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Prepared by Andrew Malekani Professional Address: Sokoine University of Agriculture,

Prepared by Andrew Malekani Professional Address: Sokoine University of Agriculture, Sokoine National Agricultural Library, P. O. Box 3022 Morogoro, Tanzania. Em:malekaniandrew2008@yahoo.com.

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Prepared by Andrew Malekani Professional Address: Sokoine University of Agriculture,

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  1. Prepared by Andrew Malekani • Professional Address: • Sokoine University of Agriculture, • Sokoine National Agricultural Library, • P. O. Box 3022 Morogoro, Tanzania. • Em:malekaniandrew2008@yahoo.com Scientific and Technological Information Management in Universities and Libraries-Active Training Environment 9. 2 May 2009-30 July 2009Report

  2. INTRODUCTION • The program started officially on Monday of 4th May 2009 with general introductions, expectations and poster presentations by all participants. • Aims of the whole program were: -to sharpen participants skills in collecting, storing, retrieving, presenting and managing information. • The contents of the program covered are summarized in a chart in the next slide.

  3. ORGANIZATION OF THE PROGRAM • Strengths on the organization: • The organisation has been very strong in the following aspects: • Organization environment. • Lecture/practical venues (rooms), • learning facilities, for example fast 24 hours internet connectivity, • hostel closer to lecture venue, • timing of the season. • Good administration like timely fund disbursement, and constant updates on schedule.

  4. Organization cont… • Weaknesses on the organization: • Long time interval between the same course component and same instructor. • For example many courses would take between one and two weeks from first instruction to another. • This situation prevented thorough comprehension and consistent follow up to the course in question. • It is suggested to adopt concentrated teaching. • This will help students maintain continuity and consistent course follow up.

  5. The following were the best components of the program: • Library presentations in all their facets. These helped understanding of: • best practices in management of libraries • how e-information could be harvested and made available to users using integrated library systems, • How co-operative acquisitions of e-resources under consortium environment in libraries can be managed. CONTENTS OF THE PROGRAM

  6. Open Access Initiatives (introduction to open access): • Greenstone, • ISIS-based soft wares, • harvesters and directories used in open access movements. BEST contents cont…

  7. LEAST INTERESTING COMPONENTS OF THE PROGRAM • Little time allocated to some courses. • Although the courses themselves were relevant some like use of PKP harvesters were treated shallowly.

  8. Use of integrated library systems using tools like ABCD and greenstone. • Building institutional repository of thesis, using open (free) source software building tools such as greenstone and ABCD. • Use of citation tools to recommend journals for subscription. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE HOME INSTITUTION

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