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Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Program (PSEOP) Information Night

Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Program (PSEOP) Information Night. Cleveland Heights High School Mary P. Anderson, M.Ed. PSEOP Coordinator February 6, 2014. What is PSEOP?. Ability to earn high school and college credit.

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Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Program (PSEOP) Information Night

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  1. Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Program (PSEOP) Information Night Cleveland Heights High School Mary P. Anderson, M.Ed. PSEOP Coordinator February 6, 2014

  2. What is PSEOP? • Ability to earn high school and college credit. • Exposure to additional academic options beyond the high school curriculum and the opportunity to pursue additional challenging coursework. • Sponsored by the Ohio Department of Education, (ODE).

  3. What Are Different Options for Earning College Credit?

  4. College Credit Options • Tech Prep Courses – 13 are offered at Cleveland Heights High School and one, at Warrensville Heights High School • Advanced Placement Courses (AP) • CLEP Testing • Project Lead the Way – Engineering Technology • Concurrent Enrollment (College in the Schools) • PSEO (Post-Secondary Enrollment Options) Options A and B

  5. PSEO: Option A • Students elect to receive BOTH high school and college credit • Student/family are responsible for tuition, textbooks, fees, materials, transportation, etc. Why Option A? • Summer only • School year – for credit that exceeds the limit

  6. PSEO: Option B • Students elect to receive BOTH high school credit and college credit • ODE and CHUH pay for tuition, textbooks, materials, fees associated with Option B courses • If a student drops or fails a course, the student/family is responsible for full payment of tuition, textbooks, materials, and fees.

  7. Deciding to Participate? • High school graduation requirements must still be met to earn a high school diploma • Scheduling : • Maintaining 2 different schedules – college and high school • Vacation times are usually different • Transportation: • To and from the college is the responsibility of the student/family • College-level work • Accelerated coursework • Self driven/motivated • Is the student ready academically and socially?

  8. College Credit vs. High School Credit COLLEGE • Semester Hours • 4.0 hour class • 3.0 hour class • 2.0 hour class HIGH SCHOOL • Carnegie Unit • One semester of an academic class is usually 0.5 credit

  9. Credit Conversion • 1.0 College Semester Hour = 0.2 high school Carnegie unit Examples: 3.0 Semester hour class = .6 Carnegie Units 5.0 Semester hour class = 1.0 Carnegie Units

  10. Requirements • Each college/university has its own entrance requirements. • GPA • Test Scores • CHHS 9th grade students are permitted to participate in second semester; however, the process must begin for them now.

  11. Potential Risks and Consequences

  12. Potential Risks and Consequences • Student will have an increased responsibility for learning. • Student/family will have increased financial obligations for his/her education if Option A is chosen or if the college course requires specific tools/equipment (beyond normal fees/materials). • Under Option B, the student/family may have to pay for all expenses if the students ceases to attend, drops (withdraws), or fails a course. • Participation may decrease the time s/he will have available for part-time employment and high school activities.

  13. Potential Risks and Consequences • College courses are not weighted which could affect class rank and total GPA. • Scope or content of the college course will differ from high school courses. • There may be scheduling conflicts between college and CHHS. • The student may experience some social discomfort with older students.

  14. Potential Risks and Consequences • If the student fails or withdraws from a college course, it may affect the credits s/he needs to graduate from high school. • Future colleges may or may not accept PSEOP credit. • PSEO students are not identified to college instructors; therefore, PSEO students are treated as if they are any other college student.

  15. Make A Well-Informed Decision • Personal decision: What is best for one student may not be the best for another. • Why do I want to do PSEO? • My plans after PSEO are… • How will PSEO help me work toward my goals? • Am I academically prepared for college-level classes?

  16. Make A Well-Informed Decision • Am I self-disciplined? • Am I good at time management? • Do I have the maturity and social skills needed to be successful in the college setting? • Am I ready for the rigors of college work? • Do I realize there will be increased time needed for travel and study? (Think of Cleveland’s weather!)

  17. Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) • FERPA is a federal privacy law that gives parents certain protections with regard to their children’s educational records. • Educational records are report cards, transcripts, disciplinary records, contact and family information, and class schedules. • When a student turns 18 OR enters a postsecondary institution AT ANY AGE, all rights afforded to the Parent under FERPA transfer to the student.

  18. Participation in Cleveland Heights High School’s Activities • Students are still enrolled at Cleveland Heights High School and are considered high school students. • Students may participate in any extracurricular activities. • Scheduling may be difficult. After-school activities may be held at the same time as one of the college classes.

  19. Scheduling • Scheduling of PSEO courses is done through the university. • The student and Mrs. Anderson (CHHS counselor) will work out a schedule which accommodates college courses and high school classes. • Students who fail or withdraw from college courses will receive no credit for the course.

  20. Graduation Requirements • Graduation requirements remain the same for PSEO students. • Check the credit conversion chart carefully. • No graduation requirements will be waived.

  21. Keys to Success • Being successful in college will require maturity, self-discipline, good study skills, and time management skills. • As a general rule, students spend two hours of study time for each hour in class. • Attendance is both important and expected. • Controversial and adult subjects may be discussed in many courses and participation is expected.

  22. Keys to Success • If you have any questions regarding any of your PSEO courses, they must be directed to each individual instructor. • Students are expected to read daily/weekly high school announcements for important information. • Students are expected to remain in constant communication with their high school counselor and Mrs. Anderson.

  23. Next Steps March • Submit the completed Notification of Intent to Participate by March 28, 2014 to Mrs. Anderson. April • After CHHS Spring Break, application information will be mailed to everyone who submitted the Notification of Intent to Participate on time. • Students will complete PSEOP college applications. May • Accepted students should submit a copies of acceptance letters to Mrs. Anderson as soon as they are received.

  24. Questions ? ????????

  25. College and University Information

  26. THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING! PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS! Mrs. Mary P. Anderson Cleveland Heights High School 216/320-2045 M_Anderson@chuh.org

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