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  1. APLICATII ALE NANOTEHNOLOGIILOR IN INDUSTRIA ALIMENTARA • Ambalaje alimentare • The main function of food packaging is to maintain the quality and safety of food and beverage products during storage and transportation, and to extend the shelf-life by controlling the permeation of moisture, gases and other volatile components such as flavours and taints. • It has been estimated that nanotechnology-derived packaging (including food • packaging) will make up to 19% of the share of nanotechnology products and • applications in the global consumer goods industry by 2015. • The main developments in the area of nanotechnology-derived FCMs include the following: • a) ‘Improved’ FCMs in terms of flexibility, gas barrier properties and temperature/ moisture stability. Typical examples include polymer composites with nanoclay (gas barrier), silicon dioxide (abrasion resistance), titanium dioxide (UV absorption) and titanium nitride (processing aid, mechanical strength). Also under research are nanocomposites of biodegradable polymers, such as nanoclay composites with polymers of starch and polylactic acid, for improved mechanical and moisture barrier properties. • b) ‘Active’ FCMs incorporating metal or metal oxide nanoparticles (e.g. silver, zinc oxide, magnesium oxide) for antimicrobial properties. They are claimed to prevent microbial growth on the surface of plastics and hence keep the food within fresher for relatively longer periods.

  2. c) ‘Intelligent’ and ‘Smart’ packaging incorporating nano-sized sensors that can monitor the condition of the food during transportation and storage. Of particular interest in this regard are the safety and quality indicators that can be applied as labels or coatings to add an intelligent function to food packaging. These could, for example, monitor the integrity of the packages sealed under vacuum or inert atmosphere by detecting leaks, freeze-thaw-refreeze scenarios by detecting variations in temperature with time, or microbial safety by detecting the deterioration of foodstuffs. • d) Nanocoatings for FCMs with barrier or antimicrobial properties, and for ‘active’ or self-cleaning surfaces in food processing facilities such as abattoirs. • Examples of currently used nanomaterials: • multi-layered PET bottles with nanoclay composite for gas barrier. The technology is understood to be already used by some large breweries. • food containers made of plastic/nano-silver composite and wrapping film containing nano-zinc oxide for antimicrobial protection of food.

  3. 2. Ingrediente si aditivi • development of certain nano-structured foodstuffs: spreads, mayonnaises, creams, yoghurts and ice creams. • the nano-structuring of food materials has been claimed for new tastes, improved textures, consistency and stability of emulsions, compared to equivalent conventionally processed products • a typical product of this technology could be in the form of a low-fat nano-textured product that is as ‘creamy’ as the full-fat alternative, and hence would offer a ‘healthy’ option to the consumer • example: mayonnaise composed of nano-micelles that contain nano-droplets of water inside. The mayonnaise would offer taste and texture attributes similar to the full-fat equivalent, but with a substantial reduction in the amount of fat intake by the consumer.

  4. - another area of application involves the use of nano-sized or nano-encapsulated food additives: encompassing colors, preservatives, flavorings and supplements - the main advantages: - better dispensability of water-insoluble additives in foodstuffs without the use of additional fat or surfactants - enhanced tastes and flavors due to enlarged surface area of nano-sized additives over conventional forms - consumer products containing nano-sized additives - minerals, antimicrobials, vitamins, antioxidants

  5. 3. Alte aplicatii in industria alimentara si agricultura • potential reduction in the use of certain agrochemicals, and a better ability to control application and dosage of active ingredients in the field • nano-encapsulated materials and solid lipid nanoparticles have also been explored for the delivery of certain agrochemicals, including the slow- or controlled-release fertilisers and pesticides • - potential use of nano-emulsions, micronised (volcanic) rock dust, and nanosilica as a delivery system for pesticides, fertilizers and growth regulators

  6. 4. Nano-ambalaje pentru depozitarea laptelui - Packaging can directly prevent the development of light-induced off-flavor by protecting the product from both light and oxygen • High Density PolyEthylene (HDPE) bottles pigmented with TiO2, both monolayer and multilayer, at a higher thickness than current PET, are finding their way into the fresh milk packaging market. • Both provide excellent convenience through easy opening and reclosing, thus minimizing recontamination.

  7. 5. Nano-ambalaje pentru ambalarea fructelor Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill. var. inermis (Bunge) Rehd) is a native fruit of China and has a long history of over 2500 years. It has been commonly used as a drug in traditional Chinese medicine as an analeptic, palliative, antibechic and has also been commonly used as food, food additive and flavorant for thousands of years. The jujube’s ripening and senescence, triggered by the hormone ethylene, will result in a short storage life and bad quality, e.g. softening, browning, decay Much attention had been paid to the storage techniques of jujube, including heat treatments, edible coatings and modified atmosphere packing. However, most of these strategies are expensive and time-consuming. So far, the application of biodegradable films for food packaging has been seriously limited because of their poor barrier and weak mechanical properties. For this reason, the commonly used food packing materials are still natural polymers, which are frequently blended with other synthetic polymers or, less frequently, chemically modified with the aim of extending their applications in special or severe circumstances.

  8. Effects of nano-packing and normal packing on sensorial qualities of jujube (a) firmness; (b) weight loss rate; (c) fruit decay rate and (d) browning rate.

  9. Effects of nano-packing and normal packing on physicochemical indices of jujube during room temperature storage. (a) total soluble sugars content; (b) reducing sugars content; (c) total soluble solids content; (d) titratable acid content and (e) ascorbic acid content

  10. 6. Evaluarea duratei de viata a sucului de portocale ambalat in ambalaj LDPE continand nanoparticule de ZnO si Ag • Orange juice is one of the most globally accepted fruit products • Demand for naturalorange juice with high quality in terms of nutritional value, physicochemical properties and sensory characteristics with minimal or no heat • treatment has increased considerably • Natural orange juice, even kept under refrigeration, has a short shelf life due to increasing microbial spoilage • - Developing of the non-thermal processing techniques (PEF, HHP, IR, UV, and US) as replacements for thermal processing in order to keep the freshness of • the juice along with extending its shelf life; • - disadvantages: only some of these technologies are capable of decontaminating orange juice; they are energy-intensive and require costly equipment; • Nanotechnology can potentially provide solutions to food packaging challenges such as short shelf life. • Antimicrobially active packaging is a new generation of nano food packaging based on metal nanocomposites;

  11. 7. Ambalaje pe baza de TiO2 nanostructurat pentru ambalarea diferitelor tipuri de produse lactate Imagini ale probelor de brânză proapătă de vaci după 11 zile de păstrare în ambalaje care conțin TiO2, la temperatura camerei

  12. Imagini ale probelor de telemea de vaci după 11 zile de păstrare în ambalaje care conțin TiO2, la temperatura camerei

  13. Variația acidității probelor de brânză proaspătă de vaci păstrate în ambalaje cu structuri diferite,la intervale de timp diferite

  14. Variația clorurii de sodiu pentru probele de brânză proaspătă de vacă păstrate în ambalaje cu structuri diferite,la intervale de timp diferite

  15. Variația conținutului de grăsime pentru probele de brânză proaspătă din lapte de vacă păstrate în ambalaje cu structuri diferite

  16. FTIR ale probelor de brânză proaspătă din lapte de vacă păstrate în ambalaj cu TiO2

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