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Instruments Calibration Engineer Training - Certified Online Course

For providing the best knowledge to calibrate the instrument & to understand the requirements of calibration, Punyam Academy provides PAC05 - Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer Online Course with facility to get Free Course Demo with very compatible price at $399. For Course information or buy this course visit at: https://www.punyamacademy.com/course/laboratory/certified-calibration-engineer-training

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Instruments Calibration Engineer Training - Certified Online Course

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  1. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com Chapter - 1: CONTENTS OF CERTIFIED INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION E-LEARNING COURSE Sr. No. The entire e-learning course has 5 main parts as below Details Lectures No. of slides 1. Session – 1 : What is calibration? 18 2. Session – 2 : Uncertainty of Measurement 26 3. Session – 3 : Calibration Method and Records for Caliper 15 4. Session – 4 : Calibration Method and Records for Height Gauge 17 Session – 5 : Calibration Method and Records for External Micrometer 5. 17 6. Session – 6 : Calibration Method and Records for Plain Plug Gauge 19 7. Session – 7 : Calibration Method and Records for Dial Indicator 17 8. Session - 8 : Calibration Method and Records for Vacuum Gauge 14 1. 9. Session - 9 : Calibration Method and Records for Pressure Gauge 18 10. Session - 10 : Calibration Method and Records for Weighing Balance 16 11. Session - 11 : Calibration Method and Records for Weight 15 12. Session - 12 : Calibration Method and Records for Tachometer 11 Session - 13 : Calibration Method and Records for Infrared Thermometer 13. 13 Session - 14 : Calibration Method and Records for Thermo Hygrometer 14. 17 15. Session - 15 : Calibration Method and Records for Oven 12 16. 12 Session - 16 : Calibration Method and Records for Glass For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322 Page 1 of 20

  2. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com Thermometer Session - 17 : Calibration Method and Records for Controller with Sensor 17. 12 18. Session - 18 : Calibration Method and Records for Multimeter 43 Session - 19 : Calibration Method and Records for Temperature Controller 19. 12 20. Session - 20 : Calibration Method and Records for Energy Meter 11 21. Session - 21 : Calibration Method and Records for Clamp Meter 16 Total no. of slides (with Audio lectures)   351 Hand-outs (each session detail document is given in PDF and participant can download, print, or save it for future reference) Approx. 307 Pages in PDF 2. 19 Videos (Total 83 Minutes) 3. Actual Calibration Demonstration Videos 4. Session Exams at end of each session and Final Exam Total 22 Exams 5. Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer Training Certificate Award certificate Part – 1 Lectures: Under this part total 21 sessions are given as presentations with explanatory audio to understand the subject. Session - 1 : In this session, participants will learn about what is Calibration. It covers total 18 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 1 : Metrological Traceability as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017, Clause no. 6.5 2.What is calibration? 3.Why do we need Calibration? For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322 Page 2 of 20

  3. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com 4.Where is Calibration Required? 5.Equipment Selection 6.Types of Equipment 7.Calibration Methods 8.Metrological Traceability 9.Metrological Traceability 10.Transport and Storage 11.Requirements for Calibration through Outside Accredited Laboratory 12.Requirements for In-house Calibration 13.Requirements for Master Instruments 14.Identifying Frequency of Calibration Equipment 15.Selection of Calibration Agency 16.Selection of Calibration Agency (Continued...) 17.Elements to be addressed within the system 18.Checklist for establishing Instrument calibration system Session - 2 : In this session, participants will learn about the basics of Uncertainty of Measurement. It covers total 26 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 2 : Basics of Uncertainty of Measurement and Calculation Steps 2.What is Measurement Uncertainty? 3.Who has to Calculate Measurement Uncertainty? 4.When Measurement Uncertainty needs to be Calculated? 5.ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Requirements for Measurement Uncertainty 6.Measurement Uncertainty – Factors? 7.Uncertainty of Measurement Factors 8.Methodology to Calculate Uncertainty of Measurement 9.How many number of readings? 10.Effect of increasing number of Measurements in calculating Type A Uncertainty 11.Remember: Type- A Dependence 12.Step 3: Type – A Evaluation (UA) Methodology ( Continued...) 13.Step 4: Calculate Type – B Evaluation (UB) 14.Step 4: Calculate Type – B Evaluation (UB) (continued...) 15.Step 4: Calculate Type – B Evaluation (UB) (continued...) For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322 Page 3 of 20

  4. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com 16.Estimate the Magnitude of the Uncertainty Contributors Type- B 17.Type- B Evaluation of Standard Uncertainty 18.Step 4: Calculate Type – B Evaluation (UB) ( Continued...) 19.Step 5: Combined Uncertainty (UC) 20.Step 6: Expanded Uncertainty 21.Step 6: Expanded Uncertainty (continued...) 22.Step 7: Reality Check 23.Step 8: Reporting the result 24.Recap of all Steps for Calculating Uncertainty of Measurement 25.The uncertainty estimation process 26.Theoretical Steps for Calculation of Measurement Uncertainty Session - 3 : In this session, participants will learn calibration methods and records of Caliper. It covers total 15 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 3 : Calibration Method and Records for Caliper 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method for Caliper 3.Calibration Method (Continued...) 4.Section – 2: Worksheet for Caliper 5.Worksheet for Caliper (Blank) 6.Worksheet for Caliper (Filled) 7.Section – 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Caliper 8.How to Calculate Type A Uncertainty of Caliper? 9.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Caliper? 10.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Caliper? (Continued...) 11.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Caliper? (Continued...) 12.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Caliper? (Continued...) 13.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Caliper? (Continued...) 14.How to Calculate Type C Uncertainty of Caliper? (Combined Uncertainty) 15.Section – 4: Calibration Certificate for Caliper Session - 4 : In this session, participants will learn calibration methods and records of Height Gauge. It covers total 17 slides on below topics: For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322 Page 4 of 20

  5. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com 1.Session - 4 : Calibration Method and Records for Height Gauge 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method for Height gauge 3.Detailed Calibration Method 4.Detailed Calibration Method (continued...) 5.Section – 2: Worksheet for Height Gauge 6.Worksheet for Height Gauge (Blank) 7.Worksheet for Height Gauge (Filled) 8.Section – 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Height gauge 9.How to Calculate Type A Uncertainty of Height gauge? 10.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Height gauge? 11.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Height gauge? (Continued...) 12.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Height gauge? (Continued...) 13.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Height gauge? (Continued...) 14.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Height gauge? (Continued...) 15.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Height gauge? (Continued...) 16.How to Calculate Type C Uncertainty of Height gauge? 17.Section – 4: Calibration Certificate for Height Gauge Session - 5 : In this session, participants will learn calibration methods and records of External Micrometer. It covers total 17 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 5 : Calibration Method and Records for External Micrometer 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method for External Micrometer 3.Calibration Method for External Micrometer (continued…) 4.Calibration Method for External Micrometer (continued…) 5.Calibration Method for External Micrometer (continued…) 6.Calibration Method for External Micrometer (continued…) 7.Section – 2: Worksheet for External Micrometer 8.Worksheet for External Micrometer (Blank) 9.Worksheet for External Micrometer (Filled) 10.Section – 3: Measurement Uncertainty of External Micrometer 11.How to Calculate Type A Uncertainty of External Micrometer? 12.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of External Micrometer? 13.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of External Micrometer? (Continued...) For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322 Page 5 of 20

  6. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com 14.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of External Micrometer? (Continued...) 15.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of External Micrometer? (Continued...) 16.How to Calculate Type C Uncertainty of External Micrometer? 17.Section - 4: Calibration Certificate for External Micrometer Session - 6 : In this session, participants will learn calibration methods and records of Plain Plug Gauge. It covers total 19 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 6 : Calibration Method and Records for Plain Plug Gauge 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method for Plain Plug Gauge 3.Calibration Method for Plain Plug Gauge (Continued...) 4.Calibration Method for Plain Plug Gauge (Continued...) 5.Calibration Method for Plain Plug Gauge (Continued...) 6.Calibration Method for Plain Plug Gauge (Continued...) 7.Calibration Method for Plain Plug Gauge (Continued...) 8.Section - 2: Worksheet for Plain Plug Gauge 9.Worksheet for Plain Plug Gauge (Blank) 10.Worksheet for Plain Plug Gauge (Filled) 11.Section - 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Plain Plug Gauge 12.How to Calculate Type A Uncertainty of Plain Plug Gauge? 13.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Plain Plug Gauge? 14.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Plain Plug Gauge? (Continued.) 15.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Plain Plug Gauge? (Continued...) 16.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Plain Plug Gauge? (Continued...) 17.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Plain Plug Gauge? (Continued...) 18.How to Calculate Type C Uncertainty of Plain Plug Gauge? 19.Section - 4: Calibration Certificate for Plain Plug Gauge Session - 7 : In this session, participants will learn calibration methods and records of Dial Indicator. It covers total 17 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 7 : Calibration Method and Records for Dial Indicator 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method for Dial Indicator 3.Calibration Method for Dial Indicator (Continued...) For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322 Page 6 of 20

  7. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com 4.Calibration Method for Dial Indicator (Continued...) 5.Calibration Method for Dial Indicator (Continued...) 6.Section - 2: Worksheet for Dial Indicator 7.Worksheet for Dial Indicator (Blank) 8.Worksheet for Dial Indicator (Filled) 9.Section - 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Dial Indicator 10.How to Calculate Type A Uncertainty of Dial Indicator? 11.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Dial Indicator? 12.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Dial Indicator? (Continued...) 13.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Dial Indicator? (Continued...) 14.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Dial Indicator? (Continued...) 15.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Dial Indicator? (Continued...) 16.How to Calculate Type C Uncertainty of Dial Indicator? 17.Section - 4: Calibration Certificate for Dial Indicator Session - 8 : In this session, participants will learn Calibration Method and Records for Vacuum Gauge. It covers total 14 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 8 : Calibration Method and Records for Vacuum Gauge 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method for Vacuum Gauge 3.Calibration Method for Vacuum Gauge (Continued...) 4.Section – 2: Worksheet for Vacuum Gauge 5.Worksheet for Vacuum Gauge (Blank) 6.Worksheet for Vacuum Gauge (Filled) 7.Section – 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Vacuum Gauge 8.How to Calculate Type-A Uncertainty of Vacuum Gauge? 9.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Vacuum Gauge? 10.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Vacuum Gauge? (continued...) 11.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Vacuum Gauge? (continued...) 12.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Vacuum Gauge? (continued...) 13.How to Calculate Type-C Uncertainty of Vacuum Gauge? 14.Section – 4: Calibration Certificate for Vacuum Gauge Session - 9 : For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322 Page 7 of 20

  8. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com In this session, participants will learn Calibration Method and Records for Pressure Gauge. It covers total 18 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 9 : Calibration Method and Records for Pressure Gauge 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method for Pressure Gauge 3.Calibration Method for Pressure Gauge (Continued…) 4.Calibration Method for Pressure Gauge (Continued…) 5.Calibration Method for Pressure Gauge (Continued…) 6.Calibration Method for Pressure Gauge (Continued…) 7.Section – 2: Worksheet for Pressure Gauge 8.Worksheet for Pressure Gauge (Blank) 9.Worksheet for Pressure Gauge (Filled) 10.Section – 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Pressure Gauge 11.How to Calculate Type-A Uncertainty of Pressure Gauge? 12.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Pressure Gauge? 13.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Pressure Gauge? (continued...) 14.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Pressure Gauge? (continued...) 15.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Pressure Gauge? (continued...) 16.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Pressure Gauge? (continued...) 17.How to Calculate Type-C Uncertainty of Pressure Gauge? 18.Section – 4: Calibration Certificate for Pressure Gauge Session - 10 : In this session, participants will learn Calibration Method and Records for Weighing Balance. It covers total 16 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 10 : Calibration Method and Records for Weighing Balance 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method for Weighing Balance 3.Calibration Method for Weighing Balance (continued...) 4.Section – 2: Worksheet for Weighing Balance 5.Worksheet for Weighing Balance (Blank) 6.Worksheet for Weighing Balance (Blank) (continued...) 7.Worksheet for Weighing Balance (Filled) 8.Worksheet for Weighing Balance (Filled) (continued...) 9.Section – 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Weighing Balance 10.How to Calculate Type-A Uncertainty of Weighing Balance? For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322 Page 8 of 20

  9. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com 11.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Weighing Balance? 12.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Weighing Balance? (continued...) 13.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Weighing Balance? (continued...) 14.How to Calculate Type-C Uncertainty of Weighing Balance? 15.Section – 4: Calibration Certificate for Weighing Balance 16.Calibration Certificate for Weighing Balance Session - 11 : In this session, participants will learn Calibration Method and Records for Weight. It covers total 15 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 11 : Calibration Method and Records for Weight 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method for Weight 3.Calibration Method for Weight (Continued…) 4.Calibration Method for Weight (Continued…) 5.Section – 2: Worksheet for Weight 6.Worksheet for Weight (Blank) 7.Worksheet for Weight (Filled) 8.Section – 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Weight 9.How to Calculate Type-A Uncertainty of Weight? 10.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Weight? 11.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Weight? (continued...) 12.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Weight? (continued...) 13.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Weight? (continued...) 14.How to Calculate Type-C Uncertainty of Weight? 15.Section – 4: Calibration Certificate for Weight Session - 12 : In this session, participants will learn Calibration Method and Records for Tachometer. It covers total 11 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 12 : Calibration Method and Records for Tachometer 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method for Tachometer 3.Section – 2: Worksheet for Tachometer 4.Worksheet for Tachometer (Blank) 5.Worksheet for Tachometer (Filled) For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322 Page 9 of 20

  10. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com 6.Section – 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Tachometer 7.How to Calculate Type-A Uncertainty of Tachometer? 8.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Tachometer? 9.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Tachometer? (continued...) 10.How to Calculate Type-C Uncertainty of Tachometer? 11.Section – 4: Calibration Certificate for Tachometer Session - 13 : In this session, participants will learn Calibration Method and Records for Infrared Thermometer. It covers total 13 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 13 : Calibration Method and Records for Infrared Thermometer 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method of Infrared Thermometer 3.Calibration Method of Infrared Thermometer (Continued...) 4.Section – 2: Worksheet for Infrared Thermometer 5.Worksheet for Infrared Thermometer (Blank) 6.Worksheet for Infrared Thermometer (Filled) 7.Section – 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Infrared Thermometer 8.How to Calculate Type A Uncertainty of Infrared Thermometer? 9.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Infrared Thermometer? 10.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Infrared Thermometer? (continued...) 11.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Infrared Thermometer? (continued...) 12.How to Calculate Type C Uncertainty of Infrared Thermometer? 13.Section – 4: Calibration Certificate for Infrared Thermometer Session - 14 : In this session, participants will learn Calibration Method and Records for Thermo Hygrometer. It covers total 17 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 14 : Calibration Method and Records for Thermo Hygrometer 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method of Hygrometer 3.Section – 2: Worksheet for Thermo Hygrometer 4.Worksheet for Thermo Hygrometer (Blank) 5.Worksheet for Thermo Hygrometer (Filled) 6.Section – 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Thermo Hygrometer 7.How to Calculate Type-A Uncertainty of Thermo Hygrometer? For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here Page 10 of 20 www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322

  11. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com 8.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Thermo Hygrometer? 9.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Thermo Hygrometer? (continued...) 10.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Thermo Hygrometer? (continued...) 11.How to Calculate Type-C Uncertainty of Thermo Hygrometer? 12.How to Calculate Type-A Uncertainty of Thermo Hygrometer? 13.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Thermo Hygrometer? 14.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Thermo Hygrometer? (continued...) 15.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Thermo Hygrometer? (continued...) 16.How to Calculate Type-C Uncertainty of Thermo Hygrometer? 17.Section – 4: Calibration Certificate for Thermo Hygrometer Session - 15 : In this session, participants will learn Calibration Method and Records for Oven. It covers total 12 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 15 : Calibration Method and Records for Oven 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method of Oven 3.Section – 2: Worksheet for Oven 4.Worksheet for Oven (Blank) 5.Worksheet for Oven (Filled) 6.Section – 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Oven 7.How to Calculate Type-A Uncertainty of Oven? 8.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Oven 9.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Oven (continued...) 10.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Oven (continued...) 11.How to Calculate Type-C Uncertainty of Oven 12.Section – 4: Calibration Certificate for Oven Session - 16 : In this session, participants will learn Calibration Method and Records for Glass Thermometer. It covers total 12 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 16 : Calibration Method and Records for Glass Thermometer 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method of Glass Thermometer 3.Section – 2: Worksheet for Glass Thermometer 4.Worksheet for Glass Thermometer (Blank) For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here Page 11 of 20 www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322

  12. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com 5.Worksheet for Glass Thermometer (Filled) 6.Section – 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Glass Thermometer 7.How to Calculate Type-A Uncertainty of Glass Thermometer? 8.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Glass Thermometer? 9.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Glass Thermometer? (continued...) 10.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Glass Thermometer? (continued...) 11.How to Calculate Type-C Uncertainty of Glass Thermometer? 12.Section – 4: Calibration Certificate for Glass Thermometer Session - 17 : In this session, participants will learn Calibration Method and Records for Controller with Sensor. It covers total 12 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 17 : Calibration Method and Records for Controller with Sensor 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method of Controller with sensor 3.Section – 2: Worksheet for Controller with Sensor 4.Worksheet for Controller with Sensor (Blank) 5.Worksheet for Controller with Sensor (Filled) 6.Section – 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Controller with Sensor 7.How to Calculate Type-A Uncertainty of Controller with Sensor? 8.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Controller with Sensor? 9.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Controller with Sensor? (continued...) 10.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Controller with Sensor? (continued...) 11.How to Calculate Type-C Uncertainty of Controller with Sensor? 12.Section – 4: Calibration Certificate for Controller with Sensor Session - 18 : In this session, participants will learn Calibration Method and Records for Multimeter. It covers total 43 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 18 : Calibration Method and Records for Multimeter 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method of Multimeter 3.Calibration Method of Multimeter (Continued...) 4.Calibration Method of Multimeter (Continued...) 5.Calibration Method of Multimeter (Continued...) 6.Calibration Method of Multimeter (Continued...) For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here Page 12 of 20 www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322

  13. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com 7.Calibration Method of Multimeter (Continued...) 8.Calibration Method of Multimeter (Continued...) 9.Calibration Method of Multimeter (Continued...) 10.Calibration Method of Multimeter (Continued...) 11.Section – 2: Worksheet for Digital Multimeter 12.Worksheet for Digital Multimeter (Voltage as a source) - Blank 13.Worksheet for Digital Multimeter (Voltage as a source) - Filled 14.Worksheet for Digital Multimeter (Ampere as a source) - Blank 15.Worksheet for Digital Multimeter (Ampere as a source) - Filled 16.Worksheet for Digital Multimeter (Resistance as a source) - Blank 17.Worksheet for Digital Multimeter (Resistance as a source) - Filled 18.Worksheet for Digital Multimeter (Frequency as a source) - Blank 19.Worksheet for Digital Multimeter (Frequency as a source) - Filled 20.Section – 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Digital Multimeter 21.How to Calculate Type A Uncertainty for Digital Multimeter (Volt as a source) 22.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty for Digital Multimeter (Volt as a source) 23.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty for Digital Multimeter (Volt as a source) 24.How to Calculate Type C Uncertainty for Digital Multimeter (Volt as a source) 25.How to Calculate Type A Uncertainty for Digital Multimeter (Ampere as a source) 26.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty for Digital Multimeter (Ampere as a source) 27.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty for Digital Multimeter (Ampere as a source) 28.How to Calculate Type C Uncertainty for Digital Multimeter (Ampere as a source) 29.How to Calculate Type A Uncertainty for Digital Multimeter (Resistance as a source) 30.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty for Digital Multimeter (Resistance as a source) 31.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty for Digital Multimeter (Resistance as a source) 32.How to Calculate Type C Uncertainty for Digital Multimeter (Resistance as a source) 33.How to Calculate Type A Uncertainty for Digital Multimeter (Frequency as a source) 34.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty for Digital Multimeter (Frequency as a source) For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here Page 13 of 20 www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322

  14. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com 35.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty for Digital Multimeter (Frequency as a source) 36.How to Calculate Type C Uncertainty for Digital Multimeter (Frequency as a source) 37.Section – 4: Calibration Certificate for Digital Multimeter 38.Calibration Certificate for Digital Multimeter (continued...) 39.Calibration Certificate for Digital Multimeter (continued...) 40.Calibration Certificate for Digital Multimeter (continued...) 41.Calibration Certificate for Digital Multimeter (continued...) 42.Calibration Certificate for Digital Multimeter (continued...) 43.Calibration Certificate for Digital Multimeter (continued...) Session - 19 : In this session, participants will learn Calibration Method and Records for Temperature Controller. It covers total 12 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 19 : Calibration Method and Records for Temperature Controller 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method of Temperature Controller 3.Calibration Method of Temperature Controller (Continued...) 4.Section – 2: Worksheet for Temperature Controller 5.Worksheet for Temperature Controller (Blank) 6.Worksheet for Temperature Controller (Filled) 7.Section – 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Temperature Controller 8.How to Calculate Type A Uncertainty of Temperature Controller? 9.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Temperature Controller? 10.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty of Temperature Controller? (Continued...) 11.How to Calculate Type C Uncertainty of Temperature Controller? (Combined Uncertainty) 12.Section – 4: Calibration Certificate for Temperature Controller Session - 20 : In this session, participants will learn Calibration Method and Records for Energy Meter. It covers total 11 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 20 : Calibration Method and Records for Energy Meter 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method of Energy Meter For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here Page 14 of 20 www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322

  15. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com 3.Section – 2: Worksheet for Energy Meter 4.Worksheet for Energy Meter (Blank) 5.Worksheet for Energy Meter (Filled) 6.Section – 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Energy Meter 7.How to Calculate Type-A Uncertainty of Energy Meter? 8.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Energy Meter? 9.How to Calculate Type-B Uncertainty of Energy Meter? (Continued...) 10.How to Calculate Combined Uncertainty of Energy Meter? 11.Section – 4: Calibration Certificate for Energy Meter Session - 21 : In this session, participants will learn Calibration Method and Records for Clamp Meter. It covers total 16 slides on below topics: 1.Session - 21 : Calibration Method and Records for Clamp Meter 2.Section – 1: Calibration Method of Clamp Meter 3.Calibration Method of Clamp Meter (Continued...) 4.Calibration Method of Clamp Meter (Continued...) 5.Calibration Method of Clamp Meter (Continued...) 6.Calibration Method of Clamp Meter (Continued...) 7.Section – 2: Worksheet for Digital Clamp Meter 8.Worksheet for Digital Clamp Meter (Ampere as a source) - Blank 9.Worksheet for Digital Clamp Meter (Ampere as a source) - Filled 10.Section – 3: Measurement Uncertainty of Digital Clamp Meter 11.How to Calculate Type A Uncertainty for Digital Clamp Meter (Ampere as a source) 12.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty for Digital Clamp Meter (Ampere as a source) 13.How to Calculate Type B Uncertainty for Digital Clamp Meter (Ampere as a source) 14.How to Calculate Type C Uncertainty for Digital Clamp Meter (Ampere as a source) 15.Section – 4: Calibration Certificate for Digital Clamp Meter 16.Calibration Certificate for Digital Clamp Meter For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here Page 15 of 20 www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322

  16. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com Part – 2 Hand-outs: For each lectures, hand-out is given in PDF format. The participant can download or print any documents to read it later to get detailed knowledge of all the 21 topics. Sr. No Name of Literature Total Pages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Guidelines for Calibration Laboratories Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty Calibration Method – Caliper (Vernier / Dial / Electronic) Calibration Method - Height Gauge Calibration Method - External Micrometer Calibration Method - Plain Plug Gauge Calibration Method - Dial Indicator Calibration Method - Vacuum Gauge Calibration Method – Pressure Gauge by Dead Weight Tester Calibration Method - Weighing Balance Calibration Method – Weight Calibration Method - Tachometer Calibration Method - Infrared Thermometer Calibration Method - Thermo Hygrometer Calibration Method - Oven Calibration Method - Glass Thermometer Calibration Method - Controller with Sensor Calibration Method - Multimeter Calibration Method - Temperature Controller Calibration Method - Energy Meter Calibration Method – Clamp Meter 14 08 10 10 10 12 11 12 15 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 18 15 11 11 13 10 10 10 43 11 11 42 For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here Page 16 of 20 www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322

  17. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com Part – 3 Actual Calibration Demonstration Videos: A complete video demonstration of actual calibration is provided under this section. Calibration engineer can view and learn how to perform calibration and maintain the quality of instrument calibration process. Sr. No Name of Videos Duration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Calibration Method – Caliper (Vernier / Dial / Electronic) Calibration Method - Height Gauge Calibration Method - External Micrometer Calibration Method - Plain Plug Gauge Calibration Method - Dial Indicator Calibration Method - Vacuum Gauge Calibration Method - Pressure Gauge Calibration Method - Weighing Balance Calibration Method - Weight Calibration Method - Tachometer Calibration Method - Infrared Thermometer Calibration Method - Thermo Hygrometer Calibration Method - Oven Calibration Method - Glass Thermometer Calibration Method - Controller with Sensor Calibration Method - Multimeter Calibration Method - Temperature Controller Calibration Method - Energy Meter Calibration Method - Clamp Meter 6 Minutes 3 Minutes 3 Minutes 4 Minutes 4 Minutes 6 Minutes 5 Minutes 4 Minutes 4 Minutes 3 Minutes 4 Minutes 5 Minutes 3 Minutes 3 Minutes 4 Minutes 5 Minutes 6 Minutes 5 Minutes 6 Minutes Part – 4 Exams: Each session contains session exam, Participants have to pass the exam after completion of each session. After passing all session exams there is one final exam, participant must have to pass exam with minimum 60% marks. User can reappear and clears each exam to complete the course and get download/print their Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer training certificate. For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here Page 17 of 20 www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322

  18. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com Part – 5 Training Certificate: After passing the exam the colorful training certificate is generated and user can download it or print it. Any one globally can cross verify the training certificate through our LMS platform. Chapter - 2: COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon Completion of this course, participants will be able to: Basic knowledge of calibration such as Requirements of calibration, why do we need calibration, equipment selection, Types of equipment, Metrological, Mechanical, thermal & electro technical traceability, selection of calibration agency etc. Understand requirement of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 requirements for measurement uncertainty Understand theory of uncertainty of measurement, selection of uncertainty measurement factors, and calculation of measurement uncertainty. Understand the relevance of instrument measurement, including the use of instrument. Understand technical requirements and calibration method for relevant instruments. Preparation of calibration certificates and work sheet Chapter - 3: WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIS COURSE? This course is developed and brought to you by Punyam Academy; Punyam Academy is registered and certified under a scheme of Personnel Certification as per ISO/IEC 17024, which offers various e-learning as well as classroom training courses for working professionals, college students, and other individuals for enhancing their career to new heights. Our e- learning courses help them to succeed in today's competitive environment, to renew licenses, and to update, strengthen and add quality to their existing knowledge and skills. Our courses are also useful for those who want to get certification, or start a new profession. For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here Page 18 of 20 www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322

  19. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com Chapter - 4: USER MANUAL Compatibility and Requirements for smoothly running our course 1.Bandwidth: Internet bandwidth must me 1 MBPS or higher. 2.Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP and higher versions, iOS, Android. 3.Browser: Best viewable in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome. Also supports Internet Explorer. 4.Screen Resolution: To view slides properly, you must have a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher. 5.Cookies: You must have browser cookies enabled, so that we can maintain your current session as you navigate through the application. 6.JavaScript: You must have enabled JavaScript, so that application runs smoothly. 7.Adobe Acrobat Reader: Some documents in our application are in .pdf format, so you must have installed adobe acrobat reader in your computer to be able to read such documents that you download. 8.Pop-up Enable: In your browser setting, check Pop-up blocker off, or enable Pop-up window. 9.Speaker: You must have speakers or a headphone attached to your computer, so that you can listen to the course lecture while learning. Clickto Purchase this Course. ENROL For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here Page 19 of 20 www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322

  20. PAC05: Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer E-learning Course Duration: 25 Hours Website: www.Punyamacademy.com Chapter - 5: ABOUT COMPANY Punyam Academy is registered and certified under a scheme of Personnel Certification as per ISO/IEC 17024 , which offers various ISO Training Courses and conducts webinars for online certification as well as classroom training. We are a leading name in E-learning, training and certification on ISO standards and all other types of management system standards. Punyam Academy specializes in a complete range of courses on awareness, auditor and lead auditor courses on ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001, OHSAS 18001, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17021, FSSC 22000, ISO 27001, ISO 50001, ISO 13485, ISO 20000, ISO/IEC 17024, ISO 17034, Sedex, ISO 22301, NABH, Certified Calibration Engineer and other management system training courses. We provide E-learning courses on all of these topics through effective, enjoyable and time-saving online training sessions and webinars. We have conducted more than 300 public training programs as well as online corporate training sessions in more than 45 countries. To review how our LMS works, Visit Our Website for more E-learning Courses and PPT Packages: Click Here https://www.punyamacademy.com/eshop For more information about Certified Instruments Calibration Engineer – E-learning Course Click Here Page 20 of 20 www.punyamacademy.com E mail: sales@punyamacademy.com Tele: +91-79-2979 5322

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