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CSA3180: Natural Language Processing

This course covers topics such as experiments, outcomes, events, probability distributions, probability estimation, word probability, and independent/dependent events.

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CSA3180: Natural Language Processing

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  1. CSA3180: Natural Language Processing Statistics 2 – Probability and Classification II Experiments/Outcomes/Events Independence/Dependence Bayes’ Rule Conditional Probabilities/Chain Rule Classification II CSA3180: Statistics II

  2. Introduction • Slides based on Lectures by Mike Rosner (2003) and material by Mary Dalrymple, Kings College, London CSA3180: Statistics II

  3. Experiments, Basic Outcome, Sample Space • Probability theory is founded upon the notion of an experiment. • An experiment is a situation which can have one or more different basic outcomes. • Example: if we throw a die, there are six possible basic outcomes. • A Sample SpaceΩis a set of all possible basic outcomes. For example, • If we toss a coin, Ω = {H,T} • If we toss a coin twice, Ω = {HT,TH,TT,HH} • if we throw a die, Ω = {1,2,3,4,5,6} CSA3180: Statistics II

  4. Events • An Event A  Ωis a set of basic outcomes e.g. • tossing two heads {HH} • throwing a 6, {6} • getting either a 2 or a 4, {2,4}. • Ω itself is the certain event, whilst { } is the impossible event. • Event Space ≠ Sample Space CSA3180: Statistics II

  5. Probability Distribution • A probability distribution of an experiment is a function that assigns a number (or probability) between 0 and 1 to each basic outcome such that the sum of all the probabilities = 1. • Probability distribution functions (PDFs) • The probability p(E) of an event E is the sum of the probabilities of all the basic outcomes in E. • Uniform distribution is when each basic outcome is equally likely. CSA3180: Statistics II

  6. Probability of an Event • Sample space for a die throw = set of basic outcomes = {1,2,3,4,5,6} • If the die is not loaded, distribution is uniform. • Thus for each basic outcome, e.g. {6} (throwing a six) is assigned the same probability = 1/6. • So p({3,6}) = p({3}) + p({6}) = 2/6 = 1/3 CSA3180: Statistics II

  7. Probability Estimates • Repeat experiment T times and count frequency of E. • Estimated p(E) = count(E)/count(T) • This can be done over m runs, yielding estimates p1(E),...pm(E). • Best estimate is (possibly weighted) average of individual pi(E) CSA3180: Statistics II

  8. 3 Times Coin Toss • Ω= {HHH,HHT,HTH,HTT,THH,THT,TTH,TTT} • Cases with exactly 2 tails = {HTT, THT,TTH} • Experimenti = 1000 cases (3000 tosses). • c1(E)= 386, p1(E) = .386 • c2(E)= 375, p2(E) = .375 • pmean(E)= (.386+.375)/2 = .381 • Uniform distribution is when each basic outcome is equally likely. • Assuming uniform distribution, p(E) = 3/8 = .375 CSA3180: Statistics II

  9. Word Probability • General Problem:What is the probability of the next word/character/phoneme in a sequence, given the first N words/characters/phonemes. • To approach this problem we study an experiment whose sample space is the set of possible words. • Same approach could be used to study the the probability of the next character or phoneme. CSA3180: Statistics II

  10. Word Probability • I would like to make a phone _____. • Look it up in the phone ________, quick! • The phone ________ you requested is… • Context can have decisive effect on word probability CSA3180: Statistics II

  11. Word Probability • Approximation 1: all words are equally probable • Then probability of each word = 1/N where N is the number of word types. • But all words are not equally probable • Approximation 2: probability of each word is the same as its frequency of occurrence in a corpus. CSA3180: Statistics II

  12. Word Probability • Estimate p(w) - the probability of word w: • Given corpus Cp(w)  count(w)/size(C) • Example • Brown corpus: 1,000,000 tokens • the: 69,971 tokens • Probability of the: 69,971/1,000,000  .07 • rabbit: 11 tokens • Probability of rabbit: 11/1,000,000  .00001 • conclusion: next word is most likely to be the • Is this correct? CSA3180: Statistics II

  13. Word Probability • Given the context: Look at the cute ... • is the more likely than rabbit? • Context matters in determining what word comes next. • What is the probability of the next word in a sequence, given the first N words? CSA3180: Statistics II

  14. Independent Events A: eggs B: monday sample space CSA3180: Statistics II

  15. Sample Space (eggs,mon) (cereal,mon) (nothing,mon) (eggs,tue) (cereal,tue) (nothing,tue) (eggs,wed) (cereal,wed) (nothing,wed) (eggs,thu) (cereal,thu) (nothing,thu) (eggs,fri) (cereal,fri) (nothing,fri) (eggs,sat) (cereal,sat) (nothing,sat) (eggs,sun) (cereal,sun) (nothing,sun) CSA3180: Statistics II

  16. Independent Events • Two events, A and B, are independent if the fact that A occurs does not affect the probability of B occurring. • When two events, A and B, are independent, the probability of both occurring p(A,B) is the product of the prior probabilities of each, i.e. p(A,B) = p(A) ·  p(B) CSA3180: Statistics II

  17. Dependent Events • Two events, A and B, are dependent if the occurrence of one affects the probability of the occurrence of the other. CSA3180: Statistics II

  18. Dependent Events A A  B B sample space CSA3180: Statistics II

  19. Conditional Probability • The conditional probability of an event A given that event B has already occurred is written p(A|B) • In general p(A|B)  p(B|A) CSA3180: Statistics II

  20. Dependent Events: p(A|B)≠ p(B|A) sample space A A  B B CSA3180: Statistics II

  21. Example Dependencies • Consider fair die example with • A = outcome divisible by 2 • B = outcome divisible by 3 • C = outcome divisible by 4 • p(A|B) = p(A  B)/p(B) = (1/6)/(1/3) = ½ • p(A|C) = p(A  C)/p(C) = (1/6)/(1/6) = 1 CSA3180: Statistics II

  22. Conditional Probability • Intuitively, after B has occurred, event A is replaced by A  B, the sample space Ω is replaced by B, and probabilities are renormalised accordingly • The conditional probability of an event A given that B has occurred (p(B)>0) is thus given by p(A|B) = p(A  B)/p(B). • If A and B are independent,p(A  B) = p(A) · p(B) sop(A|B) = p(A) · p(B) /p(B) = p(A) CSA3180: Statistics II

  23. Bayesian Inversion • For A and B to occur, either B must occur first, then B, or vice versa. We get the following possibilites: p(A|B) = p(A  B)/p(B)p(B|A) = p(A  B)/p(A) • Hence p(A|B) p(B) = p(B|A) p(A) • We can thus express p(A|B) in terms of p(B|A) • p(A|B) = p(B|A) p(A)/p(B) • This equivalence, known as Bayes’ Theorem, is useful when one or other quantity is difficult to determine CSA3180: Statistics II

  24. Bayes’ Theorem • p(B|A) = p(BA)/p(A) = p(A|B) p(B)/p(A) • The denominator p(A) can be ignored if we are only interested in which event out of some set is most likely. • Typically we are interested in the value of B that maximises an observation A, i.e. • arg maxB p(A|B) p(B)/p(A) = arg maxB p(A|B) p(B) CSA3180: Statistics II

  25. Chain Rule • We can use the definition of conditional probability to more than two events • p(A1  ...  An) = p(A1) * p(A2|A1) * p(A3|A1  A2)..., p(An|A1  ...  An-1) • The chain rule allows us to talk about the probability of sequences of events p(A1,...,An) CSA3180: Statistics II

  26. Classification II • Linear algorithms in Classification I • Non-linear algorithms • Kernel methods • Multi-class classification • Decision trees • Naïve Bayes CSA3180: Statistics II

  27. Non-Linear Problems CSA3180: Statistics II

  28. Non-Linear Problems CSA3180: Statistics II

  29. Non-Linear Problems • Kernel methods • A family of non-linear algorithms • Transform the non linear problem in a linear one (in a different feature space) • Use linear algorithms to solve the linear problem in the new space CSA3180: Statistics II

  30. Kernel Methods • Linear separability: more likely in high dimensions • Mapping:  maps input into high-dimensional feature space • Classifier: construct linear classifier in high-dimensional feature space • Motivation: appropriate choice of  leads to linear separability • We can do this efficiently! CSA3180: Statistics II

  31. wT(x)+b=0 (X)=[x2 z2 xz] f(x) = sign(w1x2+w2z2+w3xz +b) Kernel Methods  : Rd  RD (D >> d) X=[x z] CSA3180: Statistics II

  32. Kernel Methods • We can use the linear algorithms seen before (Perceptron, SVM) for classification in the higher dimensional space • Kernel methods basically transform any algorithm that solely depend on dot product between two vectors by replacing dot with kernel function • Non-linear kernel algorithm is the linear algorithm operating in the range space of  • The  is never explicitly computed (kernels are used instead) CSA3180: Statistics II

  33. Multi-class Classification • Given: some data items that belong to one of M possible classes • Task: Train the classifier and predict the class for a new data item • Geometrically: harder problem, no more simple geometry CSA3180: Statistics II

  34. Multi-class Classification CSA3180: Statistics II

  35. Multi-class Classification • Author identification • Language identification • Text categorization (topics) CSA3180: Statistics II

  36. Multi-class Classification • Linear • Parallel class separators: Decision Trees • Non parallel class separators: Naïve Bayes • Non Linear • K-nearest neighbors CSA3180: Statistics II

  37. Linear, parallel class separators (e.g. Decision Trees) CSA3180: Statistics II

  38. Linear, non-parallel class separators (e.g. Naïve Bayes) CSA3180: Statistics II

  39. Non-Linear separators (e.g. k Nearest Neighbors) CSA3180: Statistics II

  40. Decision Trees • Decision tree is a classifier in the form of a tree structure, where each node is either: • Leaf node - indicates the value of the target attribute (class) of examples, or • Decision node - specifies some test to be carried out on a single attribute-value, with one branch and sub-tree for each possible outcome of the test. • A decision tree can be used to classify an example by starting at the root of the tree and moving through it until a leaf node, which provides the classification of the instance. CSA3180: Statistics II

  41. Day Outlook Temp. Humidity Wind Play Tennis D1 Sunny Hot High Weak No D2 Sunny Hot High Strong No D3 Overcast Hot High Weak Yes D4 Rain Mild High Weak Yes D5 Rain Cool Normal Weak Yes D6 Rain Cool Normal Strong No D7 Overcast Cool Normal Weak Yes D8 Sunny Mild High Weak No D9 Sunny Cold Normal Weak Yes D10 Rain Mild Normal Strong Yes D11 Sunny Mild Normal Strong Yes D12 Overcast Mild High Strong Yes D13 Overcast Hot Normal Weak Yes D14 Rain Mild High Strong No Goal: learn when we can play Tennis and when we cannot CSA3180: Statistics II

  42. Decision Trees Outlook Sunny Overcast Rain Humidity Yes Wind High Normal Strong Weak No Yes No Yes CSA3180: Statistics II

  43. Each internal node tests an attribute Each branch corresponds to an attribute value node Each leaf node assigns a classification Decision Trees Outlook Sunny Overcast Rain Humidity High Normal No Yes CSA3180: Statistics II

  44. No Outlook Sunny Overcast Rain Humidity Yes Wind High Normal Strong Weak No Yes No Yes Outlook Temperature Humidity Wind PlayTennis Sunny Hot High Weak ? CSA3180: Statistics II

  45. Decision Tree for Reuters CSA3180: Statistics II

  46. Decision Trees for Reuters CSA3180: Statistics II

  47. Building Decision Trees • Given training data, how do we construct them? • The central focus of the decision tree growing algorithm is selecting which attribute to test at each node in the tree. The goal is to select the attribute that is most useful for classifying examples. • Top-down, greedy search through the space of possible decision trees. • That is, it picks the best attribute and never looks back to reconsider earlier choices. CSA3180: Statistics II

  48. Building Decision Trees • Splitting criterion • Finding the features and the values to split on • for example, why test first “cts” and not “vs”? • Why test on “cts < 2” and not “cts < 5” ? • Split that gives us the maximum information gain (or the maximum reduction of uncertainty) • Stopping criterion • When all the elements at one node have the same class, no need to split further • In practice, one first builds a large tree and then one prunes it back (to avoid overfitting) • SeeFoundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing, Manning and Schuetze for a good introduction CSA3180: Statistics II

  49. Decision Trees: Strengths • Decision trees are able to generate understandable rules. • Decision trees perform classification without requiring much computation. • Decision trees are able to handle both continuous and categorical variables. • Decision trees provide a clear indication of which features are most important for prediction or classification. CSA3180: Statistics II

  50. Decision Trees: Weaknesses • Decision trees are prone to errors in classification problems with many classes and relatively small number of training examples. • Decision tree can be computationally expensive to train. • Need to compare all possible splits • Pruning is also expensive • Most decision-tree algorithms only examine a single field at a time. This leads to rectangular classification boxes that may not correspond well with the actual distribution of records in the decision space. CSA3180: Statistics II

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