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Web Design and Development difference

Website of any company or business is nothing but the first step of communication between owner and guest or visitor. It is an effective platform where you get directly connected with users, client or whoever is surfing your website about your company, services, plans, company policy, your past work and achievements, and many more things. This is the best way to be available 24*7 for your customer so business will go on all the time. Making a proper and effective website is an art which can successfully showcase what exactly you want to show in an effective way without creating any kind of misunderstanding and confusion in users mind.

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Web Design and Development difference

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  1. What is the Difference Between Web Design And Web Development? Website of any company or business is nothing but the first step of communication between owner and guest or visitor. It is an effective platform where you get directly connected with users, client or whoever is surfing your website about your company, services, plans, company policy, your past work and achievements, and many more things. This is the best way to be available 24*7 for your customer so business will go on all the time. Making a proper and effective website is an art which can successfully showcase what exactly you want to show in an effective way without creating any kind of misunderstanding and confusion in users mind. Good planning and organized data by estimating all further risk is a key to make a hassle-free website which seriously can lead to development in business. If you want to generate and further expand your business with a quality website then a great website development company and website design company are that the website will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can be viewed from anywhere in the world. Website Designing, as well as Development, plays an important role in the growth of the business. Both work side by side and both are the necessity to make a successful website. Together them makes a good website which is helpful for both business holder as well as User. Web Designing : Web design is a front-end process of collecting ideas, creation, with the intention of presenting the content on web pages, which the end-users can access through the internet with the help of a web browser. In short, website design is nothing but the planning, creation, and updating of websites. It also involves user interface, web structure, navigation on multiple pages, website layout, website theme, Proper Content, colors, contrasts, fonts, and images as well as icons design. Elements Considered in Web Designing : 1) Layout: With the help of layout the graphics, content get arranged. It effects on balancing data, the integrity of content in proper look and feel. The layout is a necessary part of any website.

  2. 2) Colour: The choice of color also matters and is completely dependent upon client requirement. It also depends upon the type of business, Web free color, and services and product of business. Web Designing Company pays more attention to all this small but especially important aspect. 3) Font: Font used in web designing should be as per type of business. Professional business requires professional font type. Most of the website prefer web safe font as most browsers read the only select type of font. 4) Content: This is the most important factor of a website. The content should be proper and specific giving a complete idea about the business without any confusion to users or visitors. Relevant keywords should be used which will help in Search Engine Optimization. 5) Graphics: Various graphics such as icons, images, logo, clipart are used and is placed userfriendly on the website. Font color and other factors must match these graphics. They should be used without affecting the loading time of pages. In spite of all these basic elements of web design which make a site user-friendly and beautiful, a website should consider the end user. User-friendliness can be achieved by paying attention to factors such as Navigation, Multimedia, Compatability, Technology. Best Web Design considers all these points and creates a beautiful, Responsive Website. Web Development : Company Web Development is nothing but building and maintenance of any website. Its work happens behind the screen in the backend to make a website look good, work fast, and work well. Here all the data from front end get saved in the database. All the functionalities get work because of the Web Development process. For all this process comes a true variety of server-side languages such as PHP, Ruby, Python, and Java are used. It consists of server that host website, an application for running it and database. Effective Programming solution is used to make business requirement function well. Web Development Company most commonly uses all these techniques to make a website In short, if we want to conclude difference between Web Design and Web Development then clearly we can say Web Designing is Front End work and gives the attractive site and all the working process takes place due to Web Development of that website.

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