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12 Companies Leading the Way in Top World News Today

Top World News Today

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12 Companies Leading the Way in Top World News Today

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  1. For marketing boffins around the world, knowing what products will sell is a fundamental goal. For women, the internet shopping revolution has opened up a whole new realm for them to explore without having to brave a soggy Saturday high street assault course. Knowing what the next big product will be would be like winning the lottery for some marketers, so let's look at what's popular now to give us an insight into what will be big in the future. ™ Clothes No big surprise: women spend most of the money they spend online, on clothes. Shops like Asos.com, Top Shop and BooHoo.com all do a massive amount of business online and in some cases, only do business online. The biggest selling item of clothing in the world is those classic blue jeans. Everyone has a pair, and they don't seem like they are dropping in popularity any time soon. One crucial thing to be addresses is the difficulty women have in finding jeans that fit their particular curves. Someone that could find a way to have an online system to ensure every pair of jeans bought fits perfectly would be truly inspired. Perfume Perfume is another of the most popular things women buy online. The most likely reason being that it is in most cases cheaper to buy perfume on line than in a departments store or in a specialist perfume and aftershave shop. The difficulty in selling women fragrances is that there is no smell-o-vision widget for the internet just yet, so perfumers currently have to rely on women visiting perfume stores before they come back to the internet in order to make a purchase. Smart phones will cut this stalling period soon enough though. Chanel No.5 is the top selling perfume of all time but currently, Hugo Boss perfume is making waves with its online sales. Shoes Women love shoes. Buying shoes online can be tricky as you need to try them on to know if you will feel comfortable in them. What online shoe shops rely on is, like perfume stores, women coming in store before buying online. What some shoes companies have done is create an interactive element to their website where you can design your own pattern for your shoe. This should draw people back to the website. Converse are one of the top selling shoe brands online. Make Up + Jewellery Make Up and Jewellery round up the top 5 products women buy online. These are a bit easier to sell as most of their appeal is visual. MAC make up is one of the most popular make ups online while H. Samuel World News Today and Ernest Jones make up a huge percentage of online jewellery sales. What is the best Television News Program for news? Information you can trust, which is neither conservative or LibDem'ish; is there such a news station available anywhere? Sure most all news stations claim to have the most

  2. balanced, fair, accurate and truthful news, but then again so does the weather channel which is only right 75% of the time and they have real live satellite radar to prove what they are saying? The real question is; who can you trust? Most cynics say "trust no one" which indeed maybe the best advice so far, yet surely one news outlet has to be better than the rest right? Well which one is it? Are there several, are there none, are there some you can trust some of the time, yet try to fool all the people the rest of the time? Recently I had a conversation with Fred online while drinking my coffee. Fred is a great wealth of information, as he has satellite and cable TV and some 400 combined channels to surf. I call him surfing Fred. Mr. Fred is a liberal at heart although prefers to be called an Independent. He voted for President Bush the first time and John Kerry the second although prefers neither really. Fred just cannot stand the Fox News Channel which has the highest ratings in the United States currently, although he admits to watching it daily. One might say that Fred could be right about the Fox viewer ship, when he says the are conservative based folks who have turned off their brains; the mindless masses, surrendering their minds to the media, as he recently agreed that they should be called. Many folks love Fox news while others think it is more like a comedy in a way, as they interrupt everyone before the viewer ever learns anything. Others, well they simply think that they like that little thing that runs across the bottom of the screen and say it is actually quite a good TV program with the sound off. The Weekly Standards guys are okay when they are on, as they appear very matter of factly and believable, but how much can you really learn from 5-7 segments of shouting and yelling and occasional reading of viewer emails with all the persnickety'ness they can muster? What TV news do you think is smart to watch? Do you agree with Fred? Would you say none? Or is there one worth turning on for 20-minutes? Do you believe you should channel surf between a few stations to get the best average interpretation of a real life story? I mean you can only take so much of C-Span and the World Cable news gets silly sometimes too. Al Jazeera is certainly an eye-opener of how and what they are listening to in the Arab World. For world news even CNN is it really any better than 50% worthy? Your thoughts are of interest to me because so many are thinking from a cynical sarcasm point of view these days, which is justified to a large degree. Additionally what print would you say is worthy: FT, WSJ, Foreign Affairs, Economist, Weekly Standard, USA Today, NYT, Bloomberg, BBC? Would you say all are good to some degree, but have you noticed that all have been found to somewhat slant their news? Myself, well I have been misquoted in the media enough and the WSJ always misquotes people, hell they have miss quoted there too on occasion? Got any ideas on a reliable media source. Some local newspapers are great for local stuff and always picks up the world headlines and major AP stories, but often they do not seem to scrutinize the stories much meaning they only pick up the ones with catchy headlines, much of which is laced with opinion. Now then, what would be the supplement to the daily; who, what, when, where and how? Any thoughts, what media sources do you like, think on this.

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