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Dr. Marilyn Katzenmeyer Professional Development Center Tampa, Florida Phone: 1-800-332-2268

Delaware Academy of School Leaders Policy and Practice Institute June 28, 2005. Dr. Marilyn Katzenmeyer Professional Development Center Tampa, Florida Phone: 1-800-332-2268 E-Mail: mkatzen383@aol.com. What?. Context for leadership. So what?. Teacher leadership. Now what?.

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Dr. Marilyn Katzenmeyer Professional Development Center Tampa, Florida Phone: 1-800-332-2268

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  1. Delaware Academy of School Leaders Policy and Practice Institute June 28, 2005 Dr. Marilyn Katzenmeyer Professional Development Center Tampa, Florida Phone: 1-800-332-2268 E-Mail: mkatzen383@aol.com

  2. What? Context for leadership So what? Teacher leadership Now what? Power of each one of us

  3. Current Challenges in Leadership Development • Greater accountability for outcomes • Challenge and opportunity of high retirement rates of school leaders • Growing challenge of retaining teachers • New knowledge and skills required by changes in the leaders work

  4. The public has a right to expect results from our schools. -Jeff Howard

  5. Standards and accountability provide us with a two edged sword. On the one hand it hurts kids, and teachers and schools. On the other hand, for a long time we didn't care about kids who didn't do well in schools. We are 2-5 years away from getting into good discussions about learning and how we measure it and figuring out what it takes to help all children learn. -James Comer,Yale University

  6. Circumstances we find ourselves in now blunt the creativity of teachers; there is no joy in complying; it has no inspiration to it. We can not attract and retain people to the teaching profession under these circumstances. - John Goodlad University of Washington

  7. Retaining Quality Teachers

  8. 40-50% leave the profession within the first five years. Ingersoll, 2003

  9. Why we Leave T

  10. Lack of mentoring support Darling-Hammond, 2003 T

  11. Lack of autonomy Fox & Certo, 1999; Hirsch, 2001 T

  12. Lack of input into school decision making Darling-Hammond, 2003; Ingersoll, 2002 T

  13. Why we Stay T

  14. Positive school leadership Bolich, 2001; Ingersoll, 1999; Weiss, 1999 T

  15. Autonomy in the classroom Williams, 2003 T

  16. Positive relationships with peers Cockburn, 2002; Fox & Certo, 1999 T

  17. What? Context for leadership So what? Teacher leadership Now what? Power of each one of us

  18. Awakening the Giant Teacher Leadership

  19. Distributed Leadership Shared Leadership Parallel Leadership Leadership Capacity Teacher Leadership

  20. Teacher Leadership Lead within and beyond the classroom Influence others toward improved practice Promote a community of leaders & learners within the school

  21. Why some teachers are hesitant…. Whoa Egalitarian ethic Hierarchical structure Fear

  22. Continuum of Roles for Teachers Grant writer Trainer Facilitator Technology liaison Coach Lead teacher for instructional improvement Sponsor Counselor Team leader

  23. Shared Leadership Principals must disavow themselves of the notion that they must be leader for each person in the school. Instead they entrust and enable all staff to grow meaningful relationships with one another. Gordy Donaldson, 2000 Where there is less reliance on “hero” leader, teachers share leadership. Teaching and learning improve. Heller & Firestone, 1994

  24. No longer the single, heroic leader Principal

  25. Principals as good managers Principals as instructional leaders Principals engage in shared decision- making Principals encourage professional learning communities

  26. The individual’s competencies The job’s demands The organizational environment A Model of Effective Job Performance Effective, specific actions or behavior Boyatzis, R.E. (1982) The competent manager: a model for effective performance. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

  27. …teacher leadership development should be approached as an issue of organizational change and not merely a task of enhancing individual opportunity and capacity. Smiley & Denny

  28. What Conditions Need to Be Present to Enhance Student Learning?Newmann and Wehlage, 1995 Schools as Professional Communities Teachers pursue a clear shared purpose for all students’ learning Teachers engage in collaborative activity to achieve the purpose Teachers take collective responsibility for student learning Newman & Wehlage, 1995

  29. Fragmented individualism Balkanization Contrived collegiality Collaboration Which is most like your school? (Andy Hargreaves)

  30. Learning Communities Individual intelligence Collective intelligence Isolation Collaboration Learned Learners Information as asset to be protected Information as resource to be distributed

  31. Learning Communities Struggling alone Problem solving with others “My” students Collective responsibility Locus of control for student learning lies with teachers “Students can’t learn” Teacher leaders in formal roles Every teacher is a leader

  32. Leading in a culture of change does not mean placing changed individuals into unchanged environments. Rather, change leaders work on changing the context, helping create new settings conducive to learning and sharing that learning. Fullan, 2001

  33. School Context? Is the context in your school supporting teacher leadership?

  34. Developmental Focus Are teachers supported in learning new knowledge and skills & encouraged to facilitate the learning of others?

  35. Recognition Are teachers respected & recognized?

  36. Participation Are teachers actively involved in making decisions & have input to important matters?

  37. Autonomy Are teachers encouraged to make improvements and to innovate; are barriers removed?

  38. Open Communication Do teachers send and receive communication in open, honest ways?

  39. Positive Environment Do teachers experience a positive climate & effective administrative leadership?

  40. Collegiality Do teachers collaborate on instructional & student related matters?

  41. The power of what each of us can do

  42. Whatsuperintendentscan do... Whatdistrict level staffcan do... Whatuniversitiescan do... What principalscan do... Whatteacherscan do...

  43. The Power of All of Us

  44. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, dedicated people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead

  45. What? Context for leadership So what? Teacher leadership Now what? Power of each one of us

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