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Moundville Elementary School Student Government Association

Moundville Elementary School Student Government Association. Our Goals. To represent the student body Create student events to enhance student spirit Focus on student issues and come up with resolutions to those issues Collect data about student needs and concerns

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Moundville Elementary School Student Government Association

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Moundville Elementary School Student Government Association

  2. Our Goals • To represent the student body • Create student events to enhance student spirit • Focus on student issues and come up with resolutions to those issues • Collect data about student needs and concerns • Work as a team to get everything done in a timely fashion

  3. Our Make UP • President: 5th or 6th grader • Vice President: 5th or 6th grader • Secretary: 4th, 5th, or 6th grader • Treasurer: 4th, 5th, or 6th grader • Historian: 4th or 5th grader • Homeroom Representatives: From each class Grade 3rd-6th

  4. How Do We Do All This? • Elections will be held September 12 during school hours. Grades 3-6 will be able to vote. • On September 12, each candidate will need to make a 2-4 minute speech as to the student body telling them why they should be their elected official. • Voting will take place afterwards using election ballots in a centralized private location. The candidates will be allowed to campign during this time in the courtyard of MES.

  5. Campaign Time • Starting September 1 through September 11, the candidates will campaign for their position. • They may hand out things to the student body during their lunch hour. • They may hang posters on designated bulletin boards in the school. • They may even hold up posters during morning pick up and drop off.

  6. Once Elected.... • President: leads called meetings, speaks at student body gatherings, and represents the school in any capacity needed. Main communicator with Mr. Garner expressing student body needs. • Vice President: in charge of student representatives, appoints jobs for special student lead activities.

  7. Secretary: keeps notes of all meetings and programs that the student council must attend • Treasurer: keeps up with money turned in and taken up at all student lead functions. • Historian: takes photographs and writes articles into the Moundville times weekly. Student needs to have email and internet at home to do this position.

  8. Take a Look at the Calendar…. Please look at the SGA calendar and see if any conflicts may occur.

  9. Questions

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