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Chapter Six

Chapter Six. Pipelining. Improve perfomance by increasing instruction throughput Ideal speedup is number of stages in the pipeline. Do we achieve this?. Pipelining. What makes it easy all instructions are the same length just a few instruction formats

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Chapter Six

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  1. Chapter Six

  2. Pipelining • Improve perfomance by increasing instruction throughput Ideal speedup is number of stages in the pipeline. Do we achieve this?

  3. Pipelining • What makes it easy • all instructions are the same length • just a few instruction formats • memory operands appear only in loads and stores • What makes it hard? • structural hazards: suppose we had only one memory • control hazards: need to worry about branch instructions • data hazards: an instruction depends on a previous instruction • We’ll build a simple pipeline and look at these issues • We’ll talk about modern processors and what really makes it hard: • exception handling • trying to improve performance with out-of-order execution, etc.

  4. Basic Idea • What do we need to add to actually split the datapath into stages?

  5. Pipelined Datapath Can you find a problem even if there are no dependencies? What instructions can we execute to manifest the problem?

  6. Corrected Datapath

  7. Graphically Representing Pipelines • Can help with answering questions like: • how many cycles does it take to execute this code? • what is the ALU doing during cycle 4? • use this representation to help understand datapaths

  8. Pipeline Control

  9. Pipeline control • We have 5 stages. What needs to be controlled in each stage? • Instruction Fetch and PC Increment • Instruction Decode / Register Fetch • Execution • Memory Stage • Write Back • How would control be handled in an automobile plant? • a fancy control center telling everyone what to do? • should we use a finite state machine?

  10. Pipeline Control • Pass control signals along just like the data

  11. Datapath with Control

  12. Dependencies • Problem with starting next instruction before first is finished • dependencies that “go backward in time” are data hazards

  13. Software Solution • Have compiler guarantee no hazards • Where do we insert the “nops” ? sub $2, $1, $3 and $12, $2, $5 or $13, $6, $2 add $14, $2, $2 sw $15, 100($2) • Problem: this really slows us down!

  14. what if this $2 was $13? Forwarding • Use temporary results, don’t wait for them to be written • register file forwarding to handle read/write to same register • ALU forwarding

  15. Forwarding

  16. Can't always forward • Load word can still cause a hazard: • an instruction tries to read a register following a load instruction that writes to the same register. • Thus, we need a hazard detection unit to “stall” the load instruction

  17. Stalling • We can stall the pipeline by keeping an instruction in the same stage

  18. Hazard Detection Unit • Stall by letting an instruction that won’t write anything go forward

  19. Branch Hazards • When we decide to branch, other instructions are in the pipeline! • We are predicting “branch not taken” • need to add hardware for flushing instructions if we are wrong

  20. Flushing Instructions

  21. Improving Performance • Try and avoid stalls! E.g., reorder these instructions: lw $t0, 0($t1) lw $t2, 4($t1) sw $t2, 0($t1) sw $t0, 4($t1) • Add a “branch delay slot” • the next instruction after a branch is always executed • rely on compiler to “fill” the slot with something useful • Superscalar: start more than one instruction in the same cycle

  22. Dynamic Scheduling • The hardware performs the “scheduling” • hardware tries to find instructions to execute • out of order execution is possible • speculative execution and dynamic branch prediction • All modern processors are very complicated • DEC Alpha 21264: 9 stage pipeline, 6 instruction issue • PowerPC and Pentium: branch history table • Compiler technology important • This class has given you the background you need to learn more • Video: An Overview of Intel’s Pentium Processor (available from University Video Communications)

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