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Public Health Finance and Quality: Examining the connection Peggy A. Honor , DHA Public Health Systems Researcher U S

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Public Health Finance and Quality: Examining the connection Peggy A. Honor , DHA Public Health Systems Researcher U S

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    1. Public Health Finance and Quality: Examining the connection Peggy A. Honoré, DHA Public Health Systems Researcher U S Department of Health and Human Services Peggy.Honore@hhs.gov

    2. Public Health Finance Advancing as a field of study because of the “Sense of Urgency” to understand the composition, utilization, and impacts of the finances that fund all components of the public health system

    3. Definition Public Health Finance is a field of study that examines the acquisition, utilization, and management of resources for the delivery of public health functions and the impact of those resources on population health and the public health system. Honoré & Amy, 2007

    4. Conceptual Base of Public Health Finance & Relationship to Economics and Public Health Systems Research Public health finance lies within the universe of other fields of economics and research. It is in fact a subset of public health systems research. Public health finance is also closely aligned with public health economics and related fields (e.g., prevention- effectiveness, health-promotion economics).

    5. Public health finance lies within the universe of other fields of economics and research. It is in fact a subset of public health systems research. Public health finance is also closely aligned with public health economics and related fields (e.g., prevention-effectiveness, health-promotion economics). Public health finance lies within the universe of other fields of economics and research. It is in fact a subset of public health systems research. Public health finance is also closely aligned with public health economics and related fields (e.g., prevention-effectiveness, health-promotion economics).

    6. QUALITY in public health is the degree to which policies, services, and research for the population increases desired health outcomes and conditions in which the population can be healthy US DHHS Public Health Quality Forum, 2008 Definition of Public Health Quality

    7. Quality From a SYSTEMS perspective, the examination of costs is a vital component of quality improvement and performance measurement processes. When improving quality, must look at all system components, including and especially FINANCE!

    8. QUALITY Quality Movement grew out of a desire to deliver better goods and services while reducing costs Funding is finite, so, MUST align costs for desired levels of services, functions, or product line

    9. What needs to be in place to examine costs and measure financial performance in public health? What are barriers to implementing processes to examine costs in public health? Examining Costs

    10. Public health professionals must have the necessary skills and analytical tools A cultural and value for quality and quality promoting practices must be embraced in public health Key Factors

    11. Benefits of Connecting Financial Practices and Quality Routine diagnosis of agency financial health Identify area where costs can/should be reduced Clearly articulate ROI, challenges, opportunities, and the value of public health to funders, government officials, policymakers, and the public Diminish element of surprise for leaders and negative impacts to agency during economic downturns Reduce risk of financial collapse (insolvency)

    12. Benefits of Connecting Financial Practices and Quality Identify and prioritize areas where quality can be improved (financially and operationally) Stimulus to create innovative revenue streams and service lines Guide operations at all levels through strong financial management systems Builds evidence to support policies Ensure uniform measures that promote sustainability

    13. Critical Element when Examining Finances that can be used to Improve Quality TRANSPARENCY

    14. Transparency One of 9 Aims for the Improvement of Quality in the Public Health System Included in the US DHHS Public Health Quality Forum Consensus Statement on Quality in the Public Health System http://www.hhs.gov/ophs/programs/initiatives/phqf-consensus-statement.html

    15. Defining Transparency to Improve Quality Transparent – ensuring openness in the delivery of services and practices with particular emphasis on valid, reliable, accessible, timely, and meaningful data that is readily available to stakeholders, including the public US DHHS Public Health Quality Forum, 2008

    16. Financial transparency means timely, meaningful and reliable disclosures about a company's financial performance …..U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Financial and performance transparency must be present in public health Taxpayers are investors in public health and need some degree of financial disclosure (transparency)

    17. Other AIMS for Improvement of Quality in the Public Health System Population-centered – protecting and promoting healthy conditions and the health for the entire population Equitable – working to achieve health equity Proactive – formulating policies and sustainable practices in a timely manner, while mobilizing rapidly to address new and emerging threats and vulnerabilities Health promoting – ensuring policies and strategies that advance safe practices by providers and the population and increase the probability of positive health behaviors and outcomes US DHHS Public Health Quality Forum, 2008

    18. Other AIMS for Improvement of Quality in the Public Health System Risk-reducing – diminishing adverse environmental and social events by implementing policies and strategies to reduce the probability of preventable injuries and illness or other negative outcomes Vigilant – intensifying practices and enacting policies to support enhancements to surveillance activities (e.g., technology, standardization, systems thinking/modeling) US DHHS Public Health Quality Forum, 2008

    19. Other AIMS for Improvement of Quality in the Public Health System Effective – justifying investments by utilizing evidence, science, and best practices to achieve optimal results in areas of greatest need Efficient – understanding costs and benefits of public health interventions and to facilitate the optimal utilization of resources to achieve desired outcomes US DHHS Public Health Quality Forum, 2008

    20. Improving Quality through Uniform Practices for Financial Analysis (Ratio & Trend Analysis)

    21. Advancing Public Health Financial Performance Indicators As a means of promoting and improving quality Building connections between Finance, Quality, and service or program delivery Engaging the financial management workforce with driving quality improvement

    22. Financial Indicators as Tools to Measure and Improve Quality Introduction to Public Health Finance & Ratio Analysis:  Measuring and Improving the Financial Performance of Local Health Agencies http://www.publichealthsystems.org/phf/1475/FinancialRatioAnalysis http://www.publichealthsystems.org/phf/1473/PHFEvents/OhioHCFMMeeting

    23. Recommendations from Others for Ratio and Trend Analysis International City/County Management Association (ICMA) http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/olg/publications/other_reports/guide_to_fiscal_indicators.pdf http://bookstore.icma.org/product1.cfm?product_ID=981&DID=7 Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) http://www.gfoa.org/downloads/budgettrend-comparative-data.pdf

    24. Practices in Ratio and Trend Analysis Education http://www.census.gov/govs/www/school.html http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/sdds/main1.asp http://nces.ed.gov/programs/stateprofiles/ Community Health Centers http://bphc.hrsa.gov/uds/default.htm Hospitals http://www.ingenix.com/Products/Hospitals/PerformanceImprovementDataAnalysisSolutions/AlmanacHospitalFinancial/

    25. Peggy Honoré Peggy.Honore@hhs.gov 202-205-5815 Contact

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