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Clubs and Organizations

Clubs and Organizations. Find as many clubs, organizations and groups on campus or off campus (NOT in IST) that welcome graduate students and support your interests.

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Clubs and Organizations

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  1. Clubs and Organizations Find as many clubs, organizations and groups on campus or off campus (NOT in IST) that welcome graduate students and support your interests. Go out and find a club and join it/ attend a gathering. Write a blog post in which you describe the group you will join/visit. What role will this group play in your life as a graduate student? List others that you plan to/hope to join in the future.

  2. Contrary to Popular Belief ? Graduate School Academic Indentured Servitude ≠

  3. You’re Allowed to… • Have a life • Have a social life • Get out of the lab • Be part of the community • The University Community • The Greater Community • In fact, you NEED to do these things…

  4. YOU NEED TO KEEP YOUR BALANCE This is Work/Life Balance

  5. What Options Do You Have? • Minority and Diversity Organizations (Rachida) • International and Graduate Student Associations (AJ) • On Campus Social and Activity Organizations (Michelle) • Off Campus Organizations (Nick)

  6. Minority and Diversity Organizations (Rachida)

  7. Minority & Diversity Organizations

  8. Minority & Diversity Organizations Minority / Diversity

  9. Minority & Diversity Organizations CORED Mission Statement Lead and actively support university-wide diversity initiatives that foster teamwork, collaboration and communication among various racial and ethnic constituencies in order to ensure inclusion, equal opportunity, and success for underrepresented/underserved communities and community members of Penn State and the surrounding areas. http://www.equity.psu.edu/cored/ • African American students more than 3,700 • Hispanics number 1,944. • Women students make up 47 percent of the total University enrollment • Nearly 3,500 international students from 140 countries • 1,700 students University-wide are registered as having a disability, • Adult learners comprised 13 percent of the total fall 2002 undergraduate enrollment, with more than 8,700 students University-wide. • Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals, a significant number of Penn State students identify as not being heterosexual.

  10. Minority & Diversity Organizations The Commission for Women identifies areas of concern for the women employees and students of Penn State. It is a forum for exchanging ideas that can translate into improved practices to support women at Penn State. http://www.equity.psu.edu/cfw/ Current Issues Committees!!! Wage Equity:.Family Leave: Child Care: Programs MentorAdministrative Fellows Program

  11. Minority & Diversity Organizations The purpose of the Commission is to improve the climate for diversity within Penn State by specifically addressing issues affecting the welfare of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) members of the University community. http://www.equity.psu.edu/clgbte/index.asp/ To identify and mobilize a network of people empathetic and knowledgeable about LGBT issues and concerns. To provide evidence of that support by displaying a sign as a visible symbol. To reduce the fear of reprisal and discrimination of LGBT persons within the Penn State community

  12. Minority & Diversity Organizations • Mission StatementThis organization consists of graduate students, post-docs, and faculty who are involved in technology, engineering, mathematics, and the physical, natural and social sciences • be a support and networking group for women in these fields, • provide a vehicle for women's recognition as scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.. • Balancing Career with Family • Overcoming Isolation—Don't Struggle Alone • Financial Planning • Graduate School: Is It Right for Me? • Women's Health and Stress Management • Interview Skills http://www.clubs.psu.edu/up/gwis/

  13. Minority & Diversity Organizations To advocate for women students and to bring to the attention of the University, the problems and issues of women students, including sexual harassment, treatment in the classroom, institutionalized sexism, sex-based discrimination, violence against women and other conditions http://www.sa.psu.edu/cws/ The Center for Women Students has six primary objectives : - Advocacy- Information - Educational Programming - Services and Referrals - Coordination with Existing Groups - Liaison with Campuses 4 Free Sessions: 863-2027

  14. Minority & Diversity Organizations All services of the Centre County Women's Resource Center are safe, professional, confidential, and free. They are available 24 Hours a day 365 days a year. Your privacy and safety are our primary concerns. • 24 Hour Rape/Abuse Hotline:. • Sylvia Stein Shelter: • Bridge Housing Program: • Counseling:. - Do you feel safe at home?- Are you afraid of your partner's temper?- Has anyone made you have sex when you didn't want to?- Have you missed work because of an argument with your partner?- Do you feel like you can't talk to anyone about what is happening?- Does your partner blame you for his/her actions?

  15. Minority & Diversity Organizations • Women in IST (WIST) was founded in August 2000. WIST currently has a membership consisting of over sixty first-year, sophomore, junior and senior students. Madhavi Kari serves as the group's adviser. • The purpose of WIST is to promote a sense of unity among women in the Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology by offering networking opportunities, career resources, community and academic presentations, and leadership training. The organization strives to support the recruitment and sustained interest of women in the college, ensuring that female students and faculty members are equally and actively involved in all aspects of education and in the rapidly changing world of technology.

  16. Minority & Diversity Organizations http://www.clubs.psu.edu/up/bgsa/index.htm • Social: BGSA offers numerous avenues to unwind from a tough academic week including First Fridays • Cultural: Throughout the year, BGSA celebrates a number of events significant to African American's culture and history., Kwanzaa, black history month. • Education: mentoring program is in place to promote the pursuance of higher education by youth of color. • Professional Development: One of the most important goals of BGSA is to promote the academic achievement and professional development of its members

  17. Minority & Diversity Organizations http://www.foba.psu.edu/ Provide leadership and to encourage development of Blacks at The Pennsylvania State University and throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

  18. Minority & Diversity Organizations Vision:  To strengthen America by advancing higher education for Hispanic Americans.Mission: To double the rate of Hispanics earning college degrees to 18 percent by 2010. 

  19. International and Graduate Student Associations (AJ)

  20. International Associations and Clubs African Student Association Indian Graduate Student Association Pakistan Student Association Friends of Brazil Latin American Student Association Chinese Friendship Association Arab Student Association Turkish Student Association And Many More

  21. Cultural Events Hosted in Fall and Spring at the HUB (mostly) AGHAAZ – Sept 7th Chinese Cultural Festival – Oct 21st and 22nd Chinese Karaoke Contest – Oct 26th End Semester Party – Dec 6th World Cultural Festival – Sept 12th Annual EID Dinner – October 28th

  22. International Athletic Clubs Penn State Cricket Club The Penn State Cricket club intends to promote and teach the game of cricket to students, faculty and staff of Penn State. http://php.scripts.psu.edu/clubs/up/pscc/index.php Events Fall and Spring Cricket Tournaments

  23. On Campus Social and Activity Organizations (Michelle)

  24. Social Activities Bernie Zang “Hi, I’m Julie McCoy and I’ll be your cruise director…”

  25. Worship Pasquerilla Spiritual Center IST Worship Schedule for Fall 2008: http://www.sa.psu.edu/cera/pdf/worship_schedule.pdf

  26. Religious Organizations Penn State Campus Crusade for Christ Office Address: 209A Pasquerilla Spritual Center Weekly Meetings: Thursdays 7:05 HUB Movie Theater http://pennstatecru.org/ Penn State Hillel Office Address: 117 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center http://www.pennstatehillel.org/index.htm Penn State Hindu Student Council Weekly Puja. Prayer and bhajans, and a great place to meet everyone Sunday, 11:15AM - 12:30PM; 212 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center: http://php.scripts.psu.edu/clubs/up/hsc/index.php Muslim Students Association Office Address: 204 HUB http://www.clubs.psu.edu/up/msa/index.html

  27. Athletics! Penn State Cycling Mountain and Road Biking, Competition and Group Rides http://www.clubs.psu.edu/up/bike/ Ballroom Dance Club Learn to Salsa, Tango, Cha Cha, Samba, West Coast Swing 106 or 133 White Building        http://www.clubs.psu.edu/up/ballroomdance/ Penn State Karate Club Isshinryu style of Karate 106 White Building: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 7pm -9pmhttp://www.clubs.psu.edu/up/karateclub/ Penn State Outing Club Backpacking, Rock Climbing, Canoeing, and Kayakinghttp://www.clubs.psu.edu/up/outing/

  28. Politics! College Republicans Office: 310 HUB http://www.clubs.psu.edu/up/psucrs/ College Democrats Office: 313 HUB http://www.pennstatedemocrats.com/

  29. Music & Performing Arts! Penn State Concert Choir Office: 106 Music Building http://www.clubs.psu.edu/up/concertchoir/ No Refund Theatre Office: 318 HUB http://norefundtheater.wordpress.com/ Student Film Organization http://www.clubs.psu.edu/up/sfo/events.htm Penn State School of Music Private Lessons & Performance Link for non-music majors: http://www.music.psu.edu/pdfs/NonMajors.pdf

  30. Other Organizations Adult Learners of Penn State Office: 203 Boucke Weekly Meetings: Mondays @ noon http://www.clubs.psu.edu/up/adultlearnersps/ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Ally Student Resource Center Office: 101 Boucke Building http://www.sa.psu.edu/lgbt/ The Penn State Red Cross Club Office: 221C HUB Next Meeting: Monday, Nov 3 @ 7pm in 18 Henderson http://www.psuredcross.org/

  31. Off Campus Organizations (Nick)

  32. Off Campus Organizations • Churches and Worship • Human Services Organizations • Emergency Services • Outdoor Activities

  33. Churches • On Campus Worship schedule • Jewish Synagogue • Islam • Mainstream Christian • International Christian

  34. Judaism • JCC/Congregation Brit Shalom620 E. Hamilton Ave. State College, PA 16801 tel: (814) 238-4611 email:brshalom@aol.com Website: http://britshalompa.org/

  35. Islam Islamic Society of Central Pennsylvania 709 Ridge AvenueState College, PA 16803 Phone: (814) 238-2079Fax: (814) 253-3514 Email: ec@iscponline.net Website: http://www.iscponline.net

  36. Baptist University Baptist & Bretheren 411 South Burrowes StreetState College, PA 814 237–2708 ubbc@verizon.net Website: http://www.ubbcwelcome.org/

  37. Roman Catholic Our Lady of Victory Roman Catholic Church 820 Westerly ParkwayState College, PA  16801-4197814-237-7832 churchoffice@olv.us Website: http://www.ourladyofvictory.com/

  38. Orthodox Catholic Holy Trinity Orthodox Church 119 S. Sparks Street State College, PA 16801 814-231-2855 Website: http://www.holytrinity-oca.org/

  39. Lutheran Grace Lutheran Church 205 S. Garner StreetState College, PA 814-238-2478 glcpa@glcpa.org Website: http://www.glcpa.org

  40. Methodist Saint Paul’s United Methodist Church 109 McAllister Street State College, PA 16801 814-237-2163  FAX: 814-237-4221 e-mail: stpauls@stpaulsc.org http://www.stpaulsc.org/

  41. Presbyterian State College Presbyterian Church 132 West Beaver Avenue State College PA 16801 E-mail: office@scpresby.org Phone: 814-238-2422 Fax: 814-238-3524 http://www.scpresby.org

  42. Chinese Christian State College Chinese Alliance Church 1107 William St State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814-753-4441 http://www.sccac.org/

  43. Korean Christian Church State College Korean Church 758 Glenn Rd State College, PA 16801 814-234-8832 http://www.sckc.org/ Note: Korean Catholic Group (Meets at OLV, I think) http://ch.catholic.or.kr/pennstate/

  44. Hindu Temple Nearest is Near Harrisburg H.A.R.I. Temple 301 Stigerwait - Hollow Rd. New Cumberland, PA 17070 Ph: (717) 774-7750

  45. Unitarian Church Non-Denominational and Open Church Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County 780 Waupelani Drive Extension State College, PA 16801 (814) 237-7605 “…believes in and affirms the inherent dignity and worth of every person, and we include bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgender people in all aspects of Fellowship life.” http://www.uufcc.com/ Campus: http://www.clubs.psu.edu/up/uus/

  46. Off Campus Organizations • Churches and Worship • Human Services Organizations

  47. Human Services Organizations Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts • Scouting in the U.S. is split between Boys and Girls • If you are/were a Scout at home, you can be one here! • Boy Scouts • Cubs Scouts – 1st Grade – 5th Grade • Boy Scouts – Ages 11-18 • Venture Scouts – Boys and Girls Ages 14-21 • All units need volunteer leaders • It’s only an hour a week! • Camp 7 Mountains – 30 minutes away

  48. Human Services Organizations • YMCA • State College • Bellefonte • Swimming Lessons • Youth Swim Team (Bellefonte for Winter League) • Day Care and Summer Care Programs • Exercise and Activity Programs • Family-Friendly Environment

  49. Human Services Organizations Red Cross • Blood Donations • PSURedCross.org (Campus Organization) • Minimal training required to “help” with blood drives • Disaster Services • Training Required in advance of the disaster • Shelters, Damage Assessment • National Disaster Volunteers – 3 week minimum • CPR, First Aid and Water Safety Instruction • You can become an instructor and teach CPR

  50. Human Services Organizations Habitat for Humanity http://www.habitatgcc.org/Home.html • Builds affordable housing for those in need • Needs Volunteers – unskilled and skilled • You can volunteer individually or in groups of up to 10 people • For example: the HDFS Grad Students are working this one day this week

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