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Commodity Trading at a Turning Point ? Let’s try to wrap it up…

Commodity Trading at a Turning Point ? Let’s try to wrap it up…. Prof. Dr. Jean-Paul Vulli éty University of Geneva Partner, Lalive, Attorneys-at-law. Main features of the modern commodity trading firms. Reinforced role as «bottleneck openers»

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Commodity Trading at a Turning Point ? Let’s try to wrap it up…

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  1. Commodity Trading at aTurning Point ?Let’s try to wrap it up… Prof. Dr. Jean-Paul Vulliéty University of Geneva Partner, Lalive, Attorneys-at-law

  2. Main features of themodern commodity trading firms • Reinforced role as «bottleneck openers» • Privileged position to identify and resolve problems and dysfunctions in the commodity flows • Increased role as global market facilitators • No longer mere buyers/sellers of goods Jean-Paul Vulliéty - Lalive Genève - March 2014

  3. Main features of themodern commodity trading firms • Development of new activities • From the traditional «movers of goods» to multiformat/multitask, worldwide, 24/7, transversal service providers for the optimisation of the commodity flows • E.g. weather forecast services, large infrastructure projects/investments Jean-Paul Vulliéty - Lalive Genève - March 2014

  4. Main features of themodern commodity trading firms • Increased Awareness of Concerns of the Civil Society • privileged position for the introduction, elaboration and transmission of best practices Jean-Paul Vulliéty - Lalive Genève - March 2014

  5. The Today’s Turning Point is an Amazing Opportunity… • The commodity trading actors have a key role to play in the today’s political/governmental, social and environmental debate… • … and they have understood it ! Jean-Paul Vulliéty - Lalive Genève - March 2014

  6. The Today’s Turning Point is an Amazing Opportunity… • From transit facilitator of goods to privileged facilitator/conveyor of fundamental values • Ethical values • Tracing of goods – “éthique de l’origine” Jean-Paul Vulliéty - Lalive Genève - March 2014

  7. The Today’s Turning Point is an Amazing Opportunity… • The way the commodity trading actors have responded to the needs/concerns of the civil society tends • To reflect their positive sensitivity to the fundamental changes and signals suggested by the society… • To indicate that a socially acceptable quality has now become the key parameter Jean-Paul Vulliéty - Lalive Genève - March 2014

  8. …the today’s turn is promising… • The old image of the hidden speculators belongs definitely to the past… • The commodity traders have proven that they are able • To constantly and reliably adapt to the needs and concerns of their business and social environment • To adopt/promote a critical approach Jean-Paul Vulliéty - Lalive Genève - March 2014

  9. …the today’s turn is promising… • Commodity trading was always economically “un secteur qui compte” • It has now additionally become “un secteur sur lequel on peut compter”… Jean-Paul Vulliéty - Lalive Genève - March 2014

  10. ACT • Training workshop on 1st April 2014 • A joint project of GTSA and CCIG, Conducted by arbitration and trading professionals • Role plays - Limited attendance • Aiming at giving the participants an overview of possible strategies before arbitration/mediation is engaged into Jean-Paul Vulliéty - Lalive Genève - March 2014

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