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Top Index Fossils of Earth History

Taxonomy vs. Phylogeny. Terms are not synonymsTaxonomyStudy of the classification of a species into any of a number of classification systems (Linnaeus, etc.) PhylogenyStudy of the evolution of a species since its appearance in the fossil record. Taxonomy. Linnaeus's system7 tiersKingdom, phy

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Top Index Fossils of Earth History

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Top Index Fossils of Earth History Geologic Time 2

    2. Taxonomy vs. Phylogeny Terms are not synonyms Taxonomy Study of the classification of a species into any of a number of classification systems (Linnaeus, etc.) Phylogeny Study of the evolution of a species since its appearance in the fossil record

    3. Taxonomy Linnaeus’s system 7 tiers Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species Can also include super, infra, sub levels

    4. Classification Examples

    5. The Precambrian Few fossil remains have been recovered Very specific environments needed to preserve soft bodied organisms Classification of many organisms still ongoing Burgess shale

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