes and consequences of the French and Indian War. HW: PR signed/return to SCOTT

  2. Objective and Scales: • The student will be able to understand the causes, course, and effects including the Proclamation of 1763 of the French and Indian War (terribly named war) as evidenced by Completed Cornell notes and a completed movie poster with 80% accuracy. • Look at you NEW unit LGS, where goal are we tackling today from our objective above? • Yes, A and B • How do you reach mastery?!!!! • Update TOC to include pg. 20 French and Indian War

  3. Historical dilemma of the day? How is this guy partially responsible for the Declaration of Independence? I’m just a beaver!!!

  4. 1. Why was fur so popular? During the late 17th century and early 18th century, the big fashion for European men was the beaver felt hat. The tri cornered style was very popular. After awhile, as you can imagine, the beaver population in Europe sharply declined. Where to find more beavers? North America!!!!! (the Ohio River Valley, especially)

  5. What’s up with the French? • Are especially into fur trapping • Are making lots of money at it • Making friends with the Native Americans • And they love the Ohio River Valley.

  6. What is up with the British? • Are looking for places to expand and farm • Are not good at making friends with the Native Americans • They love the Ohio River Valley…the land is really fertile. • English colonists move West over the Appalachian Mountains into the land already occupied by the French and Native Americans • What can you predict happens next???!

  7. What happened next? 1740 – British Fur Traders built a fort at Pickawillany in the Ohio River Valley 1752 – French attacked this fort and drove British out. Then, built several more forts to defend their territory. 1753- French build Fort Duquesne where 3 rivers meet and dominate the ORV

  8. Most powerful Native American Group in the East • The Mohawks • The Seneca • The Cayuga • The Onondaga • The Oneida So what about the Indians?! The French had a good relationship with the Native Americans. traded with them Respected their customs The British had a lousy relationship with the Native Americans. • often raided Native American villages • However, Natives will fight as proxy fighters in this war

  9. 1753, Virginia Governor Robert Dinwiddie calls on George Washington Go to the Ohio River Valley and push those French OUT!!!!! Okay, I’ll do my best. …but he was not successful…they err laugh in his face.

  10. What does G.W. do the next Spring? • He wants to build a fort near what is now Pittsburgh but the French were already there! • He builds Ft. Necessity nearby out of necessity…because he makes a BIIIIIG mistake • Let me explain…this is interesting..

  11. Bell-work 9/18-14 • Evaluate the cause of the French and Indian war, what actions led to the onset of the nine year conflict? • EQ: What were the causes and effects of the French and Indian War? • TSWBAT evaluate the course and consequences of war

  12. Objective and Scales: • The student will be able to understand the causes, course, and effects including the Proclamation of 1763 of the French and Indian War (terribly named war) as evidenced by Completed Cornell notes and a completed movie poster with summary with 80% accuracy. • Look at you NEW unit LGS, where goal are we tackling today from our objective above? • Yes, A and B • How do you reach mastery?!!!! • Let’s return to the war……

  13. EQ: (You develop) • George goes back to Virginia and explains he may have started the war…he did. • British officials worried that a war would put a strain on the colonies • 24 delegates from 7 different colonies organize in a Congress to strategize they decide on two goals: • 1. Defense: needed a plan. Leaders were Ben Franklin and Gov. of Massachusetts Thomas Hutchinson and they created the Albany Plan of Union. It passes the Congress, but King George says No, he wants the colonies to stay as individuals. Why? • 2. Allies: they invite members of the Iroquois League to the Congress to ask for help---they say no • The congress was a failure, but was actually a success because it was the first time the colonists realized they could sit down, discuss, and agree. They would meet four more times.

  14. The series of battles that followed are known as the French and Indian War.

  15. At first, The French were winning! This made Britain really mad! • Had lots of forts throughout the Great Lakes and Ohio River Valley • Strong alliance with the Native Americans • Colonists didn’t get much help from Britain. • General Braddock tried but suffered 1000 casualties before being killed himself. • Declared war on France • Clashed with the French and Spanish in North America, Europe, Cuba, West Indies and Philippines! (International War)

  16. 1757, But then William Pitt took charge….and everything changed! I want to control North America!!!!!! Go conquer French Canada! British capture Ft. Duquesne, and rename it. Even the Iroquois joined in! Buy some war supplies, I don’t care what it costs! Put it on my tab!

  17. EQ: (Your create)…. • French are taken by surprise and defeated in New France’s capital at the Battle of Quebec (key to their loss) • After losing Quebec, the French could no longer defend the rest of North America • War is ending…..

  18. Treaty of Paris ends the war in 1763 • Great Britain got most of the land east of the Mississippi from France and Florida from Spain

  19. EQ: (Your create) The British settlers mistreated the Native Americans living in the Ohio River Valley Chief Pontiac organized attacks on British forts and settlements. The problems continued as they keep attacking each other until 1763 AND REACH OUT TO THE KING FOR HELP

  20. EQ: (Your create) The British government temporarily halted westward expansion beyond the Appalachian Mountains in the Proclamation of 1763 Colonists were OUTRAGED, they just fought nine years to settle and occupy that land • Becomes the first cause of the REVOLUTIONARY WAR That should take care of the problem.

  21. Summary: • Explain how the Proclamation of 1763 becomes a cause of the American Revolution, discuss the colonists reactions to the royal order. • Complete progress chart for goal A and B from learning goal!

  22. Bellwork9/19/14 Evaluate the political cartoon drawn by Benjamin Franklin in 1754. What is the message of the cartoon? How does it correlate to the Albany Plan of Union? • EQ: What were the causes and effects of the French and Indian War? • TSWBAT evaluate the causes, course, and consequences of the French and Indian War • HW: Parent signature in agenda

  23. Objective and Scales: • The student will be able to demonstrate mastery of the causes, course, and effects of the French and Indian War as evidenced by a completed movie poster with summary with 80% accuracy • Look at you NEW unit LGS, where goal are we tackling today from our objective above? • Yes, A and B • How do you reach mastery?!!!!

  24. Movie Posters! • A movie poster is used to advertise a new movie. It usually includes the Title, actors portraying what characters, and a visual of the movie. • Your movie poster will do the same! You will use your Cornell notes to demonstrate mastery of the cause, course (who was winning in the beginning and how it changed), and the consequences (Treaty, Proclamation) of the French and Indian War

  25. Activity: Create a movie poster for the French and Indian War Must include actor portraying the role of: • Must have a movie title: Get creative (rename the war) • Must have a drawing of depiction of the war • Most important: You MUST summarize the causes, course, and consequences of the war as a preview of the plot of your movie! • George Washington • William Pitt • General Braddock • Robert Dinwiddie • Benjamin Franklin

  26. Reflection and Progress Charts Progress Chart Reflection • Using our objective today, where do you rate yourself? 0-4 • Complete on your student progress chart for goals A and B • Do you have any questions about the French and Indian War? • Did anything confuse you? • What can you do to move up a level from where you rated yourself today?

  27. X-block First Five Minutes: Last 25 minutes • Complete introduction paragraph using the Writing Session #1 Components • Writing Session #2: body Paragraphs

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