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Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Models

Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Models. Mapping E-R models into relations Four common data structures. Mapping E-R Models to Tables. We may not be familiar with all notations There may be E-R constructs that cannot be translated directly Multi-valued attributes

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Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Models

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  1. Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Models Mapping E-R models into relations Four common data structures

  2. Mapping E-R Models to Tables • We may not be familiar with all notations • There may be E-R constructs that cannot be translated directly • Multi-valued attributes • Ternary relationships • We may need to change the data model • Change a relationship into an entity • Change an entity into an attribute • Collapse two entities • Make a strong entity weak

  3. Basic ConversionRules • A database conforming to an E-R diagram can be represented by a collection of tables. • Converting an E-R diagram to a table format is the basis for deriving a relational database design from an E-R diagram. • Primary keys allow entities and relationships to be expressed uniformly as tables. • For each entity and many-to-many relationship there is a unique table, named after it. • Each table has columns (generally corresponding to attributes) with unique names.

  4. Representing Entities as Tables • A strong entity set reduces to a table with the same attributes CUSTOMER (CustNumber, CustName, Address, City, State, Zip, ContactName, PhoneNumber)

  5. Representing Entities • We then may need to normalize the table if it is not in DK/NF • De-normalize? CUSTOMER (CustNumber, CustName, Address, City, State, Zip, ContactName, PhoneNumber) CUSTOMER (CustomerNumber, Address, Zip, ContactName) ZIP-TABLE (Zip, City, State) CONTACT (ContactName, PhoneNumber) Interrelation (integrity) constraints: CUSTOMER[Zip] Í ZIP-TABLE[Zip] CUSTOMER[ContactName] Í CONTACT[ContactName]

  6. Representing Weak Entities • Weak entity sets must be documented by referential integrity constraints • An ID-dependent weak entity set becomes a table that includes a column for the primary key of the identifying strong entity • The table corresponding to the weak relationship is redundant

  7. Foreign key! Representing HAS-A Relationships • 1:1 - Place key of one relation into other • Perhaps they should be combined! • 1:N - Place key of parent into child

  8. Intersection relation Error! Representing HAS-A Relationships • M:N - Build a table with columns for primary keys of two participating entity sets • May add descriptive attributes of relationship set

  9. Recursive Relationships • Same as non-recursive relationships • One participant instead of two • E.g., 1:1 • Remember two alternatives • Foreign key can have NULL values (when?)

  10. Recursive Relationships • What about 1:N and M:N recursive? • Give an example of each, not from book :) • How many tables do you end up with, in each case? • How is this different from the non-recursive case? • What is the domain of the foreign key?

  11. Higher-order Relationships • Treat as combination of binary relationships • Binary constraints must be enforced with business rules • Types of constraints: • MUST (ORDER:CUSTOMER:SALESPERSON) • ORDER(OrdNo, CustNo, SalespersonNo, ...) • CUSTOMER(CustNo, SalespersonNo, ...) • SALESPERSON(SalespersonNo, ...) • MUST NOT (PRESCRIPTION:DRUG:PATIENT) • MUST COVER (AUTO:REPAIR:TASK)

  12. Representing IS-A Relationships • Specialization method • Form a table for each sub-type entity • No table for generalized (super-type) entity • Common attributes are repeated

  13. Usually same key Need this? Representing IS-A Relationships • Generalization method • Form a table for the super-type entity • Form a table for each sub-type entity (include primary key of generalized entity set, 1:1) • Common attributes are inherited

  14. Trees (hierarchies) • Nodes are entities • Only 1:N relationships (branches) • Each child has a unique parent • Root: unique node without parent • Siblings: children sharing parent • Obvious relational representation Root

  15. Simple Networks • Only 1:N relationships • But a child can have more than one parent (of different types) • Obvious relational representation

  16. Complex Networks • A child can have multiple parents of the same type • At least one N:M relationship • Need intersection relations(s)

  17. Bills of Materials • A special case of networks • M:N recursive relationships • Foreign keys in intersection relation have same domain

  18. Example: Practice!...

  19. Another Example: Overhead • EMPLOYEE: SSN, Fname, Minit, Lname, BirthDate, Address, JobTypeSECRETARY: SSN, TypingSpeedTECHNICIAN: SSN, TGradeENGINEER: SSN, EngType • EMPLOYEE: SSN, Fname, Minit, Lname, BirthDate, Address, JobType, TypingSpeed, Tgrade, EngType

  20. Another Example: Overhead • CAR: VehicleID, LicensePlateNo, Price MaxSpeed, NoOfPassengersTRUCK: VehicleID, LicensePlateNo, Price, NoOfAxles, Tonnage • PART: PartNo, Description, MFlag, DrawingNo, ManufactureDate, BatchNo, PFlag, SupplierName, ListPrice

  21. Another Example: Overhead • PERSON: SSN, Fname, Minit, Lname, BDate, No, Street, AptNo, City, State, ZipEMPLOYEE: SSN, Salary, Rank, Office, PhoneSTUDENT: SSN, Class, GflagGRAD_DEGREES: SSN, Year, Degree, CollegeINSTRUCTOR_RESEARCHER: SSN

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