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DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS I WELCOME! Dr ELENI MANGINA eleni.mangina@ucd.ie. Practicals. Sessions as assigned; attendance mandatory Each will probably require: 2-4 hours prior to your session 1.5 hours in lab 2 hours after session

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  2. Practicals Sessions as assigned; attendance mandatory Each will probably require: 2-4 hours prior to your session 1.5 hours in lab 2 hours after session Several problems each, lifted directly from text-book Programming requires practice! 45% of total course mark!Examination will require you understand the practicals!  1 week late? Maximum of 50% > 1 week late? No marks earned

  3. Practicals Don’t cheat Cooperation and group studying are encouraged. But it’s easy to detect, andCheating will be dealt with according to theDepartment’s harsh plagiarism policy.

  4. Course outline • Java refresher • Object-oriented and modular design • Mathematical tools for analyzing programs • Remaining weeks on a variety of useful topics • Stacks • Queues • Lists • Vectors • Trees • Priority queues • Heaps • Topics relevant to all programming languages 2001 is not just a course on “more Java” A useful “bag of tools”that forms the foundationof all large software projects

  5. Textbook • Goodrich & Tomassia -- Buy it!Many useful resources at book’s web site. • You Must read assigned sections before corresponding lecture! • Otherwise you’ll be lost

  6. Java refresher • Forget Java over the summer? Try the notes, or any of the excellent books or Web tutorials (see course Web for pointers) • For Thursday: Read G&T Chapter 1 • Start Practical #1 • Some of the following details may be bewildering or overly complicated at first -- come back to these notes or resources later when you understand what’s going on

  7. Basic Concepts • Classes: a conceptual “box” that holds data (“instance variables”) and methods that can be invoked in the data. • Objects: instances of a given class • Types: classes + primitive types (int, float, ...) + built-in data structures (array) • Methods: a.k.a. “functions”, “subroutines” • Access modifiers: public, private, static, … • Expressions: create new values from combinations of existing values • Control flow: if, for, return, ... • Packages: how classes are organized

  8. Classes class Fish { int nfins; // instance String name; // variables Fish(int _nfins, String _name) { // constructor nfins = _nfins; // method name = _name; } void morefins(int delta) { // “regular” method nfins += delta; } }

  9. A complete program • A Java program doesn’t “do anything” unless is contains a special main method: class Fish { int nfins; String name; Fish(int _nfins, String _name) { nfins = _nfins; name = _name; } void morefins(int delta) { nfins += delta; } public static void main(String args[]) { Fish f = new Fish(3, "Fred"); // object creation f.morefins(4); // method invocation System.out.println("Fred has " + f.nfins + "fins"); } }

  10. Files, packages, classes • A single Java application typically comprises many classes, grouped into several packages, much of which might be shared with other applications: Human Resources Program Payroll Program package A package C package D C1 C5 C8 C2 C6 C9 C7 C3 C10 C4 package B

  11. Files, packages, classes - continued • There must be a 1-to-1 correspondence between: Classes - Java source files Packages - directories comtaining the class files /app/acounting/packageA/C1.java /C2.java /packageB/C3.java /C4.java /sharedstuff/packageC/C5.java /C6.java /C7.java /human-res/packageD/C8.java /C9.java /C10.java

  12. Creating objects and values type variablename = expression int nfingers = 4; double weight; // very occasionally, initial value inappropriate/unnessary boolean defective = weight<0; // initial value can be any expression Integer ntoes = new Integer(4); // primitive data types aren’t objects Boolean problem = new Boolean(defective || (nfingers<0); String name = "Bob"; Fish f = new Fish(3, "Bob");

  13. Simple Input/Output • Java has an incredibly complicated hierarchy of classes for performing input/output. • Output System.out.println(f.name + " has " + f.nfins + " fins"); • Input import java.io.*; // enable access to all Java I/O classes … BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String line = stdin.readLine(); // read 1 line of text Next step depends on what data type the user is expected to enter. For example… int xnfins = Integer.valueOf(line).intValue(); // expecting an integer … or … float weight = Float.valueOf(line).floatValue(); // expecting a float

  14. Exceptions • Any number of exceptional circumstances may arise during program execution that cause trouble import java.io.*; class IOExample { public static void main(String[] args) { try { BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String line; System.out.print("Enter the number of fins > "); // wait til user enters something other than just RETURN while ((line=stdin.readLine()) == null) ; int nfins = Integer.valueOf(line).intValue(); } catch (IOException x) { // oops -- something strange went wrong System.out.println("Is your keyboard OK?! -- " + x); } catch (NumberFormatException x) { // entered something like “frog” System.out.println("Integers only! -- " + x); } } }

  15. Control flow if (nfins > 10) { // execute block only if condition holdsSystem.out.println(“Are you sure??!??!”); } int a = 10, b = 20; while (a>0) { // repeatedlyexecute body until a=0 b = b+a; if (b > 60) break; // immediately terminate while loop a = a-1; } // now a=5 and b=65 for (int i = 0; i < b; i++) { // set i=0, 1, 2, …, 64a++; // shorthand for “a = a+1” } // now a=70 (and b is still 65)

  16. Expressions • float appendageCost = (nfins + ntoes) * costPerAppendage; • int remainder = numerator % divisor; // eg 5%2 = 1 • boolean probablySick = (whiteCellCount > 145); • x = ++j; // increment j, and set x to the new value • y = j++; // increment j, and set y to the current value • String fullname = firstname + "" + surname; • double w = 45; // set w to the real number 45.0 • int x = 45; // set x to the integer 45 • double y = w/10; // set y = 4.5 • double z = x/10; // set z = 4.0 not 4.5 !!??!! • double z = ((double)x)/10; // set z = 4.5 • int q = 3 + 4 * 5; // sets q to 23, not 60 !!?!?

  17. Arrays • Java has one built-in “primitive” data structure • When array is created, its capacity must be specified (with any integer expression!) and then can’t change System.out.println("Enter the number of cities >"); int ncities = Integer.valueOf(stdin.readLine()).intValue(); int rainfall[ncities]; String name[ncities]; for (int i = 0; i < cities.length; i++) { System.out.print("City " + i + " name > "); name[i] = stdin.readLine(); System.out.print("City " + i + " rainfall > "); rainfall[i] = Integer.valueOf(stdin.readLine()).intValue(); } (danger -- no exception handling for simplicity)

  18. Defining methods class Rectangle { int height, width; int area() { return height*width; } void wider(int delta) { width += delta; } void taller(int delta) { height += delta; } RETURN-TYPE NAME( ARG1, ARG2, … ) { BODY } }

  19. The Dereference (“Dot”) Operator • If X is an an object of some class C that contains an instance variable Y, then X.Y accesses that value of Y in object X • Methods work exactly the same way • stdin.readLine().toLowerCase().indexOf(“dog”) the position in that string of the first occurrence of “dog” the string formed by replacing all UPPER case letters with lower the next string entered at the keyboard the keyboard standard-input object

  20. ARRAYS public class ArrayDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] anArray; // declare an array of integers anArray = new int[10]; // create an array of integers // assign a value to each array element and print for (int i = 0; i < anArray.length; i++) { anArray[i] = i; System.out.print(anArray[i] + " "); } System.out.println(); } }

  21. Array types • An array is an ordered collection or numbered list of values. The values can be primitive values, objects or even other arrays, but all of the values in an array must be of the same type. • byte b; // byte is a primitive type • Byte[] arrayOfBytes; //byte[] is an array type: array of byte • Byte[][] arrayOfArrayOfBytes; // byte[][] is another is another type: array of byte[] • Point[] points; //Point[] is an array of point objects

  22. Creating Arrays • Use the “new” keyword • Arrays do not need to be initialized like objects do, however, so you don’t pass a list of arguments between parentheses. • BUT! You need to specify how many byte values you want it to hold. • Once an array is created, it can never grow or shrink • byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; • string[] lines = new String[50];

  23. Using arrays • You use square brackets to access the individual values contained in the array. The elements of an array are numbered sequentially, starting with 0. The number of an array element refers to the element. This number is often called the index, and the process of looking up a numbered value in an array is sometimes called indexing the array. • To refer to a particular element of an array, simply place the index of the desired element in square brackets after the name of the array String[] responses = new String[2]; //Create an array of two strings responses[0] = “Yes”; //Set the first element of the array responses[1] = “No”; //Set the second element of the array //Now read these array elements System.out.println(question + “(“ + response[0] + “/” + responses[1] + “ )”;

  24. Multidimensional arrays When the elements of an array are themselves arrays, we say that the array is multi-dimensional int[][] products = new products[10][10]; • Declares a variable named products to hold an array of arrays of int • Creates a 10-element array to hold 10 arrays of int • Creates 10 more arrays, each of which is a 10-element array of int. It assigns each of these 10 new arrays to the elements of the initial array. The default value of every int element of each of these 10 new arrays is 0.

  25. Multidimensional arrays The previous line is the same with the code below: int[][] products = new int[10][]; for (int i=0; i<10; i++) products[i] = new int[10]; The new keyword performs the additional initialisation automatically for you Float[][][] globalTemperatureData = new float[360][180][100];

  26. Multidimensional arrays Int[][] products = { {0,0,0,0,0}, {0,1,2,3,4}, {0,2,4,6,8}, {0,3,6,9,12}, {0,4,8,12,16} }; A 5x5 multiplication array

  27. Multidimensional arrays arraycopy() method: char[] text = “Now is the time”; char[] copy = new char[100]; System.arraycopy(text,4,copy,0,10); //move some of the text to later elements,making room for instertions System.arraycopy(copy,3,copy, 6,7)

  28. Multidimensional arrays import java.util.Arrays; int[] intarray = new int[] {10,5,7,-3}; //An array of integers Arrays.sort(intarray); //sort it in place int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(intarray, 7); //Value 7 is found at index 2 pos = Arrays.binarySearch(intarray,12); //not found, negative return value //arrays of objects can be sorted and searched too String[] strarray = new String[] { “new”, “is”, “the”, “time”); Arrays.sort(strarray); //{“is”, “now”, “the”, “time”} //arrays equals() compares all elements of two arrays String[] clone = (String[]) strarray.clone(); boolean b1 = Arrays.equals(strarry, clone); // Yes, they are equal //arrays.fill() initialises array elements byte[] data = new byte[100]; //an empty array: elements set to 0 Arrays.fill(data, (byte) –1); //Set them all to –1 Arrays.fill(data,5,10,(byte) –2); //set elements 5,6,7,8,9 to -2

  29. Arrays • Java has one built-in “primitive” data structure • When array is created, its capacity must be specified (with any integer expression!) and then can’t change System.out.println("Enter the number of cities >"); int ncities = Integer.valueOf(stdin.readLine()).intValue(); int rainfall[ncities]; String name[ncities]; for (int i = 0; i < cities.length; i++) { System.out.print("City " + i + " name > "); name[i] = stdin.readLine(); System.out.print("City " + i + " rainfall > "); rainfall[i] = Integer.valueOf(stdin.readLine()).intValue(); }

  30. Input and Output streams The java.io package defines a large number of classes for reading and writing streaming, or sequential, data. The InputStream and OutputStream classes are for reading and writing streams, while the Reader and Writer classes are for reading and writing streams of characters. Streams can be nested, meaning you might read characters from a FilterReader object that reads and processes characters from an underlying Reader stream. This underlying Reader stream might read bytes from an InputStream and convert them to characters.

  31. Read lines of input the user types import java.io.*; BufferedReader console = new Bufferedreader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); System.out.print(“What is your name:”); String name = null; try { name = console.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) {name = “<“ + e + “>”;} System.out.println(“Hello “ + name);

  32. Reading lines of text from a file String filename = System.getProperty(“user.home”) + File.separator + “.cshrc”; try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String line; while((line = in.readLine()) !=null) { System.out.println(line);} in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { //Handle FileNootFoundException etc.. }

  33. Print text to Output Stream try { File f = new File(homedir, “.config”); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(f)); out.println(##Automatically generated config file. DO NOT EDIT”); out.close(); //We’re done writing } catch (IOException e) {/*Handle exceptions*/}

  34. Not all files contain text, however. The following lines of code treat a file as a stream of bytes and read the bytes into a large array try { File f; //file to read int filesize = (int) f.length(); //figure out the file size byte[] data = new byte[filesize]; //create an array that is big enough //create a stream to read the file DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)); in.readFully(data); in.close(); } catch (IOException e) {/*Handle exceptions */}

  35. How to use stream classes from java.util.zip to compute a checksum of data and then compress the data while writing it to a file import java.io.*; import java.util.zip.*; try { File f; //file to write to byte[] data; //data to write Checksum check = new Adler32() //an object to compute a simple checksum //create a stream that writes bytes to the file f FileOutputStream fos = new FileoutputStream(f); //create a stream that compresses bytes and writes them to fos GZIPOutputStream gzos = new GZIPOutputStream(fos); //create a stream that computes a checksum on the bytes it writes to gzos CheckedOutputStream cos = new CheckedOutputStream(gzos,check); cos.write(data); //now write the data to the nested streams cos.close(); //close down the nested chain of streams long sum = check.getValue(); //obtain the computed checksum } catch (IOException e) {/* handle exceptions */}

  36. Sample practical problem • R1.13 - write a Java function that takes an integer n and returns the sum of the odd integers smaller than n. class R113 { static int oddsum(int x) { … return …; } } Assumption: presumably the sum of all positive ints  x ! We need to loop over all odd integers less than x We need a variable to store the sum

  37. R113 - continued int sum = 0; for (int i = 1; i<=x; i+=2) { … // i=1,3,5,… } Before proceeding… does this loop stop at the correct value of i??

  38. R113 - continued int sum = 0; for (int i = 1; i<x; i+=2) { sum += i; } // now sum = sum of all odd integers less than x Does this handle negative values of x properly? Does this handle zero properly? Does this handle one properly? Hint: what is the minimum number of times any “for” loop will execute!

  39. R113 - putting it all together class R113 { static int oddsum(int x) { if (x<2) return 0; // special case! int sum = 0; for (int i=1; i<x; i+=2) { sum += i; } return sum; } public static void main(String[] args) { int i = 6; // “regular” input int osi = oddsum(i); System.out.println("got " + osi + " should be 9"); int j = -10; // problem with negative inputs? int osj = oddsum(j); System.out.println("got " + osj + " should be 0"); int k = 5; // problem with odd inputs? int osk = oddsum(k); System.out.println("got " + osk + " should be 4"); } }

  40. Object-oriented design • Learning the basic building blocks of programming is straightforward... • On the other hand.... Designing/implementing large software systems is part art, part craft, part science, and takes years to learn. • Well-designed and built software is... • Correct - the code must do what it is supposed to • Efficient - it should do so as rapidly as possible • Reusable - the code should be sufficiently generic so that it can be used again in related systems • Readable - humans read code too, not just machines! • Extensible - the code should be easily modified to handle modified requirements ... • Read Ch 2; complete Practical!

  41. Three Fundamental Ideas • Three ways to “think like a computer scientist” in order to create high-quality software • Abstraction • Encapsulation • Modularity • These are perhaps the most fundamental ideas in all of computer science

  42. 1. Abstraction • Abstraction = distill complex software system down to a its fundamental/primitive components/properties/functions • Your simplified, abstract view of the problem will ignore (“abstract away”) from [relatively] unimportant details and capture the “essense” of the problem • Analogy. A good company manager doesn’t get bogged down in details, but rather has a high-level perspective. However: this works only when the lower-level processes are understoof well enough to know what can be ignored and what must be managed. • Example. Write program to convert from €£¥$Don’t write one function to convert €£, another for €$, etcInstead write one generic conversion function that takes as a parameter the exchange rate • Why?Correctness: easier to verify rounding is handled properly (only need to look at one function); Extensable: easier to add new currencies; Reusability: easier to extend to ºFºC, m2acres etc

  43. 2. Encapsulation • Encapsulation = design code so that each component is a “black box”: other components don’t need to know internal details in order to use on another • Analogy. The manager of a hotel conference center relies on the Catering Dept, the Cleaning staff, the Audio/Visual staff. But she shouldn’t need to know in detail how these other organizations do their job (eg, which supplies the caterer uses, how many window cleaners the Cleaning dept employs, etc) • Example. A application used by the Accounting department shouldn’t need to know anything about how the exchange rate function works in detail in order to invoke it. • Why?Correctness: If acounting app relies on implementation details of the exchange rate, harder to to know that the acoutning software works properly; Extendability: If exhange rate is modified, then aounting app probably needs to be updated too, etc

  44. 3. Modularity • Modular = program is organized so that the various functions/properties are cleanly divided into separate units of code • Analogy. The Cleaners, Caterers, Accountants, etc all have well-defined and distinct positions in the management hierarchy. • Example. The exchange rate just converts prices -- it doesn’t print them, or store them in files, or verify them for accuracy, or compare them to competitor’s prices, or... These may all be essential funtions of the accounting software, but they must not be the responsibility of the exchange rate code. • Why? Modularity makes it easier to validate, understand, extend, analyze, etc the system.

  45. Modularity - Example Building Apartment House Commercial building Two- Story house Low-rise apartment High-rise apartment Ranch Skyscraper

  46. Modularity - example • “Write a function to compute the interest earned on an amount £p invested at an annual rate of R% over a period of T years” • Right, good, modular, clean, organized, ... double earnedInterest(double p, double r, int y) { if (y==0) return p; else return earnedInterest(p,r,y-1)*(1+r); } • Wrong, bad, unmodular, complicated, messy, ... double earnedInterest(double p, double r, int y) { if (y==0) { System.out.println(“No interest in first year”); return p; } else { double prev = earnedInterest(p,r,y-1); double new = prev*r; double tot = prev + new; System.out.println(“Interest from prev years = “ + prev + “; year “ + y + “ = “ + new + “; total interest = “ + tot); return totInterest; } }

  47. Are these principles sacred? • These are principles (“modular designs are preferable”) , not laws (“valid Java statements end with a semicolon”) • Sometimes it is necessary to violate one or more of these principles (usually for the sake of efficiency) • Analogy. The Cleaners and Caterers share a sink in order to save space & money, and Fred works for the Caterers in the afternoon and the Accounting Dept in the morning. • Example. Suppose the Accounting app needs to calulate 10,000 exchange rates at a time. It is much to slow to invoke the exchange mechanism 10,000 separate times, so perhaps it should be extended to handle bulk transactions. Result: the exchange code is more complicated, harder to maintain, less generic -- but the benefit is probably worth the cost

  48. Using these ideas in Java (& other OO languages) • Abstract • Encapsulated • Modular Object-oriented programming constructs to help you write code that is more... classes inheritanceinterfaces Java does not force you to write modular/abstract/encapsulated code You can get all the rope you want to hang yourself. Designing good code takes more thought, and sometimes more code. The advantages won’t always be obvious in the tiny programs we build in the practicals. Nevertheless, we’re going to insist you stick with these principles since they will be crucial in the future.

  49. Inheritance • Data and functions are often hierachially structured • OO inheritance constructs help you to directly encode such valuable information directly in your code Simple conrete example: Figure 2.4 Numeric Conversion Linear Conversion Logarthmic Conversion For. Exch F / C m2 /acres ¥ / £ £ / $ € / £

  50. Dispatching & overloading • But what does inheritance really “mean”??!?What do such classes “do”??!? • Answer: Given some object O of class C, if the code calls function M on O (ie, “O.M()”) then: • 1. Look for a method M in C and execute it if found • 2. If M not found in C, try C’s superclass. • 3. Repeat step 2 all the way up the class hierarchy to the root, and give error if M isn’t ever found • “Overleading”: if M is defined more than once, only the definition closest to C is executed • Overloading is an incredibly powerful tool for designing software: “A $/£ exchange rate mechanism is just like a generic linear converter, except for specific functions X, Y, Z.”

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