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Distance Education and Accessibility

Distance Education and Accessibility. California Community Colleges DE Webinar Scott Valverde December 10, 2012. Access in Action. Curriculum based on Universal Design principles benefits all learners! We are here to help you… Navigate our complex system

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Distance Education and Accessibility

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  1. Distance Education and Accessibility California Community CollegesDE WebinarScott ValverdeDecember 10, 2012

  2. Access in Action Curriculum based on Universal Design principles benefits all learners! We are here to help you… Navigate our complex system Understand the myriad of resources available to you Understand all your responsibilities

  3. Legal Issues DE courses are required by law to be accessible to students with disabilities Federal Law Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act ADA as amended California state law Title 5

  4. Office for Civil Rights Joint “Dear Colleague” Letter http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/letters/colleague-20100629.html “Requiring use of an emerging technology in a classroom environment when the technology is inaccessible…is discrimination…”

  5. Systemwide Responsibility Jack Scott’s letter to the colleges “[The] requirement to provide the reasonable accommodations and services…is an institutional obligation, regardless of adequate state funding for DSPS”

  6. Got standards? Standards for access are available! Section 508 Purchasing technology Software and hardware Videos/multimedia Web accessibility World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) WCAG 2.0 http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG/

  7. What Access Means Video content is captioned. Synchronized captions for A/V Transcripts for sound-only presentations Documents (Word, PDF, PowerPoint) are accessible. Text-based, structured files CMS/LMS being used is accessible. Conforms to ADA/Section 508 standards Note: Chat is notoriously inaccessible!

  8. Trainings and Tools HTCTU resources (free!) www.htctu.net Trainings on-site and offsite—legal and technical Information and key documents Free Website assessment tool HiSoftware Compliance Sherriff Distance Education Guidelines www.htctu.net/dlguidelines/dlg_index.html @ONE accessibility training www.onefortraining.org

  9. Other Money-saving Resources EduStream (free!) www.edustream.org Repository of captioned video Educational broadcast channel Distance Education Captioning and Transcription (DECT) Funding for video captioning Online and hybrid courses

  10. ….and coming soon….. “Sidekick” collaborative One-stop to find resources SensusAccess project Creating accessible documents Will include PDF and MP3 SharePoint accessibility services Technical and informational webinars

  11. Contact Information Scott Valverde, DSPS Specialist (916) 445-5809 or svalverde@cccco.edu Or Gaeir Dietrich, HTCTU Director (408) 996-6047 or gdietrich@htctu.net DSPS Website Address: http://extranet.cccco.edu/Divisions/StudentServices/DSPS.aspx

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