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Old Testament - Divisions

Old Testament - Divisions. What are the THREE major divisions of the Hebrew OT? Torah (Law / Moses) Prophets Writings (Psalms) What are the FOUR major divisions of the current (KJ/NKJ) OT? Low (Pentateuch / The Five Books) 5 History Books 12 Poetical Books 5

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Old Testament - Divisions

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  1. Old Testament - Divisions What are the THREE major divisions of the Hebrew OT? Torah (Law / Moses) Prophets Writings (Psalms) What are the FOUR major divisions of the current (KJ/NKJ) OT? Low (Pentateuch / The Five Books) 5 History Books 12 Poetical Books 5 Prophets (Major & Minor) 17 What are the Deutero-canonical Books? Books found in the Greek translation (the Septuagint) but not in the Hebrew version of the OT and are accepted by the Orthodox and Catholic churches.

  2. Old Testament – Language & Documents What was the language of the OT? Hebrew – some Aramaic (in the Book of Daniel) What is the Septuagint LXX? The Greek translation of the OT (c. 300 B.C.) What is the meaning of “canon” in reference to the Bible? It means rule or standard and it refers to the list of books accepted as Holy Scripture (the Canonical Books) What are the Deutero-canonical Books? Books found in the Greek translation but not in the Hebrew version of the OT and accepted by the Orthodox and Catholic churches What are the Dead Sea scrolls? About 900 documents, including texts from the Hebrew Bible Discovered between 1947 and 1956 In 11 caves in &around Wadi Qumran on the NW shore of Dead Sea Only known surviving copies of O.T. documents made before 100 BC Identified with the ancient Jewish sect called the Essenes

  3. The Books of the O.T. Deutro-Canonical Books Tobit Judith Cont. of Esther Chapter 10 - 16 Wisdom Joshua Son of Sirach Baruch Cont. of Daniel Ch. 3 (cont.) & Ch. 13-14 I & II Maccabees Psalm 151

  4. Genesis (Book of the Beginnings) What are the beginnings we learn about from Genesis? 1-2 Creation Universe Man Marriage and Family 3 The Fall Sin Sacrifices 4-5 Fall to the Flood Murder of Abel; Enoch the Righteous 6-9 The Flood Renewal Covenant 10-11 Flood to Abraham Nations Who are the Patriarchs mentioned in Genesis? 12-25 Abraham 25-28 Isaac 28-36 Jacob – 12 sons: the tribes of Israel 37-50 Joseph

  5. Exodus (The Book of Salvation) Israel in Egypt (1 – 11) • Bondage • Deliverer • Confrontation • Israel in the Wilderness • Exodus / Salvation • Journey to Sinai • Israel at Sinai – Covenant & Worship (19 – 40) • Law and Covenant • Worship

  6. Leviticus What is the theme of Leviticus? And you shall be holy to Me, for I the Lordam holy Lev. 20:26 What are the special laws described in Leviticus? Priesthood: ordination, clothing and duties The laws of cleanness and purfication How many types of sacrifices described in Leviticus? what are they? Burnt offering Grain offering Peace offering Sin offering Trespass offering What are the special years described in Leviticus? Sabbath (the seventh year) and Jubilee (after seven sabbatical years) Three important annual feasts and one special holy day of worship Passover, Weeks (Pentecost), Tabernacle Day of Atonement

  7. Joshua – Judges – Ruth What are the two types of SPECIAL cities described in the book of Joshua? Cities of Refuge and Cities for the Levis What promise was realized in the book of Joshua? Inheriting the Promised Land What are the FOUR stages of the sin cycle described in the book of Judges? Compromise, subjection / slavery, crying to God, redemption / salvation How many judges we learn about in the book of Judges? Name FOUR of them and indicate if they are major or minor. Gideon (major), Japhathah (major), Deborah (major), Samson (major) What is the historical message of the book of Ruth? Boaz and Ruth were the great grandparents of David the king What is the spiritual message of the book of Ruth? True satisfaction is in Christ What are the spiritual problem and success addressed in the book of Ruth? Away from God there is emptiness but cleaving to Him there is true fulfillment

  8. Samuel I and II What the spiritual theme of First Samuel? Prayer – Hanna, Samuel’s mother; Samuel; David Who are the three main characters of First Samuel? What is their roles? Samuel: prophet of God and last judge of Israel Saul: first king of Israel from the tribe of Benjamin David: king of Israel with an everlasting covenant List THREE stories from the life of David in First Samuel? David defeats Goliath by the power of God His friendship with Jonathan, Saul’s son His flights from Saul to save his life How does First Samuel end? Death of Saul and defeat of the Israelite by the Philistines How was David’s kingdom established? He was anointed as king by Samuel while Saul was king He became king over Judah after Saul’s death He became king over all Israel, captured Jerusalem and made it capital God made an everlasting covenant with him

  9. Kings I and II How does First King start? The last days of David and the establishing of Solomon’s kingdom What was the major achievement of Solomon? Building the Temple of God in Jerusalem Why the Kingdom was divided? As a punishment of Solomon’s sin and because of Rehoboam’s harsh treatment of the people What are the divisions? What is the capital city for each? Who ruled them? The Northern Kingdom – the Kingdom of Israel – capital Samaria – ruled by nine different dynasties The Southern Kingdom – the Kingdom of Judah – capital Jerusalem – ruled by the house of David Who is the famous prophet of First Kings? Which king did he oppose? Elijah; king Ahab of Israel Who is the famous prophet of Second Kings? Elisha What happened at the end of each kingdom? Why? Israel was exiled (taken captive) by the Assyrian to Iraq Judah was exiled by the Babylonian to Iraq This was a result of idolatry and walking away from God, ignoring His warning

  10. Chronicles I and IIEzra, Nehemiah and Esther What is the focus of the two books of Chronicles? The history of the Kings of Judah (the Southern Kingdom) – the Kings of Judah were the descendants of David What was Ezra’s function? What was his focus? Scribe – revival of the Law after returning from Exile What was Nehemiah’s focus? Building the walls of Jerusalem after returning from Exile What was Esther’s major achievement? The delivery of the Israelites from the plot to destroy them all

  11. Ruth Judges Samuel I Exodus Exodus Genesis Joshua Genesis Genesis Numbers Exodus Leviticus Judges Joshua Numbers Genesis Numbers Genesis Deuteronomy Samuel I Name the Book Naomi’s difficult times Gideon’s victory Selection of David as a king Descriptions of the Tabernacle The trip to Sinai Marriage commandment The distribution of the Promised Land The establishment of the Covenant with Abraham The promise of Salvation The arrangement of Israel’s camp in the desert The war with the Amalakites The Day of Atonement Samson Capturing Jericho The trip from Sinai to Moab The Israelites in Egypt The bronze snake Joseph’s work in Egypt The appointment of Joshua to lead the people Samuel as the judge of Israel

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